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Welcoming Our New Board Members!

We are thrilled to welcome three incredible new members to the Reconnect Rochester board! Each brings a wealth of expertise and dedication to advancing multimodal transportation choices in Rochester. Their diverse backgrounds and shared commitment to making a meaningful impact in our community will strengthen our efforts and broaden our reach. Join us in celebrating and getting to know Katie, Josie, and Steve!

Katie Austin

I have long admired Reconnect Rochester’s work to make our community stronger and more equitable, and am so excited for the opportunity to support Reconnect as a board member.

I grew up riding the New York City subway and walking around Brooklyn in all weather. One of my first experiences of the power of local government to change things for the better was when the city installed traffic lights at a dicey intersection on my route to school. One of my early jobs was also transit-related: the summer before college, I interned with Transportation Alternatives, helping survey parents and other caregivers about street and sidewalk conditions for a “Stroller Report Card.”

When I first moved to Rochester, I enjoyed a daily bus commute. With two kids and a tighter schedule, I am now much more reliant on driving. We have one car, but luckily for me my husband is a runner and is generally content to motor around the city by foot.

In my professional life, I am a criminal defense attorney. Since law school, I have also worked as an immigration attorney, as a civil litigator at a big law firm, and as a law clerk for two federal appeals court judges.

Josie McClary

My name is Josie McClary. I was born in Brooklyn, New York and moved to Rochester in 1989. Along with my four children and 3 grandchildren we call Rochester home. Growing up in NYC with both my parents we walked and took public transportation everywhere as my parent did not drive. As you can imagine that took a lot of planning ahead to ensure you made it to appointments, events and functions on time.

I have been employed by Monroe County for 29 years and currently work for Monroe County Executive Adam Bello as his Chief Community Engagement Officer. Prior to that I was Adam’s Executive Administrative Assistant.

My passion for community engagement and organizing goes back to my childhood days in Brooklyn where I watched my parents get involved in our community affairs and well-being. Both of my parents were civil servants working for the school system in NYC. They would organize block parties, neighborhood meetings and church events. They understood knowledge and education of the systems, laws, practices and procedures that would mold our lives was very important.

When I was President of the 19th Ward Community Association I was introduced to Reconnect Rochester and their work. I respectfully love the advocacy and community engagement work that they do. Whether it’s a street makeover, showing a film, or hosting a bike event, Reconnect Rochester is a champion in creating better mobility for the City of Rochester and Monroe County.

When my grandson best friend Ryan Gratham Jr. was hit and killed on Thurston Road, June of 2023 once again I was able to see the support Reconnect Rochester gave a grieving community. Farasa Brown and I along with community petitioned to get some traffic safety measures in place at the accident site. Today we have a crosswalk and Rapid Beacon Lights. Still there is much work to do in the area of pedestrian traffic safety.

Steve Roll

For most of my adult life, I only got around by car. I didn’t own a bike and never rode the bus. I grew up with epilepsy, and in 2019, I had a seizure again. This meant I wasn’t allowed to drive for about a year. During that time, I realized firsthand the challenges of living in Rochester without a car. This experience is why I became an active advocate for multimodal transportation with Reconnect Rochester.

Living in Rochester, I rely on bicycling, public transit, and walking to get around and that has given me valuable insights into both the possibilities and current limitations of Rochester’s transportation infrastructure. As a non-driver, I think I bring a unique perspective to discussions about how safe, reliable, and accessible transportation options are important for the 1/4 of Rochester households who don’t have access to a car.

Beyond my transportation advocacy, I’m an actuary and co-owner of Rising Fellow, an actuarial exam prep business, and an active member of Roc City Rotary. I grew up in the Rochester area and moved back here after living eight years in New Hampshire and Colorado because Rochester is a great place to live, and I want to be part of it.

I’m excited about joining the Reconnect Rochester board. I believe my combination of lived experience and professional skills will help advance Reconnect’s mission of making Rochester a more walkable, bikeable, and transit-friendly city for ALL its residents.

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Announcing the Winners of the 2024-25 Complete Streets Makeover

(Drumroll please…)

Announcing the Winners of the 2024-2025 Complete Streets Makeover

In August, we asked you to help identify the intersections and trouble-spots in your daily travels where you don’t feel comfortable walking or biking, and that could be designed to be safer for everyone.

A big shout out to all those who took the time to submit a nomination! We received a total of 64 nominations for 39 locations in Monroe County.

Click here to view the nomination locations in Google Maps

Met with such esteemed and thought-provoking submissions, the Steering Committee employed the utmost levels of consideration to determine the winners for this year! After establishing criteria for both the Complete Streets Makeover Winner and the Design Rendering Winner, we reviewed each and every submission with painstaking care.

Without Further Ado, Our Winners!

  • COMPLETE STREETS MAKEOVER WINNER: Avenue D & Hollenbeck St in the El Camino neighborhood
  • DESIGN RENDERING WINNER: Webster Ave and Bay St in the Beechwood neighborhood

Why Avenue D & Hollenbeck?

  • Street redesign potential
  • High degree of safety concerns showing need for intervention
  • Strong community support from impassioned residents and community organizations to combat the area’s historical marginalization

We will collaborate with organizations such as the Ave D R-Center, the Northeast Neighborhood Service Center, and Ibero-American Action League to help us capture the spirit of El Camino and transform this intersection in the spring of 2025!

Next Steps…

We’ll hold a Community Workshop in February to gain insight from the residents of the El Camino neighborhood about the enhancements they would like in the intersection. No one understands what it’s like to use our streets better than those who walk, bike, roll, and ride along them everyday.

Our friends in the complete streets design team at Stantec will use community input from the workshop to create conceptual design enhancements of an improved streetscape. We’ll then see these concepts transform into reality through a temporary on-street installation in May. This transformation is only possible through the input and support of neighborhood residents coming out to help with the installation. Keep a look out for updates along the way!

Let’s not forget about our Design Rendering Winner (Webster Ave & Bay St)!

The design team at Stantec will create a conceptual drawing of street design improvements that will be given to the communities surrounding Webster & Bay. The neighborhoods can use these illustrations as a launch pad for community discussion, and a tool to help advocate for changes that would make these streets safer for everyone.

Do you have an intersection where you don’t feel safe? Although our Complete Streets Makeover nominations are closed for the year, you can always fill out the Traffic Safety Concern form from Monroe County to ask for special attention for trouble spots in your daily travels!

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Top 10 Things We’re Most Proud of in 2024

2024 was another non-stop busy year at Reconnect Rochester as we worked on many fronts, both on stage and behind the scenes, to champion better mobility in Monroe County. Check out below the Top 10 things we’re most proud of accomplishing this year. 

We do not do this work alone, and give thanks to all the people and partners who took part in these efforts by bringing your energy and gifts to this work — whether coming out for a community bike ride or rally, showing up to public meeting, partnering with us on a project, or sharing the good word on social media. All of it counts in this mobility movement we’re building together!

Financial support is another way to be part of the movement. We hope you’ll consider making a donation to Reconnect Rochester so we can keep up the good work! 

Top 10 Things We’re Most Proud of in 2024

(In no particular order of importance)


Building Bike Community

Through bike classes, tours, community rides and pit stops, we work to build bike community and educate and inspire more folks to get on bikes, always innovating and finding new ways to reach people. In 2024, we hosted our first mass bike rally at the Ride for the Spine, where over 150 cyclists rode from Genesee Valley Park to meet up with our top public officials on the steps of City Hall. Rochester Bike Week in May keeps getting bigger and better every year and we got great visibility and news coverage to show off our incredible bike community! We also hosted a community conversation about how to start a “bike bus” to school, piloted an after school bike club at RCSD School # 12, and kept churning out great social media and blog content in our #ROCbyBike and Surprisingly Easy by Bike series.

There are so many accomplishments we now have a TOP 10 CYCLING HIGHLIGHTS list our rock star cycling manager, Jesse Peers, put together if you want to check that out!


Securing Funding for Intercity Bus Terminal

Our biggest win of the year came in April with news of $18 million in the NYS budget to fund the Intermodal Station Phase II bus terminal expansion, which means that people traveling to and from our region by bus will at last be provided what they deserve – a comfortable and respectable place to wait. Reconnect Rochester played a pivotal role working for several years behind the scenes to rally support. If you’re one of the 500+ concerned citizens who signed our petition during the final push, thank you for proving that citizen action works!  A big shout out to State Senator Jeremy Cooney for championing this project and the entire NYS Delegation for bringing this funding home to our community.


Adopting ROC Vision Zero

In June, Mayor Evans stepped up to declare a Vision Zero commitment, with the goal of bringing the number of traffic fatalities and severe injuries down to zero, making the City of Rochester became the first city outside of NYC to adopt a Vision Zero commitment. This wouldn’t have been possible without Reconnect Rochester’s persistent advocacy and City Councilmember Mitch Gruber also championing the idea! ROC Vision Zero is a comprehensive set of solutions that includes street design, community outreach and education, policy changes, and driver accountability measures. As we gathered with the families of crash victims on the World Day of Remembrance in November, we were reminded how critical this work is to reducing harm and saving lives.


Expanding Advocacy Efforts in Monroe County

Thanks to our awesome advocacy team, we’ve wildly expanded our efforts in the towns and suburbs of Monroe County this year. Forming a new walk-bike advocate group that now meets quarterly, joining community partners to organize a walk audit on Calkins Road in Henrietta, and laying the groundwork for an advocacy push for improvements on Empire Boulevard, are just a few examples of how we are making inroads (pardon the pun).


Amping Up Statewide Advocacy

In 2024, our advocacy team, led by Cody Donahue, grew our network of statewide partners and we’re doing more than ever to advocate for statewide legislation and budget investments that will support public transit and safer streets. We traveled to Albany in January to share our transportation priorities with lawmakers, and again in May with the Safe Streets Coalition. We’re participating in even more coalition groups, partnering with like-minded folks in coalition groups like New Yorkers for Transportation Equity. With lots of NYS offices on the ballot, our candidate questionnaire informed the electorate about their views on matters of mobility. We have an incredible State Delegation full of champions for mobility, and this year, we celebrated the appointment of Senator Jeremy Cooney as Chair of the NYS Senate Transportation Committee!


Engaging the Community

One of our favorite things is to host quarterly Engagement Breakfasts, open to anyone interested in learning more about our work and plugging in. Every gathering brings a new mix of people, and fruitful connections and conversations. In addition to inviting people in, we are going to where people are, talking up mobility at marches, community meetings and events around the community. The list of subscribers to our Mobility Action Alerts that provide real-time opportunities to take action, has grown to over 300 folks from all over Monroe County who’ve signed up to be part of the mobility movement!


Celebrating Safe Streets Investments

We had lots of thrills this year celebrating major investments that will be made in the coming years to improve safety for people walking and biking in Monroe County. In the first round of Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant funding, the City of Rochester and Genesee Transportation Council were awarded a combined total of $4.9 million for plans to improve sidewalks, bus stops, bike facilities and trails. Later in the year, Senator Schumer announced another $23M investment will be coming to Rochester to implement protective bike and pedestrian infrastructure. Rochester is also receiving $2.5 million in CMAQ funds for traffic calming elements on 15 more miles of designated Bicycle Boulevard routes. We can feel good that our letters of support and vocal advocacy played a part in these wins for better mobility!


Sparking Land Use Conversation

This year, we put a spotlight on smart land use policies as a key ingredient to creating transit rich communities. Over 180 people joined us for The Sprawl Effect edition of Rochester Street Films where we explored the costs and consequences of our auto-centric land use policies, and how we can grow our communities smarter to deliver access, vitality and upward mobility. The focus on this topic came from discussions around the Transportation Impact Collective table. The TIC is a 20-member group that exists to unite local efforts around equitable, systemic solutions to address our region’s transportation challenges, and Reconnect Rochester provides “backbone” support to the group.  


Engaging Local Media

Building on our Open Letter to the Rochester Media blog post last year, this year we invited members of the media to have a deeper conversation about responsible coverage of crash reporting. Our engagement effort has been bearing fruit all year as we’ve seen more informed coverage of crashes, more stories covering mobility topics, increased outreach to Reconnect as a source of expertise and information, and increased interest in covering matters of transportation that affect everyday people. 


Building an All Star Staff Team

In 2024, we bid sad farewells to a few key staff members that moved on to new challenges, but happily welcomed some fantastic new additions to our staff team, including Lourdes Sharp in the newly created role of Project Manager. Human power means more impact, and we are loving all the new and expanded ways we’ve been able to fulfill our promise to pursue hopes and dreams for mobility in Monroe County.

Reconnect Rochester’s organizational growth has been made possible in great part by the continued support of Dr. Scott MacRae, a generous grant from the ESL Charitable Foundation’s Building Strong Neighborhoods initiative, and a growing base of supporting members — folks like you who share ownership for the mission and express that with your dollars. If you like what we do, we hope you will consider making a one-time or monthly donation to join us as a Reconnect member!

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Where They Stand: 2024 Candidates for US House of Representatives, NY Senate, & NY Assembly

Reconnect Rochester surveyed general election candidates for US House of Representatives, NY Senate, and NY Assembly to learn where they stand on issues related to transportation and mobility.

Questions were designed to give the candidates the opportunity to share their opinions, ideas and vision for a well-connected and accessible community.  We contacted every campaign by email or mail to request a response.

Click on the candidate names below to read their full, unedited responses. 

We hope this information will help you make an informed decision when you head to the polls! Early voting starts Saturday, October 26th and runs through Sunday, November 3rd. Click here to find early voting sites!

To check if you are registered to vote, confirm your polling location for November 5th, and even see a preview of what your ballot will look like: click here.

Candidates for US House of Representatives 25th District

Joe Morelle

Candidate Email:



1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

Rochester and Monroe County face several key transportation challenges, including aging infrastructure, limited public transit options, and pedestrian safety concerns. Many of our roads, bridges, and public transit systems need updates and repairs to keep up with modern demands. Furthermore, residents in rural areas have limited access to reliable transit, which restricts their mobility and access to employment and services. And sadly, our streets are often unsafe for pedestrians and bicyclists, leading to too many tragic incidents each year. Addressing these issues requires a coordinated, long-term approach to make transportation safer, more reliable, and more equitable for everyone in our community.

2. In the U.S., pedestrian fatalities are up 83% since 2009. In Monroe County, an average of 10 bicyclists and pedestrians die on our streets every year and thousands more are injured. Rochester recently announced a commitment to “ROC Vision Zero” aiming to eliminate traffic deaths from our streets. If elected, would you support this program and if so, how?

Yes, I am already working closely to support the ROC Vision Zero initiative. This commitment to eliminating traffic deaths is essential for improving public safety and enhancing our quality of life. I recently helped secure $23 million in federal funding for the City of Rochester’s Safe Streets for All initiative, which closely aligns with ROC Vision Zero. Through this type of coordinated collaboration with elected officials, community organizations, and local advocacy leaders, we can create safer streets and save lives.

3.  Recently, the House majority leadership recently released a proposed Transportation budget that included large cuts to transit and safe streets funding that would pull back on the commitments made in the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). These cuts appear to halt efforts to repair aging infrastructure, expand transit options, and move towards a cleaner, more equitable transportation system. As THUD appropriations negotiations are continued, how will you ensure that mass transportation and safer streets continue to receive funding?

I am committed to ensuring that Monroe County receives its fair share of funding to support mass transportation and safer streets. We cannot afford to backtrack on the critical progress we’ve made in upgrading infrastructure, improving public transit, and developing sustainable transportation systems. I will continue to utilize my position on the House Appropriations Committee to deliver funding for critical infrastructure projects.

4. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

I have always been a steadfast ally in the effort to make our streets safer and more accessible to everyone. I have been proud to utilize my position to advocate for infrastructure improvements that protect pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers alike while prioritizing transportation investments that reconnect our communities and uplift underserved communities. I look forward to the opportunity to continue fighting for the needs of our community and working collaboratively to implement solutions that improve access to transportation and mobility for all.

Gregg Sadwick

Candidate Email: Not available



We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Luther Layne

Candidate Email:



We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Candidates for NY Senate 54th District:

Scott Comegys

Candidate Email: 


1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

I would say that the challenges for transportation in Monroe County stem from the disconnectedness it has due to sprawling development. Housing developments continually sprout without thought to access to basic needs like groceries, pharmacies, schools, or healthcare facilities while commercial properties were developed without thought to how communities would access them except by traversing busy roadways. Everything has been developed with the idea that everyone would have access to automobiles. Very little effort was put into past development to ensure that there were good pedestrian and bicycle friendly ways of getting from home to work to basic needs facilities to recreation. This, in turn, has also contributed to communities being cut off from each other as we place senior living in one area away from suburban middle class communities away from lower income affordable housing, resulting in the need for more public transportation systems, many of which are inefficient and expensive in their operation.

The greatest challenge Monroe County has in relation to transportation at this point is creating the connections between communities so that the people can easily go from home to all the places they need to go, whether by foot, pedal, or motor.

2. In the U.S., pedestrian fatalities are up 83% since 2009. In Monroe County, an average of 10 bicyclists and pedestrians die on our streets every year and thousands more are injured. Rochester recently announced a commitment to “ROC Vision Zero” aiming to eliminate traffic deaths from our streets. If elected, would you support this program and if so, how?

After reviewing the initial proposals I would support this initiative by finding funding resources in the state budget that could support the design and infrastructure costs necessary. Bear in mind that the state cannot fully fund the initiative just for the city, but should create a program to fund these types of initiatives for many different areas around the state. My district is largely a rural district, but has some other urban areas that could benefit from similar programs. Monroe County can be the test subject and success can be beneficial to many areas in the district. I am particularly supportive of the bicycle network idea as that can also create safe ways to connect the city with rural areas. I am leery of the automated traffic enforcement proposal and would have to see what exactly that entails. While I agree that reduced speed also reduces accidents and fatalities, I worry that the automation would not have the intended effect and may cause more expensive legal battles than cause better traffic behaviors.

