Bike around Rochester the easy way!

This map, not meant to be comprehensive, only incorporates trails, protected bike lanes & cycletracks, comfortable Bike Boulevards, and lower-stress connections between them. Newer/younger riders would do well sticking to these lines. Riders who’ve developed their skills aren’t constrained to the lines on this map. Want to increase your biking know-how and confidence? Take one of our classes sometime.

On your phone, pull up in your browser. If settings are configured correctly, your location should appear as a blue dot. Follow the lines.

Black = trails // Orange = protected bike lanes & cycletracks // Green = bike boulevards through neighborhoods // Lilac = we think the average rider can do it without too much trouble // Red = tiny stretches of sidewalk

For help with a customized low-stress bike route from your home to your workplace or another regular destination, click here.

Map Created by: Jesse Peers, Cycling Manager