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Greenways 101 (Pennsylvania is ahead of us!)

Greenways 101

What is a Greenway?

The word “greenway” means different things to different people. Since the 19th century, “greenway” has been used to describe a variety of linear corridors across the land that conserve natural areas and provide people with recreation and transportation opportunities. Often greenways are associated with off-road trails, such as the Appalachian Trail or the Pine Creek Rail-Trail, although not all greenways include trails.

There is a growing national movement to promote greenways, especially since 1987 when the President’s Commission on American Outdoors recommended establishing a nationalgreenways network. A greenways network is similar to a roadway network, which connects all kinds of destinations through a linear system. However, a greenways network is designed for recreation, conservation, and smart land use – a network for people, nature, and “livable” communities.

Greenways are often established and managed through partnerships between municipalities, counties, and non-profit organizations.

Story of PA Greenways
Frequently Asked Questions
Benefits of Greenways
Greenways Glossary
Clearinghouse Database

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