3. The Governor’s pause of congestion pricing has put the MTA in a financial emergency and has threatened jobs across our region. When the MTA is in trouble, Albany often prioritizes downstate before addressing upstate transit needs. How would you work to find a reliable funding source for capital and operating costs of public transportation in Monroe County?

This is where building a stronger upstate coalition is necessary with the goal of reminding the State of NY that the Finger Lakes Region, as well as Upstate and Western NY Regions, contribute a great deal to the state and deserve equitable distribution of resources. If, in order to ensure the resources get to our region as well, we need to insist on the congestion pricing being put in place, that is one avenue. However, perhaps the better option is to invest more in our transportation infrastructure and public transportation services so we can better market our areas as places that can provide more of what NYC is famed for and create a shift that brings more people and commerce to our area, ease some of the burden NYC is dealing with, and create a healthier, stronger economy statewide. We have to do better marketing the Finger Lakes as a better region to live, work, do business in, and play to entice people here, and those resources the state can provide will have a better impact if invested here.

4.  Amtrak’s Empire Service has far exceeded pre-pandemic ridership numbers and trains to NYC regularly sell out Thursday-Sunday. What actions by the NYS legislature will you take to support the expansion of rail service and make other improvements to inter-city travel in upstate New York?

Ultimately the answer here has to be more investment in the infrastructure surrounding rail service, ensuring that stations are found in more communities, are easily accessible, and working to ensure that operations are run convenient to the public. What I would really like to see in NYS is a high speed rail system, which I believe will become more of a priority if we are increasing the use of rail in the state as it is, supporting that system with better stations, more convenient ways of accessing the system, and keeping the ticket prices affordable. Naturally, partnering with federal government partners increases the likelihood of this happening, so I would also assist in efforts making the case to those federal colleagues.

5. Many residents of the Rochester area either can’t, or can barely afford to own a car. To meet our climate goals, personal vehicle trips will have to be reduced. How will you support transportation options such as walking, biking and public transportation in our community, and improve accessibility to jobs and resources for residents who don’t own or want to use a car?

This gets into my first statement with the challenges that Monroe County (and to be honest every county) faces with regards to transportation. To be more environmentally friendly and sustainable, which helps to meet our climate goals, we have to look at redesigning neighborhoods to ensure that resources are within the neighborhoods, that we are not creating so much division between demographics (such as the separation of senior living, affordable housing neighborhoods, and random cul de sacs), that the spaces are walkable and bikeable, have public transportation that can run efficiently and with vehicles that are not powered by fossil fuels.

While we are supporting this redesign we should make more of an effort to increase education about the benefits of connected communities. If any of this is to work we have to have the people supporting the effort, and they won’t so that unless we demonstrate the benefits they will enjoy. Sadly, at this point people need to be convinced that being more connected physically is actually healthier, more affordable, and more secure than having jobs and resources being located 5 or more miles away from home and cars being a necessity for survival.

Lastly, let’s talk about public transportation again in a broader county and district sense. We are aware that we can run buses in a city an they will get regular ridership. The farther out we go the ridership numbers go down both due to fewer people living in concentration as well as the frequency for need of transportation and the increase in distances between homes and access points for public transportation. I will be honest in that I don’t have a real solution for making public transportation accessible in these types of areas, but I believe that if we had a better system of light rail, buses, and on demand public transportation we could reduce the need for everyone to have an automobile. I realize that is an incredibly safe thing to say, but I am willing to commit time and resources to create a good solution.

6. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you? 

I am standing up, as an ordinary citizen, to put in the hard work to find the solutions to all of these questions about transportation and every other priority the state has, rather than behave as those who have served this district in the past who have focused on coming up with reasons for why we can’t move forward with solutions. My focus on what we can do and finding ways for how our goals can be accomplished is what we need right now if we want a state that is more affordable, more vibrant, and more secure and fulfills its potential as being a place where everyone can live the life they choose as their genuine self with dignity, prosperity, security, and justice. That is what you are voting for by voting for me.

Pamela Helming

Candidate Email:



We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Candidates for NY Senate 55th District:

Samra Brouk

Candidate Email: 


1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

The greatest transportation challenges facing Rochester and Monroe County are equity, justice, and vision. Equity involves ensuring that communities receive the necessary state and federal funding, as well as making investments in transportation that prioritize a multi-modal focus. It also pertains to which communities receive funding, linking directly to the challenge of justice. Justice means addressing the historical wrongs of transportation design and implementation that have left communities scarred and divided. It requires ensuring that new investments do not replicate past harms. Ultimately, we need a vision for transportation that serves everyone and every community—a vision capable of withstanding the climate crisis, healing the wounds of a century of transportation decisions, and empowering our community in every facet.

2. In the U.S., pedestrian fatalities are up 83% since 2009. In Monroe County, an average of 10 bicyclists and pedestrians die on our streets every year and thousands more are injured. Rochester recently announced a commitment to “ROC Vision Zero” aiming to eliminate traffic deaths from our streets. If elected, would you support this program and if so, how?

I will support ROC Vision Zero. Communities across the United States and around the world have successfully committed to Vision Zero, and it is crucial for Rochester to join them. As an elected official, I will advocate for ROC Vision Zero by ensuring that the state provides the necessary resources to implement policies such as traffic calming measures, equitable investments, and enforcement support.

3. The Governor’s pause of congestion pricing has put the MTA in a financial emergency and has threatened jobs across our region. When the MTA is in trouble, Albany often prioritizes downstate before addressing upstate transit needs. How would you work to find a reliable funding source for capital and operating costs of public transportation in Monroe County?

Since taking office, I have advocated for an independent and reliable funding source for upstate transportation in each state budget process. Monroe County and the greater upstate transportation network would greatly benefit from a dedicated revenue source. While there are multiple possibilities for this funding, it is essential that we do not impose another tax burden on residents. Instead, we should explore the largely untapped potential of taxing the ultra-wealthy and mega-corporations to finance the transportation improvements we need and contribute as it directly contributes to a more mobile and productive workforce as well.

4.  Amtrak’s Empire Service has far exceeded pre-pandemic ridership numbers and trains to NYC regularly sell out Thursday-Sunday. What actions by the NYS legislature will you take to support the expansion of rail service and make other improvements to inter-city travel in upstate New York?

While in Albany, I was proud to help pass train safety legislation through the Senate and pleased to see some of that legislation signed into law. However, this is only the first step in bringing New York’s train infrastructure into the twenty-first century. I will support initiatives that increase state involvement in expanding our rail services in Upstate New York, whether through studies on new routes, additional funding for existing corridors, or partnerships to ensure federal investments reach Upstate New York, where we see firsthand the demand for enhanced rail services.

5. Many residents of the Rochester area either can’t, or can barely afford to own a car. To meet our climate goals, personal vehicle trips will have to be reduced. How will you support transportation options such as walking, biking and public transportation in our community, and improve accessibility to jobs and resources for residents who don’t own or want to use a car?

Supporting investments, such as the newly funded long-distance bus terminal included in this year’s state budget, will continue to be a priority of mine in every budget cycle. Transportation dollars should not be allocated solely for private vehicles; they must be used in a diverse and multi-modal fashion. By funding a range of transportation options, we can encourage more individuals to forgo driving while simultaneously improving the essential public transit services that many people across the economic spectrum rely on every day. Transportation justice and climate justice go hand in hand, and our actions must reflect this connection.

6. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you? 

As a parent, I understand the statistics that highlight the dangers of vehicle-related accidents for children. We owe it to not only the children in our communities but also to everyone who travels by bike, bus, train, on foot, or private vehicle, to create safer streets. Safer streets are essential not only for our climate future but also in our pursuit of justice. Addressing the wrongs of past transportation development and investments requires a committed approach that centers on multi-modal and community-focused design. I am dedicated to making these investments as an elected official.

Luis A. Martinez

Candidate Email:



This candidate declined to return our survey.

Candidates for NY Senate 56th District:

Jeremy Cooney

Candidate Email:


1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

Access to public transportation is one of the region’s greatest transportation challenges. I believe RTS and the RTS drivers do a great job with the resources they have available. However, we can greatly increase ridership, and to do that we must increase route frequency and dependability. The only way RTS can achieve this is with increased STOA funding, and I commit to fighting for a significant STOA increase next year as Chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee.

2. In the U.S., pedestrian fatalities are up 83% since 2009. In Monroe County, an average of 10 bicyclists and pedestrians die on our streets every year and thousands more are injured. Rochester recently announced a commitment to “ROC Vision Zero” aiming to eliminate traffic deaths from our streets. If elected, would you support this program and if so, how?

Increasing pedestrian and bicyclist safety is a priority of mine as Transportation Chairman, and as a Senator for the 56th District. Earlier this year, I secured a state grant for Reconnect Rochester to support their bicyclist safety programs. I stand ready to support the City of Rochester with their ROC Vision Zero program in any way I can be helpful.

3. The Governor’s pause of congestion pricing has put the MTA in a financial emergency and has threatened jobs across our region. When the MTA is in trouble, Albany often prioritizes downstate before addressing upstate transit needs. How would you work to find a reliable funding source for capital and operating costs of public transportation in Monroe County?

Upstate transit agencies need a dedicated revenue stream. In the 2024 State Budget, I advocated for dedicated revenue to support STOA, such as a tax on rental cars. I will continue this fight with the 2025 budget. Upstate deserves it’s fair share.

4. Amtrak’s Empire Service has far exceeded pre-pandemic ridership numbers and trains to NYC regularly sell out Thursday-Sunday. What actions by the NYS legislature will you take to support the expansion of rail service and make other improvements to inter-city travel in upstate New York?

Passenger rail is an issue I care deeply about. I recently met with the NYS Department of Transportation on this subject and expressed my support for increased routes. My staff have also met with Amtrak on several occasions and expressed a need for increased routes. Additionally, I am always pleased to work with the Empire State Passengers Association on improving passenger rail and finally implementing higher speed rail across Upstate.

5. Many residents of the Rochester area either can’t, or can barely afford to own a car. To meet our climate goals, personal vehicle trips will have to be reduced. How will you support transportation options such as walking, biking and public transportation in our community, and improve accessibility to jobs and resources for residents who don’t own or want to use a car? 

While some aspects of this question are answered above, I would like to focus on the job connection piece of the question. I have had discussions with RTS about developing dedicated routes going from the bus depot to major employers outside the City of Rochester, such as the new T-Mobile Call Center in Henrietta. Unfortunately, many major economic development happens outside areas typically accessible by public transit. Attracting new employers is important, but we must also remember access to public transit in new projects.

6. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you? 

Seeing transportation as more than roads and bridges has always been a priority of mine. Last year I was proud to lead the push with Reconnect Rochester for phase two of the Louise M. Slaughter Intermodal Station. We were successful in this push, securing $18 million to construct a long-distance bus terminal. In May, I was named Chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee, because of this, Monroe County residents can look forward to many more transportation accomplishments to come.

Jim VanBrederode

Candidate Email: 



We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Candidates for NY Senate 62nd District:

Robert Ortt

Candidate Email:



We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Candidates for NY Assembly 130th District:

Brian Manktelow

Candidate Email:

1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

  • Non medical appointment transportation for those without vehicles. 
  • Safe and affordable transportation to and from work during off peak hours. 
  • Residential parking, on street.

2. In the U.S., pedestrian fatalities are up 83% since 2009. In Monroe County, an average of 10 bicyclists and pedestrians die on our streets every year and thousands more are injured. Rochester recently announced a commitment to “ROC Vision Zero” aiming to eliminate traffic deaths from our streets. If elected, would you support this program and if so, how?

Absolutely, bringing the right players to the table and take a hard long look at identifying possible solutions. Also putting a financial component to the solutions, short term and long term goals.

3. The Governor’s pause of congestion pricing has put the MTA in a financial emergency and has threatened jobs across our region. When the MTA is in trouble, Albany often prioritizes downstate before addressing upstate transit needs. How would you work to find a reliable funding source for capital and operating costs of public transportation in Monroe County?

My first priority has been and will continue to be proper funding for upstate transportation. We must come up with a fair and equitable solution that makes all of our highly populated cities more self sufficient. Leaving our hard earned dollars upstate, thus allowing for local control, not Albany controlled.

4. Amtrak’s Empire Service has far exceeded pre-pandemic ridership numbers and trains to NYC regularly sell out Thursday-Sunday. What actions by the NYS legislature will you take to support the expansion of rail service and make other improvements to inter-city travel in upstate New York?

By adding back the third railline adjacent to the current CSX lines. Dedicating that railline to passenger travel. Having travelled by rail in Europe, understanding the possibilities of safe and efficient travel by rail should be considered a possible long term solution. Also looking at the possibilities of powering this line by electric power.

5. Many residents of the Rochester area either can’t, or can barely afford to own a car. To meet our climate goals, personal vehicle trips will have to be reduced. How will you support transportation options such as walking, biking and public transportation in our community, and improve accessibility to jobs and resources for residents who don’t own or want to use a car? 

We could take a look back at how carpooling was done many years ago to help save energy. We could look at ways of improving our bicycle lanes, making them safer for the rider. Thinking outside the box for other solutions, looking how other states and countries do it.

6. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you? 

Having the experience, understanding and the ability to think and look forward to solutions that are both, safe and affordable. Also having the trust and respect from legislators across New York State to sit down and brainstorm with them why Monroe County’s transportation needs are important and necessary for the success of our part of New York.

James Schuler



We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Candidates for NY Assembly 133rd District:

Colleen Walsh-Williams



1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

  • We need more public transportation in rural areas
  • Maintaining our infrastructure
  • Making our roads safer and more accessible to pedestrians and bicyclists

2. In the U.S., pedestrian fatalities are up 83% since 2009. In Monroe County, an average of 10 bicyclists and pedestrians die on our streets every year and thousands more are injured. Rochester recently announced a commitment to “ROC Vision Zero” aiming to eliminate traffic deaths from our streets. If elected, would you support this program and if so, how?

I absolutely support ROC Vision Zero. I would support public awareness, funding for research, and safety improvements. I would sponsor legislation to further this cause.

3. The Governor’s pause of congestion pricing has put the MTA in a financial emergency and has threatened jobs across our region. When the MTA is in trouble, Albany often prioritizes downstate before addressing upstate transit needs. How would you work to find a reliable funding source for capital and operating costs of public transportation in Monroe County?

I would seek out state and federal grants and network with colleagues at all levels of government to reach every dollar available to us.

4. Amtrak’s Empire Service has far exceeded pre-pandemic ridership numbers and trains to NYC regularly sell out Thursday-Sunday. What actions by the NYS legislature will you take to support the expansion of rail service and make other improvements to inter-city travel in upstate New York?

I would advocate for expanding rail service. We need more trains to NYC and more trains to more destinations.

5. Many residents of the Rochester area either can’t, or can barely afford to own a car. To meet our climate goals, personal vehicle trips will have to be reduced. How will you support transportation options such as walking, biking and public transportation in our community, and improve accessibility to jobs and resources for residents who don’t own or want to use a car? 

I support building the infrastructure we need to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists safely.

6. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you? 

I understand the vital role of safe, accessible transportation in our communities. I’m a strong advocate for improvements that reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. We will build the neighborhoods our children and grandchildren inherit, and I’ll work hard to make them better, safer, more accessible, and environmentally friendly.

Andrea K. Bailey




We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Candidates for NY Assembly 134th District:

Josh Jensen




We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Candidates for NY Assembly 135th District:

Jennifer Lunsford

Candidate Email:


1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

Our public transportation system is woefully inadequate.  Outside of the city, the bus runs on such an infrequent loop as to be virtually useless for many residents.  The bus that runs from Penfield, through ER and into Fairport is on a 2 hour cycle.  I have tried to use this bus myself on several occasions and could literally walk where I needed to go faster than the bus would take me. You also can’t go north-south in my district, you can only go east-west, into the city and out.  This prevents people from choosing the bus when they have other options. Until our system is robust enough for people to opt-in we won’t have the ridership we need to truly impact our reliance on cars.

2. In the U.S., pedestrian fatalities are up 83% since 2009. In Monroe County, an average of 10 bicyclists and pedestrians die on our streets every year and thousands more are injured. Rochester recently announced a commitment to “ROC Vision Zero” aiming to eliminate traffic deaths from our streets. If elected, would you support this program and if so, how?

Yes. As a long-time personal injury attorney, I have seen the impact of pedestrian accidents up close.  Deaths aren’t the only issue.  I have represented dozens of people who live with life-long injury and trauma from these accidents. I would provide funding to help the county realize this vision.

3. The Governor’s pause of congestion pricing has put the MTA in a financial emergency and has threatened jobs across our region. When the MTA is in trouble, Albany often prioritizes downstate before addressing upstate transit needs. How would you work to find a reliable funding source for capital and operating costs of public transportation in Monroe County?

We need to find a dedicated funding stream built upon growing interests to support non-MTA transit so we aren’t dipping from the same bucket every year. The current funding sources for non-MTA transit are long-distance telephone lines and oil interests.  This isn’t sustainable any longer. I support taxing short term rentals and using that funding for local transit. I am open to other ideas as well.

4. Amtrak’s Empire Service has far exceeded pre-pandemic ridership numbers and trains to NYC regularly sell out Thursday-Sunday. What actions by the NYS legislature will you take to support the expansion of rail service and make other improvements to inter-city travel in upstate New York?

