We’re calling on the Rochester community to take concrete actions to support public transportation in our region. Throughout “Transit Awareness Month” in February, we’ll be highlighting the voices of public transit riders and promoting actions community members can take to ensure that the State and Federal governments invest in improvements to our public transit system which saw over 10,000,000 rides in 2023.

  1. Write Governor Hochul to urge double digit increases in upstate transit funding consistent with past years.
    1. Type in your name and address
    2. Topic: Transportation
    3. Subject: Increase upstate transit funding to serve regular New Yorkers
    4. Message: 

Dear Governor Hochul,

Upstate New York deserves better public transportation. Transportation limits the ability of too many of our neighbors to access jobs, programs and services, especially those living in poverty and without a car. Transit systems in Upstate New York need to continue to receive a 15% increase in operating funds that support reliable bus service and good paying union jobs in public transit. New York must invest in green transit infrastructure to meet its climate goals. Expand sources of revenue for transit systems to ensure sustainable, predictable, long-term funding streams for service. We also encourage you to continue to support fare-capping and reduced-fee programs, and explore free fare for seniors and school-aged children and linking bus fare systems to EBT and other benefit systems.

Your Name

  1. Write your State Senators and State Assembly Members to urge double digit increases in transit funding and expansion of services. Click here to look up your representatives and their website contact form/email.
  2. Add your name to the National Transit Justice Campaign Pledge 
  3. Sign up for New York Public Transit Association’s emails to learn more about their statewide efforts to get better public transit.
  4. Share Reconnect Rochester’s Voices of Transit series on your social media and invite people to sign up for our newsletter.
  5. If you represent an organization and would like to join the New Yorkers for Transit Equity Coalition, please contact Cody Donahue, cody.donahue@ReconnectRochester.org.

*This content is part of a longer press release sent by Reconnect Rochester to local media outlets. To view the press release, click here.*