I would LOVE to be able to take a train to Albany every week, but the trains run at very inconvenient times and take LONGER than driving! As the mother of a young son I need to be able to leave Albany on short notice in case of emergencies.  Our current train schedule doesn’t allow for that. We also need to create a reliable system along the I-90 corridor to support Micron and the boom in semiconductor related jobs we expect to see between Batavia and Clay. A high speed rail connecting the cities and technical schools along this corridor would help alleviate the anticipated work force shortage. Tell me where to put the money and I will fight to get it there!

5. Many residents of the Rochester area either can’t, or can barely afford to own a car. To meet our climate goals, personal vehicle trips will have to be reduced. How will you support transportation options such as walking, biking and public transportation in our community, and improve accessibility to jobs and resources for residents who don’t own or want to use a car? 

As seen in answers above, we need reliable dedicated funding for non-MTA transit to be able to expand our existing bus service.  We also need safer streets to allow for biking.  People often think of my district as a suburban utopia, but we have a serious sidewalk problem. Between Pines of Perinton (now known as Evergreen East), one of the poorest parts of my district) and the Penfield Target, a major retail zone and bus hub, there is no sidewalk along 250. I regularly watch a blind man with a cane traversing the shoulder of this road on this way to Wegmans. This is wholly unacceptable.  This past year I funded sidewalk improvements in the village of Honeoye Falls, but one-off projects funded member by member aren’t going to make a big enough dent.  We need a serious infrastructure investment to complete our streets.

6. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you? 

Over the past 4 years I have been a staunch supporter of public transit, fighting for overall increases in STOA and other lines of funding for non-MTA transit, but also worked hard with my colleagues to secure funding for Monroe County and Rochester City priorities, including the transportation hub and intermodal station, filling in the inner loop, and funding upgrades at RGRTA to support their transition to a ZEV fleet.

Kimberly DeRosa




We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Candidates for NY Assembly 136th District:

Sarah Clark



We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Orlando Rivera


The candidate decided to provide the following statement in response to our questionnaire.

Statement on Transportation and mobility

As a candidate for State Assembly, I believe that improving transportation and mobility in Rochester, NY, is essential for fostering economic growth and enhancing the quality of life for our residents. Our city deserves a transportation infrastructure that is efficient, reliable, and responsive to the needs of all citizens.

We must prioritize investments in our roads and bridges to ensure safe travel and reduce congestion, while also advocating for responsible public transportation solutions that respect taxpayer dollars. Encouraging private sector partnerships can lead to innovative transit solutions and improved accessibility for everyone, including our seniors and those with disabilities.

Moreover, promoting policies that support safe biking and walking routes can enhance mobility while reducing our carbon footprint. By focusing on practical, fiscally responsible solutions, we can create a transportation system that works for all Rochesterians and strengthens our community for future generations.

Orlando Rivera

New York State Assembly Candidate 136th District

Candidates for NY Assembly 137th District:

Demond Meeks



We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Marcus Williams



We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Candidates for NY Assembly 138th District:

Harry Bronson


We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Tracy DiFlorio




We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Candidates for NY Assembly 139th District:

Stephen Hawley



We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Reconnect Rochester would like to thank all of the candidates (and their teams) for the time and effort they’ve dedicated to our community, and for taking the time to answer our questions. We look forward to working with them very soon.

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Welcoming Chaz!

Please join us in warmly welcoming Chaz Goodman to the Reconnect Rochester team! As a super-fan, follower and contributor to our work for many years, there’s no better person than Chaz to inspire and engage others to join our cause. As the Marketing & Outreach Manager, he’ll take the reins of our external communications on social media, our website and blog, as well as support the rest of the team with communications needs for our programs, events and advocacy work. You’ll also see Chaz out and about tabling at events, giving presentations to neighborhood and community groups, and otherwise reaching out and connecting people to our work. It’s a big job, but we know Chaz has the professional experience and personal passion to tackle it!

Read below to find out more about what inspired Chaz to join Reconnect Rochester. You can also see his passion on display in the two blog posts he wrote for Reconnect Rochester before joining the team, one about living car-lite in Rochester and another about biking with his kids to get around. Feel free to shoot Chaz a note to say hello and congrats!

Chaz Goodman (he/him/his)

I am beyond excited to join the Reconnect Rochester team as the Marketing & Outreach Manager. I have been a bike commuter for 14 years. My passion for multimodal communities goes way back to being a kid when my brothers and I would walk to the community pool and I wished we had the freedom to walk to school or the Abbotts from our suburban home in Webster. I once spent an entire day riding the bus, interviewing passengers for a human interest story for my journalism class in college. When I discovered that cities like Rochester once had light rail and robust public transit systems, I became deeply interested in reviving alternative transportation options.

I am an enthusiastic supporter of Reconnect Rochester and their work to correct the imbalance of urban planning that prioritizes car speed above all else. The environmental impact alone of reducing car usage is compelling but as I delved deeper into the issues— the costs, safety concerns, racial injustices tied to urban renewal, and the extensive space required for car culture—this cause became somewhat of an obsession for me. By providing our community with transportation choices, everyone, including drivers, stands to gain. I greatly admire Reconnect Rochester’s pragmatic approach to improving our transit options while centering joy in the movement!

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Welcoming Henry and Lourdes!

We are so excited to welcome two new staff members to the Reconnect team, Henry Litsky and Lourdes Sharp.

Henry Litsky, Policy and Advocacy Coordinator, will work closely with our Director of Policy and Advocacy, Cody Donahue, to coordinate Reconnect Rochester’s growing advocacy activities and community mobilization efforts. This includes tracking legislative policy, maintaining our Monroe County Crash Map and Upcoming Street Projects Map, and educating community leaders to boldly advocate for a transportation system that provides mobility options and resource access for everyone through our Mobility Action Alerts.

Lourdes Sharp, Project Manager, will fill a newly created role at Reconnect Rochester as we continue to grow and expand our programs and events to support our mission for sustainable, equitable and accessible mobility in Monroe County. She will manage current core programs including our Complete Streets Makeover, and a new Downtown Curb Extension Mural project, as well as other administrative and imaginative projects.

There’s a lot happening in the world of mobility and transportation, and we could not be more grateful to have two new staff members on the team to bring their skills and talents to this work.

Read on to learn what inspired Henry and Lourdes to join Reconnect Rochester!

Henry Litsky (he/him/his)

I am thrilled to join Reconnect Rochester’s staff as the new Policy and Advocacy Coordinator. I have always been fascinated by our nation’s transportation system and the opportunity to advocate for more inclusive and robust streets is a dream come true. 

I recently graduated from the University of Rochester after completing an e5 tuition free fifth year focusing on transportation at UR and City of Rochester. I helped to co-found the Students for Equitable Transportation club and frequently attended public meetings and submitted comments on proposed street design changes. Reconnect’s Mobility Action Alerts allowed me to put what I was learning into action to try and make our streets safer.

At Reconnect, I am excited to continue advocating for a robust transportation system that allows everyone access to amenities regardless of your zip code. With the recent city and county Active Transportation Plans, a commitment to vision zero, and a federal DOT supporting initiatives to build safer streets, it is an exciting time to be an advocate. Continuing the work of my colleagues to ensure community voices are heard is an incredibly rewarding experience. I look forward to working with you all!

Lourdes Sharp (she/her/they)

Hello everyone! My name is Lourdes and I am so grateful to join Reconnect Rochester’s growing team as the new Project Manager! The majority of my background is in health-equity and I am happy to explore new ways to address the expanse of population health through Reconnect. 

While there are many different definitions of the term “health”, I lean towards a holistic approach that bridges together the structures that influence the spectrum of the human experience and how that impacts our ability to lead healthy lives. Transportation initiatives and mobility justice are incredible routes (bad pun) that can be used to reframe some of these influential structures that impact the quality of our lives. Being able to get around the city safely and with ease is pivotal in allowing some of our most underserved people a means to get to work and have greater financial stability, make it on-time to health-related appointments, and have meaningful social interactions- all which can vastly increase life satisfaction. Together, we can dismantle the historical remnants of things like redlining and division of communities one step at a time and I consider myself lucky to band together with an amazing team to do so!

Born and raised in Rochester, NY, I’m looking forward to connecting with this city and its people  in new and meaningful ways. Whether on the road, in the Reconnect office, or at a community event, I hope to see you soon!

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Top 10 Things We’re Most Proud of in 2023

2023 was a non-stop busy year at Reconnect Rochester as we worked on many fronts, both on stage and behind the scenes, to champion better mobility. Check out below the Top 10 things we’re most proud of accomplishing this year. 

We give thanks to all the people and partners who took part in these efforts by bringing your energy and gifts to this work — whether coming out for a community bike ride, being part of our latest street makeover project, reaching out with financial offers of support, or sharing the good word on social media. All of it counts in this mobility movement we’re building together.

Top 10 Things We’re Most Proud of in 2023

(In no particular order of importance)


Elevating Voices and Sharing Stories

This year, we stepped up our efforts to elevate human voices and stories about the joy and challenges of getting around by bus, on bike or on foot. We invited guest bloggers to share their mobility stories on our blog, everyday cyclists to contribute to our #ROCbyBike Instagram posts, and RTS riders to be part of our Voices of Transit blog series (you’ll hear more about that later).


Getting More People on Bikes in Monroe County

Through bike classes, tours, community rides and pit stops, we work to build bike community and to educate and inspire more folks to get on bikes. We’re always innovating and finding new ways to reach people. In 2023, we rolled out a custom bike route assistance service, offered new learn-to-balance & ride classes at City Rec Centers, developed a Bike to School How-To webpage, curated an exhibit on Rochester’s fascinating bike history, and generated buzz with #PizzaByBike photos on social media.

There are so many accomplishments we now have a TOP 10 CYCLING HIGHLIGHTS list if you want to check that out! These efforts are led by our rock star cycling manager, Jesse Peers.


Making Our Streets Safer

On June 10, Reconnect Rochester and our amazing team of partners came together to transform the intersection of Arnett Boulevard and Warwick Avenue in the 19th Ward. This project was our fourth Complete Streets Makeover, completing our ‘quadfecta’ of a project in every quadrant of the city. We published a full project recap in this blog, and as always, captured the magic in film and in photos to inspire other neighborhoods and communities to get out there and take back their streets. 

We followed up the project with our October edition of Rochester Street Films and a screening of The Street Project, a film about the national scourge of road violence and the fight to make our streets safer. The audience was moved by a powerful post-film discussion with 19th Ward community members who have suffered personal loss and taken action for change.


Deepening Our Community Engagement

One of our favorite things is to host quarterly Engagement Breakfasts, open to anyone interested in learning more about our work and plugging in. Every gathering brings a new mix of people, and fruitful connections and conversations. In addition to inviting people in, we are going to where people are, talking up mobility at meetings and events around the community. This year we also introduced Mobility Action Alerts as a new way to engage folks and let you know about real-time opportunities to take action.


Amping Up Our Advocacy

2023 saw us doing more than ever to champion better mobility, whether meeting with lawmakers on our virtual trip to Albany, weighing in on every major road project in Monroe County, rallying people to attend public meetingseducating the media about the language they use, talking up mobility at media appearances and speaking opportunities, or informing the electorate through our candidate questionnaire. Our goal is to be at every table where transportation decisions are being made, partnering with elected officials and holding them accountable for delivering better mobility for our community.


Celebrating Breakthroughs in Road Design

We spent a lot of advocacy energy this year weighing in on the City’s Active Transportation Plan and the Countywide Active Transportation Plan, with the hope that the vision and commitments in these plans will spur a new approach to road design in Monroe County. We saw evidence of that in our biggest win of the year when Monroe County implemented a road diet and installed bike lanes on Elmwood Avenue in Brighton, making it the first County road to have dedicated bike infrastructure. Several City projects have also raised the bar on road design that implements complete streets designs.


Outreach to RTS Riders

This summer, we launched a new Transit Ambassadors outreach program to find out what’s on the minds of RTS riders and gather their ideas for how the system could be improved. We learned so much to inform our own advocacy work, and we delivered the survey results with recommendations to RTS leadership to inform their decision making. We got to know 5 RTS riders especially well through longer-form interviews, and published their stories in a Voices of Transit ethnography series


Measuring Our Progress

How well (or not) is our community providing safe, convenient, and accessible transportation options for people living in Monroe County? We took a step toward answering this question with the selection and addition of 10 transportation data indicators to the ACT Rochester community dashboard. These indicators will help us track community progress, as well as our organization’s own impact. Next we’ll work to set targets and goals for transportation. Where are we now, and where do we want to be?


Raising Funds While Building Community

In June, we hosted our 2nd annual ROC ‘n Roll community bike ride. Over 100 cyclists came out, and we raised nearly $10,000 to help fuel Reconnect Rochester’s work. This annual fundraising ride is part of a larger strategy to diversify and expand our funding sources so we can sustain our growing organization, and we’re lucky to have Fundraising & Development Manager Lindsay Crandall on board now to coordinate the effort!


Building an All Star Staff Team

In 2023, we welcomed Lindsay Crandall (top right) and Cody Donahue (top middle left) to our staff team in the new positions of Fundraising & Development Manager and Director of Policy & Advocacy (respectively). This growth was made possible in great part by the continued support of Dr. Scott MacRae and a generous grant from the ESL Charitable Foundation’s Building Strong Neighborhoods initiative. 

More human power means more impact, and we are loving all the new and expanded ways we’ve been able to pursue our hopes and dreams for mobility in Monroe County.

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Better Zoning for Better Mobility: What Mobility Advocates Need to Know about the Rochester ZAP

By Cody Donahue, Director of Advocacy and Policy

The Rochester ZAP Draft came out September 20th with an aim to update the City of Rochester’s zoning code to align with the Rochester 2034 comprehensive plan and provide a blueprint for growth over the next 15 years. A new zoning code should enable the comprehensive plan’s goal of investing in quality infrastructure for walking, biking, rolling and public transportation. While others are providing valuable analysis about housing, Reconnect Rochester has taken a deep look at the proposed plan’s impact on multimodal transportation and the ways this plan can lead Rochester to a less car-dependent future.

Rochester needs to hear your voices to make sure the new Zoning code will lead to better community mobility. Join one of the upcoming hearings or submit your comments online by January 31st. Two public hearings before the Rochester Environmental Commission will be held on the following dates. Verbal comments will be accepted at these hearings:          

  • 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023, at City Council Chambers at City Hall, 30 Church St.
  • 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024, in City Council Chambers at City Hall, 30 Church St.

Need some help with identifying the things that will support better mobility? Feel free to use Reconnect Rochester’s ZAP Talking Points.


In the meantime, here are three things we want you to know about zoning’s impact on transportation. 

1. Zoning enables smarter growth, and smarter growth means denser, human scale neighborhoods. Higher density is good for walkability, wheelchair accessibility, bikeability and public transportation coverage.

What does zoning even have to do with transportation? A lot actually. We believe a new zoning code should encourage smarter land use that puts Rochester on a path towards less car-dependence. Human scale neighborhoods are more equitable to all residents, placing everyday amenities like groceries, pharmacies, daycares, doctor’s offices, cafes and restaurants within walking distance of where people live. Far too often, our City’s amenities are disappearing in favor of sprawled development in neighboring towns. For the 24% of Rochester City households that do not have access to a car (City of Rochester Active Transportation Plan, pg. 4),  it becomes a lot harder to meet basic needs. Denser, human scale neighborhoods enable people to choose to take fewer single-occupancy car trips in favor of walking or public transit. 

So what should change in the draft ZAP to make Rochester a denser, more human scale city?

  • While some upzoning has occurred in the draft plan, the City should review intersections that are well-served by public transportation and maximally upzone a larger area around the intersection. This allows more amenities to be concentrated near where people take the bus.
  • Consider allowing by special permit additional density in residential zones. For example, in Low-Density Residential (LDR), allow Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and duplexes and in Medium-Density Residential (MDR), allow dwelling units in mixed-use buildings.
  • Place a moratorium on new gas stations, drive-thrus and carwashes. We recommend the City of Rochester join other cities such as Santa Rosa and Petaluma, CA to place a moratorium on new gas stations, not only due to their long-term harmful impacts on the environment and residents’ health, but also to encourage the transition to electric vehicles. In addition, new drive-through restaurants and banks and carwashes place priority on vehicle drivers passing through neighborhoods, and the frequent in-and-out traffic increases danger for pedestrians and cyclists. 

2. Zoning rules that require car parking minimums perpetuate an unnecessary amount of parking spaces 

Rochester has taken away parking minimums for car storage in commercial zones in the draft plan (yay!), but retained it in residential areas (boo!). We believe that Rochester should join the 46 other North American Cities that have eliminated parking mandates altogether, including Buffalo and Canandaigua. Findings from Buffalo and other cities following the elimination of parking minimums show that parking was overprovisioned even in residential areas. As a result of eliminating parking minimums, within 4 years Buffalo built 1,000 new homes that wouldn’t have otherwise existed. The City of Austin just became the largest city in America to remove parking minimums too. Why would Rochester keep them when everyone else seems to be jettisoning them?

If we’re going to see a less car-dependent future in Rochester, we need to stop making the number of parking spaces a key factor in building plans. Big shopping days don’t even fill up parking lots anymore. While Downtown and other commercial zones no longer have parking minimums under the new plan, any building with an occupancy posting of 75 people or more will be required to develop a Transportation Access Plan. That seems like a very low threshold. Also, the way the TAP requirements are written create a competing dual mandate to both “encourage alternative modes of transportation” while “not straining public infrastructure”. This requirement seems unworkable on a mass scale, especially in Downtown and should be removed. Yes, transportation demand management has the potential to do good, but in practice we’re concerned the zoning rule will lead to dozens if not hundreds of isolated TAP plans that don’t manage anything. We’re suggesting the ZAP remove this TAP requirement altogether. If they do keep it, remove the clause in article 15.2 about avoiding undue burden on public infrastructure. If anything, we need developers to show how they’re investing in public infrastructure. It seems to us that requiring developers to explain how their plans help the City meet the City’s Comprehensive Access and Mobility Plan developed in 2019 would be a better idea.

3. Bicycle parking is part of zoning too! 

Yes, you heard it here. Zoning plans require indoor, secure bicycle parking. Rejoice! But there are some catches. For instance, the City isn’t requiring itself to build bicycle parking in Open Space Districts (think parks, Parcel 5), where recreational bicyclists and festival goers tend to want bicycle parking. In addition, folks who work in industrial and regional commercial zone buildings won’t necessarily have to be provided indoor, secure bicycle parking. We don’t agree with these exemptions and think Rochester can better meet its climate goals by continuing to install bike parking at all its open spaces. 

Rochester’s new zoning code has made some positive strides, but there’s more we can do to promote a city that is walkable, rideable and rollable. The draft Environmental Impact Statement recognizes (on page 7) that 81% of Millennials and 77% of Baby Boomers prefer to live in walkable, active communities that don’t require access to an automobile, and further indicates that by 2030, 25% of people in the housing market will be seeking housing in transit-supportive neighborhoods. 

Rochester needs to hear your voices to get these changes reflected in the Zoning code. Join one of the upcoming hearings or submit your comments online. 

Need some help with identifying the things that will support better mobility? Feel free to use Reconnect Rochester’s ZAP Talking Points.

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Where They Stand: 2023 Candidates for Monroe County General Election

Reconnect Rochester surveyed general election candidates for Monroe County Legislature and Executive to learn where they stand on issues related to transportation and mobility.

Questions were designed to give the candidates the opportunity to share their opinions, ideas and vision for a well-connected and accessible community.  We hope this information will help you make an informed decision when you head to the polls on November 7th or Early Voting starting on October 28th (more info on early voting here).  We contacted every candidate in writing and conducted several follow-ups in an attempt to obtain responses from every candidate on the ballot.

Click on the candidate names below to read their full, unedited responses. Candidates are listed in order of the district they are running for.

Some candidates previously answered in our Primary Election Questionnaire, so their answered are repeated here.

**This list includes only candidate who are running contested races for Monroe County Legislature and Executive on the General Election ballot. To check if you are registered to vote, confirm your polling location, and even see a preview of what your ballot will look like, click here.**

Candidates for Monroe County Executive:

Adam Bello

Candidate Email:



1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

Transportation is a challenge to health/safety, access/equity and sustainability that influences both personal and community wide opportunity.

Providing an equitable transportation system for all users is particularly crucial to help facilitate increased economic and social opportunities for populations and geographic areas that lack mobility options. Regardless of physical ability or mode of transportation everyone should also be able to travel safely and securely. The county’s pedestrian, bicycle, and transit networks connect many communities and provide access to places our residents need to go. However, many residents are not located near these networks or are unable to use them. People walking and biking in Monroe County, regardless of age, ability, income, or race/ethnicity, should be able to travel safely and comfortably in and between communities. Ensuring that low income, elderly, disabled, and young people have access is vital to increasing quality of life and offering a brighter economic future for all the County’s residents.

Transportation decisions that support environmental and sustainability goals are critical as the transportation sector generates the largest share of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. Additionally, there is substantial cost associated with building, operating, maintaining, and repairing transportation assets including roads, bridges, culverts, sidewalks, and support facilities. It is important to convene the transportation community to identify federal and state resources to maintain current transportation infrastructure as well as investments in transportation expansion and enhancements.

I am proud that Monroe County is leading the effort to address these transportation challenges. Monroe County just completed the Countywide Active Transportation Plan (CATP), its vision is that people using all modes of transportation and regardless of age, ability, income, or race/ethnicity, will be able to travel safely between transit and active transportation reducing congestion and road maintenance needs. The CATP also emphasizes the importance of active transportation in addressing the climate crisis. Additionally, Monroe County is in the process of developing a climate action plan that is aimed at addressing sustainability, climate crisis issues county wide, and reducing GHG emissions.

2. What role can the Monroe County Executive play in addressing our transportation challenges?

The County Executive is able to lead and convene stakeholders who can help identify community priorities, and work together to develop and implement a plan to address them. When I took office, I made a commitment to develop a Countywide Active Transportation Plan (CATP). Developed over 18 months, the CATP, is the result of a collaborative partnership with Monroe County and the Genesee Transportation Council to engage local, regional, and state agencies, alongside community stakeholders, transportation experts, and the county’s residents. This comprehensive approach serves not only as a roadmap for decision-makers, stakeholders, and community members, ensuring alignment and cohesiveness, but also strengthens the County’s ability to procure funding for transformative projects and initiatives enhancing our transportation infrastructure.

The CATP outlines recommendations and strategies to make walking and cycling safer, more convenient, and more appealing for residents of all ages and abilities. The CATP process combines in-depth data collection with inclusive public engagement to promote health, equity, and community resilience in Monroe County. To begin addressing disparities through the CATP, Monroe County intentionally engaged with stakeholders and identified potential policy and program actions to increase access to transportation networks, and developed a framework for prioritizing investments equitably. Plan recommendations will help shape future transportation improvement projects that enhance safety, connectivity and transit access.

I am proud to report that the completion of the CATP marks a significant step toward a vision for enhancing active transportation infrastructure across the county, building a safer environment for active transportation, reducing congestion, and contributing to a more sustainable future for Monroe County.

3. The transportation sector in the Genesee Finger Lakes region is responsible for 33% of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to poor air quality, poor health outcomes, and overall climate change. Please share your ideas for reducing emissions as it relates to transportation in Monroe County.

When I took office, I made a commitment to address climate change both at the county operations level as well as community wide. Our Climate Action Plan (CAP) fulfills a promise I made to combat the impacts of climate change on our region. The CAP, is a comprehensive, strategic effort to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and related environmental impacts of climate change. The CAP Phase I, developed during my first term and adopted by the County Legislature, established an aggressive goal of 80% reduction in GHG by 2050 for County operations. The sectors within the County operations targeted for GHG reductions include Buildings and Facilities, Transportation Fleets, Expressway Lighting and Signals, Pure Waters, Infrastructure and Solid Waste Facilities. Several priorities established in Phase I are already underway including the installation of electric vehicle charging stations at nine county-owned locations for county and public use. Each location is open to the public and will help support the use of clean vehicle technology across the county. The project is funded with grants from New York State’s Department of Environmental Conservation. Each location has multiple charging stations and allows up to four vehicles to charge at a time. By investing in this type of infrastructure, we’re also fulfilling some of the commitments we made as part of the County’s Climate Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The project will help expand the clean energy infrastructure that is available for public use in Monroe County. The use of electric vehicles locally contributes to improved air quality. Electric vehicles help achieve the County’s climate initiatives, and encouraging the use of electric vehicles helps pave the way for other forms of clean transportation.

The CAP Phase II, which is currently under development, will establish GHG emission reduction goals for the entire community, including residential, commercial, industrial, and municipal activities. I expect the CAP Phase II will include a more expeditious move towards electrifying buildings and vehicles, establishing opportunities for community wide scraps and organics recycling, exploring affordable green community power, and building more efficient buildings.

I believe that the County must lead by example, but needs community support and engagement to achieve meaningful and lasting GHG emission reductions. The Climate Action Plan is a framework for prioritizing future policies and projects to reduce GHG emissions. An audit of the plan will occur in 2025 and further reviews will occur every five years to measure the county’s progression towards its goals. The results of the audits will be public and will drive decision-making. We have already made great progress in reducing our carbon footprint and becoming more sustainable, but there is still much more work to be done. I remain committed to this important effort so together we can create a healthier, more resilient and equitable community for generations to come.

4. The concept of “Complete Streets” focuses on designing our roads to be safe for everyone, including pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. How can Monroe County work with local municipalities and New York State toward that vision?

I am committed to a complete streets vision and am already working with local municipalities and NYS to successfully implement that vision.

As I have already referenced, the development and completion of the CATP is the result of a successful collaborative partnership. Developed over 18 months, the CATP, is the result of a collaborative partnership with Monroe County and the Genesee Transportation Council to engage local, regional, and state agencies, alongside community stakeholders, transportation experts, and the county’s residents. The CATP incorporates the vision of complete streets to enable safe access and mobility for all users. Additionally as we move forward to successfully implement this CATP, it is critical that there is continued coordination between county, town and state agencies. Monroe County is committed to this coordination to identify priority projects in support of active transportation infrastructure and plan implementation.

My administration wants to be helping assist with active transportation within our towns, I recently announced a new program that aims to encourage towns to add more sidewalks. This program aligns with our Complete Streets Policy and with our vision of a county that prioritizes the needs of its residents. The program offers towns up to 50% of the cost of sidewalk installations to make these crucial infrastructure improvements more affordable and attainable for our towns. Sidewalks play a pivotal role in creating safe and accessible pedestrian networks to help people of all backgrounds, including those with mobility challenges, to safely travel in Monroe County. The Town of Perinton is the first town to participate in this newly launched sidewalk initiative. I look forward to partnering with additional towns so that there will be sidewalks across our community.

In April, I was proud to announce with Town Supervisor Bill Moehle and County Legislators Susan Hughes-Smith, Linda Hasman, Howard Maffucci and Albert Blankley that bike lanes would be installed along Elmwood Avenue from South Goodman Street to Twelve Corners. The new lanes were a part of a Monroe County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) rehabilitation project to enhance connectivity throughout Brighton, and make it safer for kids, parents and anyone who bikes or walk along Elmwood Avenue. Monroe County worked closely with Supervisor Bill Moehle and his Public Works Department to successfully plan and implement this project that will seek to attract residents, spark economies, ensure transportation equity, promote public health, and address climate change.

5. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

Before I took office, I was constantly asked “what does County government even do?” Since I have been in office, I am asked, “How can County Government help with this problem?” The difference between now and then is that people now know that County government can and will help. For our community who is concerned about safer streets, better mobility and better transit, the County has spent the past 18 months developing a CATP for safer streets, better mobility and connections to public transit. I made a commitment to convene our community and develop and complete a plan and it is here. I would like to work for you over the next four years to begin to implement it.

Mark Assini

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Candidates for Monroe County Legislature:

Legislature District 3:

Marvin L Stepherson

Candidate Email:



1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

I would believe it is the lack of options: Job searching ability, commuting to a job, affordability, bus pass, car ownership, etc.

2. What role can the Monroe County Legislature play in addressing our transportation challenges?

We must engage the ones most directly impacted by it and take the suggestions to the planning stages to draft the goals in a tangible vision. and then get all stakeholders at the table to commit to the task of addressing the issues

3. The transportation sector in the Genesee Finger Lakes region is responsible for 33% of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to poor air quality, poor health outcomes, and overall climate change. Please share your ideas for reducing emissions as it relates to transportation in Monroe County.

We have to look at creating communities that are proactive in placing resources within the community to help minimize transportation challenges and reduce the practices that play a part in negatively impacting the environment.

4. The concept of “Complete Streets” focuses on designing our roads to be safe for everyone, including pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. How can Monroe County work with local municipalities and New York State toward that vision?

The County can invite the local and State representatives to a meeting to discuss the designing of greener spaces that connect towns and Urban Communities. The more stakeholders involved the better planning and the higher quality of input.

5. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

My resume illustrates the work, and volunteer efforts I have demonstrated through the years, and it is that record I plan to build upon with my continued public service to this County.

Tracy DiFlorio

We did not receive a response from this candidate.


Legislature District 5:

Terry Daniele

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Richard Milne

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Legislature District 8:

Michael DiTullio

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Mark Johns

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Legislature District 9:

Mel Callan

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Paul Dondorfer

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Legislature District 10:

Howard Maffucci

Candidate Email:



1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

The demographics and climate of our region create some challenges. Our region’s population lives in a wide area with a spread out population outside the city. That requires people to drive for work, family, and leisure activities. Our most significant challenge is having a region-wide active transportation plan embracing Complete Streets to make roads more pedestrian and bike-friendly in places that make sense. We must recognize there are times of the year when it is difficult for people to bike and walk. Our regional public transit system needs improvement.

As someone who bikes regularly, we must find ways to slow traffic down in places with dense populations. We must also ensure pedestrians can cross streets safely. I strongly support the active transportation development process.

2. What role can the Monroe County Legislature play in addressing our transportation challenges?

The county must continue to update its Active Transportation Plan and work collaboratively with other governments. As stated above, ensuring road updates in our area address the needs of pedestrians and bikers must be considered in road project planning. The county should also seek and support state and federal grants to assist in implementing Active Transportation Plans.

3. The transportation sector in the Genesee Finger Lakes region is responsible for 33% of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to poor air quality, poor health outcomes, and overall climate change. Please share your ideas for reducing emissions as it relates to transportation in Monroe County.

We should continue to promote the evolution of EV driving. Our family is currently all EV. We own two electric vehicles. We have ‘experimented’ with long trips and have found high-speed charging to continue to improve. Opening the Tesla networks to all other EVs will be a huge benefit.

We should also promote the conversion to heat pumps and solar technology for homes and businesses.

4. The concept of “Complete Streets” focuses on designing our roads to be safe for everyone, including pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. How can Monroe County work with local municipalities and New York State toward that vision?

Please see my answer to question 1 and 2.

5. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

I’ve embraced EV driving and continue to engage with people who doubt the benefits of driving electric. I share my experiences regularly on social media, having been involved since 2013 in the evolution of the emerging electric vehicle technology, as my first three vehicles were hybrids.

Locally, I have assisted in implementing cross-walk improvements in my community and will continue to promote Complete Streets as part of community Active Transportation Plans.

I admit I am not an expert in transportation improvements. I will always listen and work with experts who can assist our region in embracing data-driven solutions to improve traveling as pedestrians, bikers, drivers, and public transportation riders travel in our area.

Nancy Lewis

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Legislature District 13:

Michael Yudelson

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Ethan Greene

We did not receive a response from this candidate.




5. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

Legislature District 14:

Sue Hughes Smith

Candidate Email:



1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

The current system is designed around individual, private cars and contributes to the interrelated problem of sprawl and exacerbates inequality. We need to redesign our transportation system to be more equitable, to create access to economic opportunity, and to provide individuals with the freedom to move safely by other modes including public transit, walking and biking.

2. What role can the Monroe County Legislature play in addressing our transportation challenges?

Monroe County has taken a good first step in developing an Active Transportation Plan that focuses on developing a more equitable system. The next task is to begin to implement the plan. The County Executive must direct DOT to review every road project and incorporate the appropriate design features like sidewalks and bike lanes. The County Executive must require DOT to change its complete streets policy from preferring shoulders to preferring bike lanes. The County Legislature can continue to advocate for those needed changes both publicly at committee and full legislature meetings, and privately with staff, and administration. The County Legislature can and should take the step to require a portion of the budget for Monroe County DOT be directed to implementation of the Active Transportation Plan.

3. The transportation sector in the Genesee Finger Lakes region is responsible for 33% of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to poor air quality, poor health outcomes, and overall climate change. Please share your ideas for reducing emissions as it relates to transportation in Monroe County.

There are three pieces to solving this situation: (1) Provide fast, reliable, frequent public transit – focus on a few major roads and incentivize future building redevelopment to locate and occur along those lines; (2) Expand bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure to create a safe and more equitable alternative; (3) Facilitate and build more EV charging stations to encourage the electrification of vehicles

4. The concept of “Complete Streets” focuses on designing our roads to be safe for everyone, including pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. How can Monroe County work with local municipalities and New York State toward that vision?

Monroe County roads pass through many of our towns and villages providing us with the opportunity to partner with other communities in redesigning our infrastructure. The Legislature approved a 50% matching cost-share program to construct sidewalks along County roads. The County will pay 50% and the Town/Village would pay the other 50%. This is a significant change as previously all sidewalk costs were left to the Town/Village. I hope that communities take advantage of this pilot program and that the Legislature moves to make it a permanent offering.

5. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

My top concerns include addressing community needs that will improve public health, and the environment in ways that create a more resilient, equitable and prosperous county. One of the best ways to accomplish those goals is to create safer streets with more mobility options. I’m already working on this vision and will continue to advocate for the changes we need.

Pat Reilly

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Legislature District 16:

Dave Long

Candidate Email:



1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

I think the County learned a great deal from the creation of the Active Transportation Plan (ATP) and I was very glad to support that effort during my term in office. Challenges with equity, climate change, and funding are the greatest. Perhaps another more overarching challenge is how to leverage the various work-products and studies that have focused on transportation improvements in a way that moves forward in unison.

2. What role can the Monroe County Legislature play in addressing our transportation challenges?

Local jurisdictions are responsible for building and maintaining active transportation infrastructure so the County plays a limited role in the facility selection and design of individual routes (ex. the City of Rochester has its own ATP). Through legislation and funding, I see the County Legislature as playing a pivotal role as a body to help see through the idea of an “active transportation network” that serves as a resource for communities all over Monroe County. Also, the Legislature can help to make sure projects in areas like our Department of Transportation and those contained in our 5-year Capital Improvement Program are adhering to ATP recommendations.

3. The transportation sector in the Genesee Finger Lakes region is responsible for 33% of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to poor air quality, poor health outcomes, and overall climate change. Please share your ideas for reducing emissions as it relates to transportation in Monroe County.

I’ve been proud to be a part of adopting the first Climate Action Plan (CAP) which seeks to reduce the County’s greenhouse gas emissions 80% below 2019 levels by 2050. I am supportive of seeing this work through in my role on the Legislature. Also, I am supportive of CAP phase 2 which is focused on the emissions produced community-wide (outside of the direct control of the County government). I think these initiatives are ongoing/living efforts which will require continued collaboration of our elected officials in order to be successful.

4. The concept of “Complete Streets” focuses on designing our roads to be safe for everyone, including pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. How can Monroe County work with local municipalities and New York State toward that vision?

Similar to my response to question two (above), I see the County as best-suited to be a connector and convener of communities to help connect in our area. Also, the County can work to create policy and enact legislation that brings entities together and incentivizes collaborative solutions to improving transportation for all.

5. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

I’m a husband and father of three who wants Monroe County to be the best place to live, learn, work and, play. I truly believe making our community more easily accessed is better for everyone and for future generations. I want these things for my family and neighbors because I care about our environment and taking actions to address climate change by making it easier to get around via means other than a car. Most of all, the planning done with the Active Transportation Plan and the Climate Action Plan require dedicated law makers to help see them through – I want to be part of the that team.

Joe Carbone

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Legislature District 18:

Lystra McCoy

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Sean Delehanty

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Legislature District 20:

Jaime Erskine-Pettit

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Robert Colby

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Legislature District 21:

Oscar Brewer Jr.

Candidate Email:



1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

People need to be able to get where they’re going cheaply. Sometimes that’s not possible or efficient for people who don’t have a car.

2. What role can the Monroe County Legislature play in addressing our transportation challenges?

The county should be investing in public transportation opportunities to help low-income folks in our community. No one should be too poor to get where they need to go. I know first-hand the challenges of transportation in a county that’s built for people driving cars. In the County Legislature, I will be a voice for people who need transportation support.

3. The transportation sector in the Genesee Finger Lakes region is responsible for 33% of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to poor air quality, poor health outcomes, and overall climate change. Please share your ideas for reducing emissions as it relates to transportation in Monroe County.

Public transportation is a must. We need cheap, efficient public transportation options available to reduce reliance on cars. Also, making streets safer for people walking would encourage more people to walk to where they need to go.

4. The concept of “Complete Streets” focuses on designing our roads to be safe for everyone, including pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. How can Monroe County work with local municipalities and New York State toward that vision?

We need to put people at the center of what we’re doing at all levels of government. Too often, politicians make decisions to benefit developers and big money interests. If we listen to our neighbors in the community, we’ll be able to prioritize what people need. That includes making sure sidewalks are safe for pedestrians and bike lanes are available for cyclists.

5. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

I know first-hand what it’s like not to have a car. I strongly believe in public transportation, which lets people live their lives without having to own a vehicle. I’m a man of the people fighting for the people. And that’s exactly what I’ll do in the County Legislature.

Santos Cruz

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Legislature District 27:

Rose Bonnick

We did not receive a response from this candidate.


David Ferris

We did not receive a response from this candidate.

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Welcoming Cody Donahue!

Please join us in warmly welcoming Cody Donahue, who joined the growing Reconnect Rochester staff this month as the Director of Policy and Advocacy. Cody brings tremendous professional skills and experience and a personal passion for our cause. We feel very lucky to have found someone with “all the right stuff” to round out our dynamic staff team working day-in and day-out to boldly advocate for a transportation system that provides mobility options and resource access for everyone. 

Cody will play an integral role in driving (bad pun) the policy and advocacy action that will advance Reconnect Rochester’s mission. He’ll provide leadership and expertise in transportation public policy and implement innovative strategies to influence decision-making at both the grassroots and grass-tops levels, amplify community voices, and mobilize people to take action on mobility issues in our community. 

Find out how Cody landed here and what inspires him to advocate for mobility in the message below. 

Cody Donahue

Greetings Reconnecters! I am honored to join the Reconnect Rochester staff and especially excited to collaborate with all of Reconnect’s passionate volunteers and community advocates. I have been impressed for years by Reconnect Rochester’s respectful approach to partnering with government, community organizations and the People to achieve safer streets and more equitable multimodal transportation options. So when I saw this role open up, I biked right over to submit my application!

Coming into this new policy and advocacy role, I hope to amplify the diversity of voices calling for a robust transportation network that makes it easy for anyone – regardless of physical or economic ability – to get around Monroe County. You and your networks are absolutely essential to getting change to happen and I can’t wait to hear what you are passionate about!

Over the last 20 years, I’ve held a variety of nonprofit leadership roles from international women’s and children’s rights programs to shared administrative services with New York State Planned Parenthoods. As an almost lifelong vegan, I’ve been active in national animal rights advocacy (happy to share recipes!). My lifestyle is car-lite, living as close as possible to work and amenities and using public transportation or cycling to work. In Rochester, I’ve run-commuted a lot, including in the snow (I have the Strava to prove it!)! My family and I live in the 19th Ward and love visiting Monroe County’s libraries, parks and festivals.

p.s. Even before joining the team, back in June Cody and his family came out for the Complete Streets Makeover of Arnett & Warwick in their 19th Ward neighborhood. Check out his cameo appearance in the project short film!

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It’s Time for a Minimum Grid

Jesse Peers (white man) stands in front of Reconnect Rochester door at the Hungerford Building.

By Jesse Peers, Cycling Manager at Reconnect Rochester

As many readers and advocates know, Rochester’s first Bike Master Plan was created in 2011. After more than a decade of investment with that plan as a guide, we’ve made significant progress. We’ve “leveled up” in the League of American Bicyclists’ quadrennial assessment from Honorable Mention to Bronze. Since most cities that are intentionally making progress in terms of bikeability get awarded Bronze, Rochester is in good company (i.e., we’re “average” / “decent”).

After the first initial decade of investment, the City of Rochester recognized it was time to take a step back and reassess. After all, we don’t want to get stuck at Bronze, perpetuate mediocrity, or worst of all – diminish to just checking off a complete streets box without attaining meaningful, continuous and safe connections. The creation of Rochester’s first ever Active Transportation Plan (and the accompanying update of the Bike Master Plan) in 2022-23 served as this step back. Boston’s Toole Design, one of the most respected firms in the country, was hired to create the plan. More on this plan in a bit…

As we’ve noted before, the most significant shortfall in Rochester’s bikeability is the piecemeal, scattered nature of bicycle facilities. If the City keeps doing “what we can, where we can” for cyclists, only giving them “underutilized parking space” when bike lanes and on-street parking conflict, this disjointed nature will continue.

If cyclists are only given “underutilized parking space” when bike lanes and on-street parking conflict, this disjointed nature will continue.

Disconnected segments don’t create a network

For the average person on a bike, who after all is who the City should be creating its bike network for, a disappearing bike lane on a busy road is a lost cause. After a decade of investment, we’ve mostly got piecemeal, disconnected bike lanes, hence no true network yet (the ATP admits this!). If the City wants to lessen emissions and car-dependence, along with getting more women, kids, and older adults on bikes, a greater emphasis must be put henceforward on connectivity.

Excerpts from the City’s Active Transportation Plan

It’s time for a Minimum Grid

In the coming years, as the City looks to implement the Active Transportation Plan, Reconnect Rochester urges the City of Rochester to concentrate on what is called a Minimum Grid bike network in the near term. What is a Minimum Grid? It’s a bare bones, seamless, fully connected network of high-comfort bikeways: at least one continuous bike facility for all ages and abilities in the north-south direction, from one end of the city to the other going through downtown, and a complementing bike facility in the east-west direction from one end to the other through downtown. Because of Rochester’s small size, if we attained that minimum grid and connected it with high quality, well-signaged bike boulevards, that might be enough to get us up to Silver. We could become one of the country’s hidden gems for bikeability.

As Planner Jeff Speck says in this great segment, “It is not unusual to see cities jump very quickly in their cycling population at the moment they cross that threshold from not having an effective, comprehensive system to having a more comprehensive system.” In other words, how many miles of scattered bike lanes doesn’t matter as much as how safe, seamless & stress-free those miles are. Less is more, and we need to shift emphasis and metrics from quantity to quality.

A few examples of cities who have focused political will on attaining a minimum grid and crossed that threshold:

  • Sevilla, Spain built its 50-mile grid in four years, “in time for politicians to brag about [the major biking improvements] in their next campaign.”
  • Victoria, British Columbia’s All Ages and Abilities (AAA) Cycling Network is nearing completion. Next year, 95% of residents will be within a two-minute bike ride of a AAA route! This completion comes 8 years after adopting their plan.
  • Paris, France has been transformed into one of the world’s best cycling cities since Mayor Anne Hidalgo took office in 2014. 52 bike lanes were installed this summer alone.
  • Montreal’s Mayor Valérie Plante is having 200 km of protected bike paths installed in a 5-yr timeframe.
  • New Britain, Connecticut built a very comprehensive network of bicycle infrastructure in ten years. 

Fortunately for us in Rochester, a minimum grid is exactly what our new Active Transportation Plan is recommending, based on community feedback and expert analysis. The ATP calls it the Bike Spine Network, which would hopefully connect someday to the proposed countywide active transportation network envisioned in the County’s Active Transportation Plan. Consultant Toole Design notes that “it is essential that bike lanes be separated from traffic” “on high-speed/high-volume streets [on this spine network]. During the planning process, Toole urged the City to concentrate political will on establishing a minimum grid bike network in the “near term.” Unfortunately, specific timeline goals didn’t make their way into the final document.

Recommended spine network in dark blue; dotted lines are already completed segments, such as the Genesee Riverway Trail and East Main cycletrack between Goodman and Culver.

So Rochester has a better vision. ✔ We’ve got our action-oriented blueprint. ✔ It’s going to take a lot of political will, hardened resolve, and leadership to see this through. Unlike comprehensive plans like Rochester 2034, the Active Transportation Plan doesn’t have to be voted on and adopted by City Council. It’s not the law of the land. Its recommendations just have to be “considered” by project managers and engineers on a case by case basis.

Now let’s acknowledge the elephant in the room: On-street parking will have to be sacrificed on certain roads to accommodate the seamless, high-comfort grid. It’s time to be more intentional with where we put our bike infrastructure (and perhaps where we don’t put it as well): to hunker down and determine what those select corridors will be where on-street parking doesn’t win the day over the safety and comfort of vulnerable road users.

At Reconnect Rochester, our job will be to relentlessly point to the ATP and its recommendations for this Bike Spine Network. When an upcoming road project comes along on one or more of those proposed spines, we are going to ask you to join us. When a road project comes along that isn’t envisioned for the Spine Network, we’ll still advocate for safer, complete street designs; we just won’t go at it full-gusto for bike infrastructure as we do with the proposed Spines. After all, if we’re asking the City to concentrate political will (“focus investments”) on fewer, more meaningful bike miles, it only makes sense for us to fight hard for the most important wins. Hopefully in the not-too-distant-future, that Spine Network will be attained and we’ll see ridership soar!

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Where They Stand: 2023 Candidates for Rochester City Council and Monroe County Legislature Primary Election

Reconnect Rochester surveyed all primary candidates for Rochester City Council and Monroe County Legislature to learn where they stand on issues related to transportation and mobility.

Questions were designed to give the candidates the opportunity to share their opinions, ideas and vision for a well-connected and accessible community.  We hope this information will help you make an informed decision when you head to the polls on June 27th.  We did our best to make contact with all of the candidates.

Click on the candidate names below to read their full, unedited responses. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order.

**This list includes all candidates for City of Rochester City Council and Monroe County Legislature on the June 27th Primary Election ballot. To check if you are registered to vote, confirm your polling location, and even see a preview of what your ballot will look like, click here.**

Candidates for City Council:

Paul Conrow

Candidate Email: Not available



We did not receive a response from this candidate.

LaShay Harris

Candidate Email:



We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Frank Keophetlasy

Candidate Email:



1. What are Rochester’s greatest transportation challenges?

Through my work as a County Legislator on the RASE Commission, one of the greatest transportation issues was accessibility to cheap or free public transportation to some of the most important locations of major employers. The accessibility of transportation is a major barrier to sustainability of jobs and workforce development.

2. What role do you see the City Council playing in addressing those transportation challenges?

I will fight for adequate resources and funding for public transportation and listen and fight for constituents when those problems arise. We also have a role in advocating and fighting for safe complete streets when any major road work is done in the City of Rochester.

3. The transportation sector is responsible for a large portion of emissions, which contribute to poor air quality, poor health outcomes, and overall climate change. Please share your ideas for reducing emissions as it relates to transportation in Rochester.

Reducing emissions is essential for long term sustainability in a community. More active transportation via biking and walking with streets that welcome biking and walking would help. Advocacy for carpooling and public transit is essential as well.

4. Pedestrian and cyclist injuries and fatalities are on the rise, and reckless driving is eroding safety and quality of life for everyone. Solutions include street design, driver education and increased enforcement. What solutions would you support to make Rochester safer for people walking and biking?

Supporting complete streets going forward is essential. As we invest on our infrastructure its important to move forward with this in mind to ensure equitability for all in street design. Working with a former State Assembly Transportation Chairman I now realize the importance of transportation issues and the role government has in making sure we are considering all sides.

5. 24% of Rochester households do not have access to a personal vehicle and must rely on public transportation to get to work. What land use and economic development policies would you pursue to encourage job creation and development to remain in the city core, and better connect people in the city to employment opportunities?

Again, through my work on the RASE commission it was evident that this is an issue. We need to incentivize public transit and future potential employers to work hand in hand with one another so we can maximize the workforce that we have in Rochester while eliminating these barriers together.

6. Rochester currently ranks at the “Bronze” level award (the average level) as a bike-friendly community, according to the League of American Bicyclists Bike-Friendly Communities criteria. One of the key steps to receiving “Silver” status is a dedicated budget for implementing our Bike Master Plan. Would you support a line item in the budget devoted to bike infrastructure?

I would support a bike master plan depending on the cost and outcomes because I believe a bike friendly community can benefit Rochester in the long term.

7. Why should Rochesterians who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

I am an active and accessible leader that will listen and respond to my constituents and that includes Rocheterians that care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit. Some of the most successful metropolitan cities have great infrastructure for public safety and Rochester should as well.

Mary Lupien

Candidate Email:



We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Bridget Monroe

Candidate Email:



1. What are Rochester’s greatest transportation challenges?

The greatest challenges include the lack of enough bus routes and regular, 15 minute service, along with needing more bike trails & complete streets. The current dangerous driving also presents major challenges for all travelers.

2. What role do you see the City Council playing in addressing those transportation challenges?

I will continue to support complete streets and the addition of bike and walk trails throughout the community. Although we don’t have control over RTA, I will certainly advocate for increased bus coverage throughout the area. The problem of dangerous driving will need to be handled under police and needs to be prioritized to keep pedestrian, bikers and other car drivers safe.

3. The transportation sector is responsible for a large portion of emissions, which contribute to poor air quality, poor health outcomes, and overall climate change. Please share your ideas for reducing emissions as it relates to transportation in Rochester.

A continued switch to EVs for the city’s fleet will help the environment and save money. With our GPS technologies, we should also pinpoint/maintain sanitation route efficiencies, thereby lessening emissions.

4. Pedestrian and cyclist injuries and fatalities are on the rise, and reckless driving is eroding safety and quality of life for everyone. Solutions include street design, driver education and increased enforcement. What solutions would you support to make Rochester safer for people walking and biking?

I would start with increased enforcement. People must be stopped and ticketed for violating traffic law. Then I will look to street design, possibly introducing new speed humps along residential streets, and learn about new ideas that are being used elsewhere.

5. 24% of Rochester households do not have access to a personal vehicle and must rely on public transportation to get to work. What land use and economic development policies would you pursue to encourage job creation and development to remain in the city core, and better connect people in the city to employment opportunities?

Helping new and expanding businesses locate to Rochester is critical to keeping downtown active. I think that using design as the standard for land use in our commercial areas allows for more creative business models to settle in the city. Promoting the restoration of Tent City for housing and using that as a jumping off point for renewed investment on Lyell Ave. can help grow local jobs. Supporting Eastman Business Park and the Port of Rochester & Charlotte Vision Plan will all encourage job creation that is more easily accessible on foot, bicycle, or bus for city residents.

6. Rochester currently ranks at the “Bronze” level award (the average level) as a bike-friendly community, according to the League of American Bicyclists Bike-Friendly Communities criteria. One of the key steps to receiving “Silver” status is a dedicated budget for implementing our Bike Master Plan. Would you support a line item in the budget devoted to bike infrastructure?

I see value in moving up to silver status, however, this would be something in the capital improvement plan and not the budget. With the CIP, the city forecasts five years worth of investment and this is where I would think implementation of the bike master plan would reside. I cannot, in good faith, promise support for the project without the context of the entire budget, current economics impacting the city, and more detail from the NBD.

7. Why should Rochesterians who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

They should vote for me because I am dedicated to safe streets, know we need better and more accessible bus service, support rental scooters and bikes, and want fully connected trails in and around the city.

Michael Patterson

Candidate Email: Not available

Website: Not available


We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Barbara Rivera

Candidate Email:



What are Rochester’s greatest transportation challenges?

People need an affordable way to get to work, go to the store, and visit loved ones. Balancing the needs of people driving, walking, and taking the bus is one of the biggest challenges in this area.

2. What role do you see the City Council playing in addressing those transportation challenges?

We need to make sure people are able to catch a bus, since not everyone has a car. Making sure any new construction is pedestrian-friendly would also help people out.

3. The transportation sector is responsible for a large portion of emissions, which contribute to poor air quality, poor health outcomes, and overall climate change. Please share your ideas for reducing emissions as it relates to transportation in Rochester.

Promoting public transportation can go a long way in reducing emissions. Plenty of people will still drive a car, but if we can make it easier to choose public transportation that would help the climate.

4. Pedestrian and cyclist injuries and fatalities are on the rise, and reckless driving is eroding safety and quality of life for everyone. Solutions include street design, driver education and increased enforcement. What solutions would you support to make Rochester safer for people walking and biking?

Making street designs safer makes a lot of sense to me. I think it’s important to listen to people who are hurt by the way things are now, so I would want to hear what walkers and bikers think about current street designs.

5. 24% of Rochester households do not have access to a personal vehicle and must rely on public transportation to get to work. What land use and economic development policies would you pursue to encourage job creation and development to remain in the city core, and better connect people in the city to employment opportunities?

I think the key is creating jobs that pay people well, are close to where they live, and aren’t going to leave the city if the company gets a better offer somewhere else. Sometimes the rush to bring in out-of-town businesses seems good on paper but doesn’t hold up in real life.

6. Rochester currently ranks at the “Bronze” level award (the average level) as a bike-friendly community, according to the League of American Bicyclists Bike-Friendly Communities criteria. One of the key steps to receiving “Silver” status is a dedicated budget for implementing our Bike Master Plan. Would you support a line item in the budget devoted to bike infrastructure?

Yes, making biking safer and expanding opportunities for people to bike makes sense to me. This is especially important for our youth and young adults who would benefit from biking as a form of transportation, exercise, and recreation.

7. Why should Rochesterians who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

My experience doing tenant organizing has taught me that the power of the people is unmatched. When we come together, we can do so much to improve our community. That’s the mentality I’m running my campaign with, and it’s what I’ll bring to City Council to advocate on your behalf.

Chiara "KeeKee" Smith

Candidate Email:



1. What are Rochester’s greatest transportation challenges?

We need cheap public transportation that gets us where we need to go. Right now, that is not the case for everyone in Rochester.

2. What role do you see the City Council playing in addressing those transportation challenges?

I believe City Council should be a strong advocate for affordable public transportation. I believe in listening to people impacted by a problem and figuring out a solution together. That’s the sort of co-governance that I will support on City Council.

3. The transportation sector is responsible for a large portion of emissions, which contribute to poor air quality, poor health outcomes, and overall climate change. Please share your ideas for reducing emissions as it relates to transportation in Rochester.

We know public transportation is more efficient than everyone driving their own car. That’s why I support robust investments in RTS to make sure everyone can take a cheap, smooth bus ride. Investing in electric buses could also cut greenhouse gas emissions.

4. Pedestrian and cyclist injuries and fatalities are on the rise, and reckless driving is eroding safety and quality of life for everyone. Solutions include street design, driver education and increased enforcement. What solutions would you support to make Rochester safer for people walking and biking?

Safe street design is definitely part of the equation. I also know from talking to members of the community that we need to create spaces for dirt bike riders to practice their sport without putting pedestrians and other cyclists at risk.

5. 24% of Rochester households do not have access to a personal vehicle and must rely on public transportation to get to work. What land use and economic development policies would you pursue to encourage job creation and development to remain in the city core, and better connect people in the city to employment opportunities?

I believe we should stop giving handouts to huge corporations and real estate developers who don’t have a stake in supporting our community. Working with locally-owned small businesses to ensure people have jobs is a better way to go. It’s all about creating an environment where sustainable jobs are close enough to the people in this community.

6. Rochester currently ranks at the “Bronze” level award (the average level) as a bike-friendly community, according to the League of American Bicyclists Bike-Friendly Communities criteria. One of the key steps to receiving “Silver” status is a dedicated budget for implementing our Bike Master Plan. Would you support a line item in the budget devoted to bike infrastructure?

Yes. And I would want to talk to the people I represent to make sure bike funding is done in an equitable way. For too long, transportation funding (including for bikes) has left Black people and poor people behind. I want to make sure that doesn’t keep happening and rectify the current inequities.

7. Why should Rochesterians who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

I like to tell folks when I’m at their door, if you want different, you have to vote different. I’m running because I believe the community is ready for change. I believe I can bring that change, whether it’s advocating for gun violence prevention, food security, or improved public transportation.

Candidates for Monroe County Legislature Primaries:

Carolyn Hoffman

Candidate Email:



1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

The lack of public transportation perpetuates segregation, prevents access to jobs and is a drawback to those who would consider making a home here. The lack of bikable and walkable streets is a safety and quality of life issue, pushing a reliance on cars and further disadvantaging those who cannot afford a car. We are truly behind as a modern community and it touches every aspect of our lives.

2. What role can the Monroe County Legislature play in addressing our transportation challenges?

We can advocate for County funding for better public transportation and push the Department of Transportation to change their complete streets policy to prefer bike lanes over paved shoulders.

3. The transportation sector in the Genesee Finger Lakes region is responsible for 33% of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to poor air quality, poor health outcomes, and overall climate change. Please share your ideas for reducing emissions as it relates to transportation in Monroe County.

We need to plan and help fund the construction of more electric vehicle charging, especially at high density areas like apartments and where we want to attract shoppers to local businesses. We should also be incentivizing the switch to electric vehicles for individuals who are not ready to stop using cars. The County can lead by shifting its own fleets to electric. Finally, we can encourage healthier alternatives like walking and biking by creating safer communities and roads.

4. The concept of “Complete Streets” focuses on designing our roads to be safe for everyone, including pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. How can Monroe County work with local municipalities and New York State toward that vision?

We can work to educate local municipalities while advocating at the state level so that when the opportunities for Complete Streets appear, all stakeholders are ready and able to move forward. I hope the Active Transportation Plan will be adopted this summer and will provide the framework for prioritizing road redesign.

5. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

Because I agree it is important and I will support efforts to improve our systems to better address the community needs for more equitable transit.

Santos Cruz

Candidate Email: Not available



We did not receive a response from this candidate.

William Burgess

Candidate Email:



1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

Unsafe pedestrian and bike lanes. Public transportation not going to jobs that are in the suburbs along with not being “carpool’/”ride share” friendly.

2. What role can the Monroe County Legislature play in addressing our transportation challenges?

The County can pass referrals to provide more money for safer bike lanes, pedestrian sidewalks and other forms of public transportation. Something else that would help would be to have more paved bike lanes instead of paved shoulders.

3. The transportation sector in the Genesee Finger Lakes region is responsible for 33% of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to poor air quality, poor health outcomes, and overall climate change. Please share your ideas for reducing emissions as it relates to transportation in Monroe County.

I would like to see the County encourage and support the use of public transportation, like carpooling, biking and walking. Education and awareness: Increase public awareness about the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions and the importance of individual actions. Promote sustainable lifestyles and encourage behavioral changes. This education should be introduced in elementary school. If children are taught to respect the earth at an early age, they will have a more sense of responsibility later in life.

4. The concept of “Complete Streets” focuses on designing our roads to be safe for everyone, including pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. How can Monroe County work with local municipalities and New York State toward that vision?

The County should establish clear lines of communication between themselves, municipalities and outreach groups. The County can develop complete streets policies that provide a framework for complete streets. These policies should outline the vision, goals, and design principles of complete streets. It takes a collaboration and teamwork to reach the goal of complete streets.

5. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

I’ll be the first to admit that I am no expert when it pertains to complete streets, but I have been researching and learning. I don’t claim to be the foremost expert, but as a servant leader I’ll surround myself with those that are knowledgeable. As a County Legislator I have learned to seek out those that have the information and know how in certain areas to help me become more efficient in this role.

Oscar Brewer

Candidate Email:



1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

People need to be able to get where they’re going cheaply. Sometimes that’s not possible or efficient for people who don’t have a car.

2. What role can the Monroe County Legislature play in addressing our transportation challenges?

The county should be investing in public transportation opportunities to help low-income folks in our community. No one should be too poor to get where they need to go. I know first-hand the challenges of transportation in a county that’s built for people driving cars. In the County Legislature, I will be a voice for people who need transportation support.

3. The transportation sector in the Genesee Finger Lakes region is responsible for 33% of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to poor air quality, poor health outcomes, and overall climate change. Please share your ideas for reducing emissions as it relates to transportation in Monroe County.

Public transportation is a must. We need cheap, efficient public transportation options available to reduce reliance on cars. Also, making streets safer for people walking would encourage more people to walk to where they need to go.

4. The concept of “Complete Streets” focuses on designing our roads to be safe for everyone, including pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. How can Monroe County work with local municipalities and New York State toward that vision?

We need to put people at the center of what we’re doing at all levels of government. Too often, politicians make decisions to benefit developers and big money interests. If we listen to our neighbors in the community, we’ll be able to prioritize what people need. That includes making sure sidewalks are safe for pedestrians and bike lanes are available for cyclists.

5. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

I know first-hand what it’s like not to have a car. I strongly believe in public transportation, which lets people live their lives without having to own a vehicle. I’m a man of the people fighting for the people. And that’s exactly what I’ll do in the County Legislature.




Rose Bonnick

Candidate Email: Not available



We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Rachel Barnhart

Candidate Email:



1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

Monroe County is built for cars, not people. Jobs, retail and health care have been migrating over time farther away from where people live, making these things inaccessible by public transit. This exacerbates inequality. We also don’t consistently support infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists, or road design that lends itself to lower speeds. People are at higher risk of injury and death as a result of these policy decisions.

2. What role can the Monroe County Legislature play in addressing our transportation challenges?

I am working with colleagues on a “complete streets” policy that we can pass into law. As a legislator and member of the Monroe County Planning Board, it is my job to scrutinize infrastructure projects. I ask tough questions about the design of roads so they can be a place where everyone can safely and efficiently get around. In addition, I wrote and introduced the bill that overwhelmingly passed the Legislature to mandate that cars, when passing bicyclists, give them three feet of space. I also have written memorializing resolutions to state lawmakers supporting policies at the state level to provide more funding and enact laws to make our roads safe for everyone.

3. The transportation sector in the Genesee Finger Lakes region is responsible for 33% of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to poor air quality, poor health outcomes, and overall climate change. Please share your ideas for reducing emissions as it relates to transportation in Monroe County.

We must make Monroe County a place where people are not car-dependent. This means investing in public transit, housing near population centers and transit, and sidewalks and protected bike lanes. By building a place where everyone can get around safely and efficiently we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

4. The concept of “Complete Streets” focuses on designing our roads to be safe for everyone, including pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. How can Monroe County work with local municipalities and New York State toward that vision?

I am working with colleagues on a “complete streets” policy that we can codify into law. Monroe County is also incentivizing municipalities to install sidewalks. We should advocate for better policies and funding to support roads that are built for all, and a transit system that is robust.

5. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

I have been a longtime advocate for pedestrians, cyclists and transit riders. I have shown real results on the County Legislature with the passage of a law protecting cyclists and the imminent introduction of a “complete streets” policy. I use my considerable platform and leadership role to rally for policies that help all road users.

Nadja Justice

Candidate Email: Not available

Website: Not available


We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Sabrina LaMar

Candidate Email:

Website: Not available


We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Candice Lucas

Candidate Email: Not available



We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Virginia McIntyre

Candidate Email:

Website: Not available


We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Jessie Parson

Candidate Email: Not available

Website: Not available


We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Rita Pettinaro

Candidate Email:

Website: Not available


We did not receive a response from this candidate.

Allan Richards

Candidate Email:



1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

The biggest challenge for any transportation is moving people for point A to point B, safely and efficiently. To overcome this challenge we must have creativity in our local transportation community leadership. The solutions may include additional public transportation, expansion of bike lane and sidewalks and changing with way our cities are constructed. I am willing to be part of that converstaion and part of the solution, but we need strong leadership from transportation experts that are willing to work on the solution.

2. What role can the Monroe County Legislature play in addressing our transportation challenges?

The county legislature is the body that can set policies that will allow for the solutions that are agreed upon by the community to be written either as statue or as goals that will allow our community to acheive a safe, sustainable model of transportation and community development. Additionally, the county can bring resources to any solutions and offer support to ensure success.

3. The transportation sector in the Genesee Finger Lakes region is responsible for 33% of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to poor air quality, poor health outcomes, and overall climate change. Please share your ideas for reducing emissions as it relates to transportation in Monroe County.

An investment into complete streets is a good start to reducing the need for transportation that contrubites to our poor health and poor air quality that negatively impacts our community. We also need to invest and expand those area that we know will make a positive impact on the greenhouse issue. These resources can include the expansion of bike lanes. narrowing of streets, and expansion of sidewalks, bike storage areas that promote bke usage. We als need to educate and expand the use of public transportation and remove the stigma of riding the bus or using a bike as the main mode of transportation.

4. The concept of “Complete Streets” focuses on designing our roads to be safe for everyone, including pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. How can Monroe County work with local municipalities and New York State toward that vision?

Every dollar invested in the county and localities, must include a design element that includes all the provisions of the complete street concept. We must focus and give priority to the projects that have the safety of our citizens in mind.

5. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

Through my experience in the NYS Assembly allows me to work with many of the highway department from across the county. I understand their need to ensure roads are safe, but I also understand that with proper education they can work to ensure our streets are well maintained and safe. I have also served on the City and Irondequoit Planning Boards and understand the need to adopt our zoning codes to reflect anrea that are able to reduce the amount of pavement need to move people and things. We need to look at zooning the reflects our goal of reducing the amount of carbon and travel time. I am committed to working with transportation specialist to ensure that our communities are move forward in a cleaner brighter future for our children and our families.

Mercedes Vazquez Simmons

Candidate Email:



1. What are Monroe County’s greatest transportation challenges?

Safe walking and biking routes for commuters

2. What role can the Monroe County Legislature play in addressing our transportation challenges?

Increase funding and allocate engineering resources to adapt current aging infrastructure to accommodate alternate transportation choices including walking, biking, bus, train

3. The transportation sector in the Genesee Finger Lakes region is responsible for 33% of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to poor air quality, poor health outcomes, and overall climate change. Please share your ideas for reducing emissions as it relates to transportation in Monroe County.

Working towards goals in alternative energy transportation options in vehicles and public transportation. Governments should lead the way in providing the example.

4. The concept of “Complete Streets” focuses on designing our roads to be safe for everyone, including pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. How can Monroe County work with local municipalities and New York State toward that vision?

The first would be the creation of such a concept that currently does not exist in Monroe County.

5. Why should Monroe County residents who care about safer streets, better mobility, and better public transit vote for you?

We must all care. The impact of climate globally is a real challenge, and we must all do our part to insure we take the initiative to works towards repairing and hopefully reversing it’s negative impact on the quality of our lives and the planet.

Reconnect Rochester would like to thank all of the candidates (and their teams) for the time and effort they’ve dedicated to our community, and for taking the time to answer our questions. We look forward to working with them very soon.

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An Open Letter to Greater Rochester Media: Why Language Matters When Reporting on Pedestrian and Cyclist Crashes

Dear Members of the Local Media,

The media plays a critical, leading role in educating and engaging the public.  We appreciate the hard, nonstop work required to provide this essential community service.

As you know, our community struggles with violence, and that violence often leads the news. Yet a particular violence crisis is flying under the radar of the local media and the community – road violence. Tremendous harm is being inflicted on our community as a result of the wildly increasing number of pedestrian and bicycle injuries and deaths on our streets, which disproportionately affects our neighbors of color.

It is becoming more dangerous to walk here in our community and across the country. In the U.S., pedestrian fatalities have skyrocketed, increasing by 62% from 2009-2020, and another 13% in 2021 alone. Bicyclist deaths are also at the highest point since 1975. In Monroe County, 5,498 crashes from 2012-2021 involved bicyclists and pedestrians, with 4,466 resulting in injury or death. On average, 10 people die on our local streets every year as a result of these crashes (a majority of them pedestrians).

Recent incidents include the death of Edgar SantaCruz and his dog Rosie, struck by a driver in the crosswalk at North Goodman and Park Avenue; the death of octogenarian Madeleine Schreiber in Brighton, who was backed over by a driver on Oakdale Street; the death of Ernest Martin, a cyclist hit by two drivers on North Street; the death of pedestrian Khadijah Stanley, hit by a driver while on the sidewalk on Hudson Avenue; and the death of Jarod Jones, a teenager killed by a driver in a hit-and-run on Lake Avenue. These are only a few of the many reported and unreported cases of precious lives lost in our community just the last few years.

We have observed that the media can do more to accurately and adequately report on these incidents of road violence. While driver-pedestrian or driver-bicyclist crashes often receive media coverage, the coverage tends to misattribute the causes and consequences of the crashes. Going forward, we encourage  you to report on these crashes – and the preventability of them – more thoughtfully.

Below is a compilation of ways the media often misrepresents these incidents, and some suggestions for more balanced reporting.

Blaming the victim and absolving the driver.  Media coverage often highlights that the person injured or killed “wasn’t in a crosswalk,”  “was wearing dark clothes,” or “was out walking at 3 a.m.” Meanwhile, drivers are often recognized in a positive light with commentary such as  “the driver stayed at the scene” and “no charges were filed.”

Blaming the vehicle and absolving the driver.  Crashes are often described as pedestrians or cyclists being “hit by a car”, rather than being hit by a driver operating a car. Language matters!

Calling crashes “accidents.”  Again, language matters. The word “accident” implies that the crash couldn’t be avoided, and has the effect of normalizing them as unavoidable and acceptable since “accidents happen”.

These crashes often occur because of driver behavior, as well as poor street design that fails to protect those outside a vehicle. In many cases, the driver could have prevented the crash by paying attention, slowing down, and driving responsibly. While driver behavior is relevant to crash causes and consequences, as important are street design, conditions and policies that enable and encourage dangerous driver behavior, namely:

  • Streets and roads that are too wide, which encourages motorists speeding and distractibility at the expense of pedestrian, cyclist *and* driver/passenger safety. Landscape architect Ian McHarg once said that “if you design a road like a gun barrel, people are going to drive like bullets.”
  • Poorly designed infrastructure and poor maintenance of existing infrastructure: signal crossings that don’t give pedestrians sufficient time to cross, insufficient street lighting, lack of crosswalks or worn out crosswalk paint are some examples. At Reconnect Rochester, we advocate for complete streets design that accommodates and protects ALL users of the road.
  • Unsafe speed limits: The citywide and village 30 mph speed limits seem slow and safe to our speed-desensitized experience, but 30 can easily be a lethal speed for a vehicle, and many people regularly drive at 40 mph or more in those zones. Speed kills. The chance of a pedestrian surviving a hit from a 3,000-7,000-pound machine plummets from 95% if hit at 20 mph, to 55% at 30 mph, to 15 percent at 40 mph.
  • The build-up of snow and ice covering sidewalks and curb cuts, conditions that force pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users into the streets. Compounding this problem:  plows that bury or block sidewalks with the snow they throw aside to ensure the streets and driveways are clear for drivers.

To help with greater mindfulness and accuracy about the ways you report on pedestrian-driver and bicycle-driver crashes, we suggest investigating the following questions when preparing your reporting.

Road Design/Conditions:

  • Was the road where the crash occurred designed to promote vehicle speed with wide open lanes and few markings on the road? Does it have safe, dedicated space for cyclists and pedestrians, and protective design features such as crossings, bike lanes, pedestrian medians, and other complete streets features?
  • If the crash happened at night, was a lack of street lighting a factor?  The majority of vehicle-pedestrian crashes happen at night.
  • If the crash happened during winter, was the sidewalk clear of snow and ice?


  • Was the driver driving over the legal speed limit, or did the driver disregard a different traffic control device (e.g. light, stop sign)?
  • Was the driver distracted or impaired by a cell phone, alcohol or drugs or other distraction? Driver inattention is a leading cause of crashes.
  • Was the driver properly licensed, and did they have a history of crashes or traffic infractions (i.e. “chronic bad driver”)?  We often hear of crash perpetrators who are unlicensed and/or have had their licenses revoked dozens of times, and are still driving.


  • Did the vehicle have limited front, side or rear visibility? This is the case with many of the most popular SUVs and pickup trucks. For example, studies have shown that front blind zones on SUVs lead to deadly crashes and especially endanger children.

We appreciate your time and consideration. Reconnect Rochester is standing by as a resource and willing partner to improve your media outlet’s approach to crash reporting, as well as helping to educate the public and policy makers about the crisis of rising road violence.  We would welcome an opportunity to meet with your team if you wish to have further dialogue on this subject.


Reconnect Rochester

Special thanks to Evan Lowenstein, a passionate advocate for better mobility in the Rochester community, who collaborated with us to write this piece.

Header Image Source: Man will appear in court in January in connection to death of pedestrian on Park Ave by Evan Bourtis News10NBC

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Welcoming Lindsay Crandall!

We are thrilled to welcome Lindsay Crandall, Fundraising and Development Manager, and newest member of a growing staff team at Reconnect Rochester!

We’re so glad that Lindsay has joined our dynamic staff team that works day-in and day-out to improve mobility in our community. In her role, Lindsay will play an integral role in our efforts by helping to attract the financial and in-kind resources that fuel Reconnect Rochester’s work in the community.  Find out how Lindsay landed here and what inspires her to advocate for mobility in the message below.

Lindsay Crandall

It is an honor for me to join Reconnect Rochester as Fundraising and Development Manager. The energy and enthusiasm of the staff is contagious, and I’m excited to learn more about mobility justice and transit equity while helping support the organization through fundraising. 

When I was a kid, my dad walked across town every day to work at the post office where everyone in the community knew him. Even then, people in our town were highly car-dependent, but my dad’s choice showed me the value of living small in a tight-knit community. Now, my interest in mobility comes primarily from a sustainability perspective, wanting to reduce my environmental footprint and car dependency. Over the years, when it’s been possible, I’ve chosen to walk or bike to work, the library, my kids’ school, and to run errands. Not only does it give me a chance to leave the car at home, but I love the added health benefits and the chance to be outdoors (even in the frigid winter). 

My hope is that the fundraising work I do for Reconnect Rochester provides more opportunities to impact and improve mobility throughout the Rochester area and create a community that’s not just interconnected but thriving.

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A Journey Through My Multimodal Week in Rochester

By Jahasia Esgdaille, Community Engagement Manager at Reconnect Rochester

Author’s note: “Happy New Year! In Fall 2022, I decided to log what a multi-modal week looks like for me and, not so surprisingly, I rely A LOT less on my car than I thought. What does a multi-modal week look like for you?– Jahasia

Throughout the week I try to leave my car at home as much as possible and use other options of getting around the Flower City, so this was quite a fun experiment to see that I actually rely much less on my car than I thought and really only use it for running errands or to get outside of the city. 

I will say that I am privileged to have options to be multi-modal throughout the week. I live in the city on two major bus lines (cheers to the #41 and the #9) so I am very lucky to have these options available to me. But, I do realize that this is something that needs to be improved in our city. In my opinion, everyone should have the option to have a multi-modal week, whether you decide to take the bus, bike or walk to your destination.


Walk to work (13 mins)

I got very lucky that my commute to work is only a 13 minute walk each way. As long as I have the energy to climb the steep hill that is the Circle Street bridge, I hoof it to work!

Biked to CVS on Park Avenue (7 mins)

I avoid driving anywhere on Park Avenue like the plague. It’s not convenient for driving or parking…which is good. This is what a people-first street design should be like. So, when I need to run to the pharmacy, I ride my bike, and thankfully there’s a bike rack right outside of CVS where I can safely lock my bike. It happened to be a little rainy this day and I completely forgot that my bike doesn’t have fenders, so enjoy the photo of glorious mud splatter on my bag.


Walk to work (13 mins)

Biked to Abundance Co-op to pick up a compost bin for the office (13 mins)

At Reconnect Rochester, we champion transportation choices that have a positive impact on the environment. We encourage people to swap car trips for other modes of transportation whether you decide to take the bus, bike or walk. So, it only made sense for us to continue our sustainability efforts and start composting at the office so that our food scraps and other biodegradable materials don’t make their way into Monroe County Landfills!

Took the 8 bus to Drive2bBetter conference (20 mins)

The Reconnect Rochester staff took a multi-modal trip to the Drive2bBetter Conference. James and I took the 8 and walked 13 minutes the rest of the way. Mary, Monika and Jesse rode their bikes to meet us there. 

We were so excited to see that the Drive2bBetter campaign was relaunched thanks to the hard work of the coalition group led by HealthiKids. To show your support for the campaign, you can request a free lawn sign here!


Walked to work (13 mins)

Biked to Full Moon Vista to grab bike lights (10 mins)

It’s getting darker earlier in the day, so my husband and I rode our bikes to Full Moon Vista to grab a snazzy set of lights to see and be seen when biking at night.

Bike to Cobbs Hill Park to swap out my compost bin with Roc City Compost (7 mins)

I am sadly starting to clear out my balcony garden for the season, so I chucked dead plant material in my Roc City Compost bin, sat it in my milk crate and biked to Cobbs Hill to meet the friendly faces at Roc City Compost.

Biked to Price Rite to some groceries for dinner (10 mins)

Once again, I am very lucky to have grocery stores close enough to bike, walk or take the bus to. I decided to bike a straight line down to Price Rite and grab a few groceries for dinner. We decided to make shrimp alfredo that night, yum!


Drove to an appointment with my husband in Gates (13 mins)

This was where I broke my streak and drove with my husband to an appointment in Gates. We were tight on time and decided to drive 13 mins from home to the doctor’s office. We thought about taking the bus but that would’ve been 2 hours and 10 mins round trip and after getting off of the bus, we would have to traverse the 6-lane road onto a street with minimal sidewalks, so it was more convenient to drive.


Drove over to Wegmans to pick up groceries (5 mins)

Something I’ve been considering when I decide to drive over to Wegmans is to carpool with a few friends to make the drive more sustainable and inevitably make the East Avenue Wegmans parking lot less congested. If you know, you know!

Biking along the Erie Canal Trail (1 hour)

Back when we had warm and sunny Fall days, my husband and I biked part of the Erie Canal Trail and stopped at the Genesee River in Corn Hill to enjoy the sun and the view. 

Writing this blog, I was hesitant to admit the times in my week where I do jump in my car to run errands or to get to an appointment. But I wanted to be honest about what a multi-modal week looks like in a city that is still very much car-centric. As much as I hate to list that I drove to an appointment, the reality is that a 13-minute drive is a lot more convenient than a 1 hr 8-minute bus ride, and this is just one example among many people in Rochester who experience the same thing. On the other hand, this made me realize that there are so many things you can do around Rochester using alternative modes of transportation, especially by bike within a 20-minute ride!

Happy busing, biking and walking!

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Top ten things we’re most proud of in 2022

At Reconnect Rochester, 2022 brought renewed hope and activity as the world fully opened up and we could get back to what we love doing best — getting together and working alongside people and organizations in the community who share our passion for improved mobility.

This has also been a year of dramatic organizational growth that’s allowed us to do even more to pursue our hopes and dreams for mobility in Monroe County. Check out below the Top 10 things we’re most proud of accomplishing in 2022. The list gets more action-packed each year!

(In no particular order of importance.)


Inspired People to Get Multi-Modal

At Reconnect Rochester, we want to inspire and empower people to use various modes of transportation and discover the joy and freedom of getting around by bus, by rail, on bike or on foot. Our Car-Lite ROC blog series featured the voices and stories of folks around the community who are living a car-lite lifestyle in Rochester and loving it! Catch up on the blog series here and listen to the podcast of some of our guest bloggers on Connections with Evan Dawson.


Expanded Bus Amenities

Bus Stop Cube Ribbon Cutting; group of people smile as they get ready to cut a white ribbon that's in front of a red bus stop cube

In August, we held a ribbon cutting to celebrate the installation of 23 more bus stop cubes on Portland, Hudson, Lake, Dewey & St. Paul. Seating at bus stops not only supports the basic needs of people who rely on RTS bus service, it also encourages more people to use public transit by improving the experience. Special thanks to the City of Rochester for being a valued partner on this project, and State Senator Samra Brouk for securing funding to support this round of bus stop cubes.


Transformed an Intersection

Kids and adults paint the road with large paint rollers

We continued our effort to make Rochester streets safer for all with a Complete Street Makeover of the intersection of Orange Street and Orchard Street in the JOSANA neighborhood.  In collaboration with many neighborhood and community partners, we implemented temporary street design changes to make the intersection safer for those who use it every day. As a result of our installation, the average speed decreased 20%, the 85th percentile speed declined 28%, and the maximum speed declined 26%.


Used the Power of Film to Educate and Inspire

4 panelists sit in director chairs on a theatre stage; 1 moderator stands at a podium

This year, we produced two Rochester Street Films events at The Little Theatre. In June, we partnered with the Climate Solutions Accelerator to showcase the feature-length documentary Life on Wheels, followed by a discussion about the mindset & policy shifts needed to create a more multimodal community. In October, we brought a set of curated film clips to the screen to explore Why We Bike, and had a panel discussion and Q&A about the rewards for us personally and as a society when more people ride bikes.


Expanded Our Advocacy Efforts

7 people on a Zoom grid

In January, we welcomed James Dietz in the newly created Advocacy Manager position to bolster our volunteer-based advocacy work with staff-based efforts. Our advocacy efforts this year included a virtual trip to Albany to fight for safe streets legislation & public transit funding, supporting the expansion and accessibility of mobility options like HOPR bike & e-scooter share and the launch of Floshare electric car share, and more on-the-ground action like mobilizing a team of staff and volunteers to shovel out bus stop cubes.


Stepped up Communications and Outreach Efforts

Staff member Jahasia stands and smiles behind a Reconnect information table

In August, Jahasia Esgdaille joined our team in another newly created position of Community Engagement Manager. This investment in staff capacity has allowed us to step up our engagement in the community with things like increasing our in-person presence via event tabling, conducting an RTS rider survey, introducing quarterly Engagement Breakfasts, and expanding our social media presence (you can now find us on Instagram!).


Strengthened Partnerships

Indoor Press Conference with County Executive Adam Bello for Drive 2B Better campaign

This year, we made a concerted effort to strengthen our relationships with key entities in the transportation sector and organizations that share our passion for better public transit and safe streets. We’ve established regular meetings with RTSGTC, the City of Rochester and Monroe County, and work with countless other elected officials and organizations in the course of our day-to-day work. It was collaborative conversations that led to Monroe County’s decision to fund the relaunch of the public awareness campaign Drive 2B Better, developed by a coalition group led by HealthiKids that aims to increase safety for all road users. You can request a D2BB lawn sign for your yard here!


Gave & Encouraged Public Input

Monroe County Active Transportation Plan Logo

Thanks to the work of our Advocacy Committee, Reconnect submitted input on every major street project and community plan in Monroe County, beating the drum to incorporate complete streets policies and a more multimodal community. We gave special attention to providing robust input into the City and County Active Transportation Plans, attended countless public meetings, and served on project advisory committees for Aqueduct Reimagined and the Zoning Alignment Project.


Expanded Cycling Resources & Activities

Group bike ride photo; "we are the change that we seek" mural.

We continued to exponentially expand cycling-focused programs, advocacy, education & outreach, including the creation of a one-stop Community Cycling Calendar and the RocEasy Bike map of recommended low-stress bike routes around Rochester. Plus, we pulled off our first annual ROC ‘n Roll community ride, continued our Flower City Feeling Good bike rides in collaboration with the City of Rochester and Exercise Express, rolled out Local History Bike Tours, and hosted a 2-day workshop by the League of American Bicyclists for local transportation planner’s and advocates. We’re especially proud of our first annual Mind the Gap campaign which asked cyclists where critical bike connections were missing in Monroe County’s bike network.

Check out the CYCLING TOP 10 LIST for even more about bike-related efforts led by our rock star Cycling Manager, Jesse Peers.


Leveled Up Our Staff & Welcomed New Board Leadership

If you’ve made it this far, you’ll know there were a few areas where we mentioned increased staff capacity. In 2022, we were able to hire two full-time employees and increase the hours of our part-time employees. More human power means more impact, and we are loving all the new and expanded ways we’ve been able to tackle our mission. This growth was made possible in great part by the continued support of Dr. Scott MacRae and a generous grant from the ESL Charitable Foundation’s Building Strong Neighborhoods initiative.

We also brought on three new board members – Bree-Ana Dukes, Bo Shoemaker & Erick Stephens – who have each used their experience and talent to energize our efforts.

Just imagine what we can do in 2023!

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Welcoming Jahasia Esgdaille!

Reconnect Rochester is excited to announce the hiring of Jahasia Esgdaille, Community Engagement Manager!

We’re so glad that Jahasia has joined our dynamic and growing staff team that works day-in and day-out to improve mobility in our community. In her role, she will act as Reconnect’s conduit to the community by developing strong relationships with people and organizational partners, and by conducting on-the-ground outreach. Get to know Jahasia and find out what drove (no pun intended) her to this work in the message below.

P.S. You may recognize Jahasia from one of our Car Lite Rochester blogs

Jahasia Esgdaille stands outside the Reconnect Rochester office door, smiling!

Hello friends and fellow advocates! I’m so honored to step into the Community Engagement Manager position at Reconnect Rochester. The mission of Reconnect Rochester very much aligns with my upbringing growing up in New York City as multi-modality was a part of my family’s everyday life, which I discuss more in my car-lite blog here.

My interest in advocating for mobility justice and transit equity initially began as an environmental sustainability steward where I focused heavily on the ways that I could reduce my personal impact on the planet by swapping car trips for walking, biking or taking the bus. This interest, and admittedly newfound passion, quickly grew into a more encompassing lens on how access to multi-modal transportation options affect everything from our environment to economic opportunities, and more.

I look forward to listening, learning, contributing to and advocating for a sustainable and equitable transportation system for all of our community members!

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Stuck in a Bus Rut, But We Still Believe

Reconnect Rochester meets with the team at RTS on a regular basis. We listen and ask questions. We share feedback from transit riders and offer ideas. We seek to understand and strive to be a good community partner.

Many of you might be wondering what’s going on with all the service changes over the last few years. We want to share our latest understanding with the general riding public, and anyone else who cares about having reliable public transportation in our community. Read on for our take on what happened, what’s happening, and what to expect.

As an advocacy organization, it’s important for us to collect input and channel it to the ears of RTS leadership so they can better understand the impact of their decisions on transit users. To that end, we’ve constructed a survey to find out from RTS riders how your experience has changed (for better or worse) since the implementation of the Reimagine RTS system redesign last spring. We also want to hear from former RTS riders about why you have stopped riding and what it would take to get you back.

We’ll be collecting this input through the month of August online and in-person, and then we’ll collate it and pass it on to RTS leadership. Please help us out by sharing this survey with your friends!


What’s the current situation and what can we expect?

We’ll give it to you straight first with no sugar added, and then add a dash of hope and sweetness later.

RTS ridership is still hovering around 65-70% of pre-pandemic levels with no sign of an upturn.

On-demand service in the mobility zones is exceeding demand, resulting in a service denial rate of 30-35%. The service management platform has been problematic. This combination has made service in the towns and suburbs of Monroe County often frustrating and unreliable.

Five (5) of the seven (7) 15-minute frequency routes in the core service area – the big promise of the Reimagine RTS system redesign – reverted back to 30-minute frequency. The result is worse service for some riders than they had before.

RTS doesn’t expect any of this to change or improve until at least January 2023, when new buses and vans arrive, enough drivers are hired, and a new on-demand technology platform is put in place. 

Who is impacted most?

The unfulfilled promise of Reimagine RTS of more frequent and robust service is a burden that falls squarely on transit dependent people in our community. It stands to reason that transit dependent folks make up most of the 70% of riders who are still on the bus. Unlike “choice riders” who were able to choose another way to get around, this group of folks don’t have another option than to rely on the bus. 

Bus Stop

With the system as it is, a commute time that was already long, is made longer. Those who live or need to get to work in the mobility zones are especially hard hit. Because demand is far outpacing service capacity, there is a new unreliability that is arguably worse than the service that existed before. At least then you knew a fixed route bus would be coming along at a set time, even if only every 60 minutes.

How did we get here?

The pandemic took a huge toll on RTS. In June 2020, the long-awaited Reimagine RTS system redesign launch was postponed as RTS focused on pandemic response, health safety on buses, and pitching in to meet emergency transportation needs. Reimagine RTS finally launched almost a year later in May 2021.

A few months later (Sept 2021), a shortage of private contract bus drivers created a crisis with RCSD school bus transportation. RTS stepped in and provided service so that kids could get to school. However, to free up buses and drivers, they rolled back the 15-minute frequent service that had been the hallmark of Reimagine RTS.

For the last year, RTS has been struggling to get the buses and drivers in place so they can add back the frequency in regular service and meet the unexpectedly high demand for on-demand service in the mobility zones. The good folks at RTS want to restore the frequent service as much as anyone and are working overtime to problem-solve the situation.

There are two things standing in the way: 1) Supply chain issues have prevented vans and buses, ordered more than a year ago, from arriving. 2) Steep competition in the labor market has made it more challenging to hire RTS drivers. In April 2022, due to ongoing equipment and staffing shortages, RTS announced service changes that included “pausing” the new Rt 42 crosstown, another rollback of the Reimagine RTS system redesign.

It’s little comfort, but we are not alone in this. Transit ridership is down everywhere in the wake of the pandemic. Equipment and bus driver shortages are plaguing transit systems across the country, and have led to even more severe service cuts in neighboring Buffalo and Syracuse over the past year. 

Bus Ridership
Dec 29 2019 – July 30 2022 National Data (APTA Ridership Trends dashboard)

Is there any good news?

Yes, there is plenty. 

A host of Reimagine RTS service improvements were successfully implemented and have made a big difference for many riders. Things like increased weekend service hours and frequency, the Rt 40 & 41 crosstown routes, newly added 30-minute frequency routes, and two 15-minute frequency routes (E. Main & Dewey Ave) that were reinstated.

This spring, the RGRTA Board approved a new service management platform in the mobility zones to replace the problematic one, so that fix is on its way.

Ridership data collected from the 15-minute routes has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that frequency = increased ridership. Unexpectedly high ridership in the mobility zones shows there’s a strong demand for public transit in the towns and suburbs. What’s the takeaway? When we can restore the promises of Reimagine RTS, we will see huge gains in ridership.

Thanks to advocacy efforts led statewide by NYPTA and locally by Reconnect Rochester, as well as our Albany delegation’s support for public transportation, State Transit Operating Assistance funding for RGRTA will be increased by 15.17%. This removes funding as a barrier to service expansion & restoration (the problem is that money can’t solve the immediate problem of staffing and equipment shortages).

Many would say the Transit App has been a bright spot. Anyone who uses it can attest to the awesome design and functionality to guide transit riders in moving around.

RTS is leading New York State in the conversion to electric buses and also just got State funding to add hydrogen fuel cell buses to its fleet in the coming years. That’s a great thing for the environment and the quality of the air we breathe.

Finally, there’s also hope for expansion of bus amenities to improve the riding experience. Reconnect Rochester just got 23 more bus stop cubes on the ground, bringing the total to 54 bus stops around the city. Even more exciting, the City of Rochester with support from RTS, is applying for a $2M State funding grant to make a sweeping investment in bus stop amenities. This could mean shelters, benches, and bus stop cubes installed at hundreds of stops in the city that currently have no seating. Keep your fingers and toes crossed!

Rochester Bus

What can RTS do?

We wouldn’t be a very worthwhile advocacy organization if we didn’t point out some ways that RTS can do better even under the current constraints.

We challenge RTS to acknowledge what its customers are really experiencing minus any positive spin. Be transparent and communicate what’s happening. As transit riders, we’d like to know what’s going on. Share ridership statistics and denial rates with the community and explain why. Tell us what you’re doing to resolve the service issues. How many drivers are in the pipeline? How many buses are on order? What’s the timeline for the new user management system for the mobility zones? You get the idea.

What can we/YOU do?

Fill out our survey to share your experience.

Whether you’re a current rider or a former rider that has stopped riding the bus, we want to hear from you. We promise to deliver your thoughts to RTS leadership in the hope that your voice will impact future decision making.

If you ride RTS regularly, keep sending them your feedback.

They might not be able to make major changes happen, but they have been responsive to small improvements when they hear a sensible adjustment that can be made. Positive feedback is important, too. If RTS does something that improves your situation, let them know! Also, driving a bus can be a difficult and stressful job. A friendly greeting to the driver when you enter the bus, and thanking them for getting you to your destination safely can make a difference. You can play a part in driver retention!

Ditch the car and ride RTS whenever it works for your schedule.

Mary at Reconnect talking here. My own personal commute improved significantly thanks to the new Route 41 crosstown, which gets me to the office in 17 minutes door-to-door. In those 17 minutes, I get to enjoy some fresh air and a little exercise, check my inbox, give and take smiles (even if only with the eyes) with fellow passengers, and save gas money leaving the car at home.

Bus Arriving

Wondering what your bus commute would look like? Visit or download the Transit App to find out!

We still believe

Reconnect Rochester has long advocated for a public transit system that delivers frequency. We still believe that the Reimagine RTS plan – when fully implemented – will set us on a path to a more frequent and robust system. There are tradeoffs, yes, but it will be a net positive overall.

At Reconnect Rochester, we look forward to when we will see the full promise of the new system fulfilled, and can truly welcome in a new day for public transportation in Rochester. We look forward to bringing back our Roc Transit Day event to showcase the changes and attract busloads of new choice riders – because choice ridership enriches the whole system, making it better for everyone. We look forward to the day when public transportation can serve as an integrating, rather than segregating, force in our community.

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How should we grow Rochester’s bike infrastructure? Let’s ask the data.

Guest blog by Nate August (Data Scientist & Graduate, University of Rochester) and Doug Kelley (Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Rochester)

The year 2022 could be a watershed for active transportation in the Rochester region. The City of Rochester is writing a new Active Transportation Plan to update and extend its existing Bicycle Master Plan (completed in 2011). Meanwhile, Monroe County is writing its first-ever Countywide Active Transportation Plan. Both documents will lay out a vision and set priorities to guide transportation policy for years or decades. Their recommendations will literally be made concrete in communities’ sidewalks, bike paths, bus stops, and roads. Smart planning can improve equity and sustainability in everybody’s transportation – and can be empowered by data-driven insights.

Sharrows in Rochester

This spring, our team of graduate students and faculty at the University of Rochester’s Goergen Institute for Data Science, in partnership with the City of Rochester, set out to make data-driven recommendations for one key enabler of active transportation, the City’s bike infrastructure. We drew on a recent scientific study of bike networks in 62 other cities around the world, coauthored by researchers at the University of Rochester and the IT University of Copenhagen. We selected 86 points of interest around the City and calculated many thousands of routes among them, each along existing bikeways and streets, then located the street segments that currently lack bike infrastructure but frequently are part of the calculated routes. Those are places where new infrastructure would carry the most bike traffic and could most quickly improve users’ experiences of Rochester’s bike network. Here are the ten segments most important for bike transportation in Rochester, according to our analysis:

    • Monroe Avenue between Culver Road and Howell Street
    • Elmwood Avenue between Mount Hope Avenue and S. Goodman Street
    • Driving Park Avenue between La Grange Avenue and Saint Paul Street
    • Joseph Avenue between Cumberland Avenue and Norton Street
    • A connection between North Street and Central Park, either Davis and Scio Streets or Portland Avenue
    • State Street between Andrews Street and Smith Street
    • Smith Street between Lake Avenue and Saint Paul Street
    • South Clinton Avenue between Gregory Street and East Broad Street
    • Stone Street between East Broad Street and East Main Street
    • Saint Paul Street between East Main Street and Andrews Street

Our data-driven recommendations agree well with intuition and ongoing community conversation. Many of these street segments are also among the ten most obvious gaps in Rochester’s bike network, according to Reconnect Rochester’s Mind the Gap campaign. Many were recommended for upgraded bike infrastructure in the Rochester 2034 blueprint for growth and development, adopted by City Council in 2019. When different people using different methods tackle the same problem and find similar solutions, it’s a good sign that those could be the right solutions for the community – great minds think alike!

To learn more about the results and analysis that led to our recommendations, check out the interactive map below. It shows the data-driven recommendations along with existing bike infrastructure and the points of interest. You can pan, zoom, and toggle the layers. Altogether, these new segments span just eight miles (13 km) – short enough to be built rapidly and at low cost. As the map shows, they would link disjointed parts of Rochester’s existing bike network and connect it to more neighborhoods, bringing transportation equity to more residents.

Once these ten key segments have bike-friendly infrastructure, further construction would bring further improvements, and we used the same sort of analysis to ask what should come next. The animation below shows what the Rochester bike network could look like as infrastructure is added in 12-mile increments up to 60 miles. According to our analysis, communities are best served by prioritizing dense connections in the City center along with selected arterial connections to outlying areas.

Suggested bike connections in Rochester

There’s more good news when we rate the impacts of these recommendations in terms of directness. If you’re biking from, say, the Public Market to the downtown library, the directness of your route is the ratio of the actual distance you pedal to the distance as the crow flies. A more direct route is quicker and more efficient. By averaging over all the routes among all the points of interest, the directness of a whole bike network can be calculated. The scientific study found, surprisingly, that building new infrastructure during the early part of a bike network’s development can actually make directness worse because new neighborhoods are at first connected only by tortuous routes. But the good news for Rochester is that our strong foundation of roughly 75 miles of existing protected bikeways, bike boulevards and bike paths allows us to achieve steadily increasing directness. Here, bike routes will tend to get straighter and more direct with each new infrastructure project, as long as projects are chosen sensibly.

Our analysis is all about connecting points of interest, so the results depend strongly on how those points are chosen. We started with the City of Rochester Commercial Corridor Business Data, published as part of the 2034 Plan, which tabulates 1800 locations. By looking for clusters of nearby places, we reduced that long list to 86 points of interest, which constitute parks, museums, convenience stores, schools, and other businesses. We checked to be sure that the points didn’t unfairly favor any of the City’s four quadrants or areas with higher median income. In fact, we repeated our analysis with different points of interest, chosen with a preference for serving underprivileged neighborhoods and combined the results for our final recommendations. We’ve worked hard to make recommendations that promote equity and serve all residents.

Of course, recommendations alone aren’t enough. Concrete improvements to Rochester’s bike network will require, well, concrete – as well as public will. You can help make these recommendations reality. Use this interactive map to mark assets, opportunities, and concerns that should be considered in the Countywide Active Transportation Plan. Respond to the community survey for Rochester’s Active Transportation Plan. Encourage your community leaders to prioritize bike and pedestrian infrastructure, especially when they think about big projects like ROC the Riverway and the Inner Loop North Transformation.

Kids ride on a bike path in Rochester

You can also dig deeper into our analysis by reading the full report or adapt our tools and methods to other communities by downloading our analysis code. A similar study of Monroe County would be invaluable and would be easier now that we’ve added much of Rochester’s bike infrastructure to OpenStreetMap.

With more data and analytical processing power available now than humankind has ever before known, our society is in a position to devise and execute truly excellent plans for active transportation networks. Let’s make the most of the opportunity.

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Bike Week 2022

The cycling season in Rochester continues with Bike Week 2022, spanning two consecutive weekends from May 13 to 22 and offering cycling events for all ages and levels of expertise.

Example of a Bike Week ride
The purpose is to celebrate biking in Rochester and expand the use of bikes as practical, daily transportation. With many people taking up biking during the pandemic, Bike Week welcomes new riders and demonstrates the great community and infrastructure available to cyclists in Rochester.
Bike Week is put together by Reconnect Rochester but is truly a grassroots effort in that each event is organized individually. Information for the rides is below, along with a specific contact for each ride.

Friday, May 13

7:45pm: Light Up the Night Ride (131 Elmwood Ave)

This fun ride to kick off Bike Week begins after sundown and cyclists are encouraged to light up their bikes with glow sticks and bike lights. Gather at the Genesee Valley Sports Complex parking lot after 7pm; kickstands up around 7:45pm. The ride then proceeds through city streets and some trails, at a slow but enjoyable pace. Total distance 11 miles, but there will be shorter loops of 2-5 miles for younger cyclists as well. Dress warm and bring an extra layer for when the temperature creeps down after dark. Contact: Jesse Peers,

Saturday, May 14

9:00am-2:00pm: Bike Sale (10 Flint Street)

R Community Bikes will have a good selection of ready-to-go bikes along with a huge selection of “project bikes” that need some TLC. They have no children’s bikes or 24″ bikes. Payment can be made by cash, PayPal or checks. Please note that this sale is at their Flint Street location, NOT their Hudson Ave location.

10:00am: George Eastman Bike Tour (900 East Avenue)

See Rochester in a new way. A nod to George Eastman’s own love of cycling, the George Eastman Bike Tour will take you to ten different locations related to the life and work of this pioneer of popular photography and famous Rochesterian. You will see buildings and sites that shaped Eastman’s life—or were in turn shaped by him. $25. Must register and pay beforehand to participate:

Sunday, May 15

10:00am-11:30am: ROC Freedom Riders Kick Off Ride (East High School, 1801 E. Main Street)

Join ROC Freedom Riders for its 2022 season kick-off ride to support a new Black-owned fitness center founded by ROC Freedom Riders captain, Lakeisha Smith, owner of Inspired By Fitness. Meet at East High School parking lot for a ride around the neighborhood. This ride includes a tour of Inspired By Fitness and a fun warmup/cooldown activity facilitated by Lakeisha Smith. Contact:

10:30am: Sunday Funday (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Park at Manhattan Square, 353 Court Street)

Join Rochester Bicycle Time! for a leisurely cruise around our fine city during Bike Week. Explore fun hidden spots that will give you a different perspective on Rochester and possibly learn some history as well. Meetup at the park water fountain at 10:30am and rollout at 11am. Contact: Bryan Agnello

Monday, May 16

Nothing currently scheduled. Check back closer to this date for any updates!

Tuesday, May 17

7:30am-9:00am: Bike to Work Day Pit Stop, University of Rochester edition (Elmwood cycletrack, across from the main hospital entrance)

Our region’s largest employer is a wonderful bike destination! Situated along the Genesee River and near the Erie Canal, you’re sure to encounter some scenic spots along your route. The University of Rochester earned a silver “Bicycle Friendly University” award in 2018 and had Rochester’s most used bikeshare station during Pace’s tenure. To thank people cycling to the River and Medical campuses on May 17, they will have snacks to share in a safe manner. Swing by, fuel up, and talk cycling with their staff and Reconnect Rochester volunteers. Contact: Tracey Austin,

6:00pm-8:30pm: On-Bike Smart Cycling Class, presented by Reconnect Rochester (Public Market, 280 N. Union St)

Many people like the idea of biking more, but don’t feel safe mixing with traffic. In this class, students will learn the rules of the road and proper roadway position. We’ll examine safe cycling techniques and ways to make cycling easier and more enjoyable. The class will incorporate classroom learning, parking lot maneuvering drills and a short group ride navigating different traffic scenarios together. Cost: $25 per person. Must register and pay beforehand to participate.

Wednesday, May 18

7:00pm: National Ride of Silence (Liberty Pole, Liberty Pole Way)

Join Black Girls Do Bike Rochester and Monroe County cyclists in a silent procession to honor cyclists who have been killed or injured while cycling on public roadways. This slow 8-mile ride with a police escort aims to raise the awareness of motorists, police and government officials that cyclists have a legal right to the public roadways. Registration starts at 5:30pm. Ride will commence around 7pm after ceremony. Contact: Kecia McCullough

Thursday, May 19

6:45pm: Rochester Bicycle Time! (Parcel 5, 285 E. Main Street)

RBT’s mission is simple: All riders, regardless of skill level. They meet at Parcel 5 every Thursday around 6:30pm and start rolling at 7pm. Expect a relaxed cruise around the City with an improvised route. This ride is a great way to know how to get around by bike. Contact: Bryan Agnello

Friday, May 20

6:30am-10:00am Bike to Work Day pit stop (Union Street cycletrack at East Avenue)

If you’ve never tried biking to work, this is the day! Rochesterians are very fortunate to have an average 4.1-mile commute to work, which is about 25 minutes by bike at a casual pace. To thank people cycling to work on May 20th, Reconnect Rochester will have munchies to share and celebrate those who get to work on two wheels. Swing by, fuel up, and talk cycling with our dedicated volunteers. Contact: Jesse Peers,

Saturday, May 21

MVP Health Care Rochester Twilight Festival

The MVP Health Care Rochester Twilight Criterium is back! This is the second race of the all new American Criterium Cup in the heart of beautiful downtown Rochester. Bring the family downtown for relentlessly high-paced racing on a short closed loop course that gives spectators plenty of access to the action! Grab a beer from the Rohrbach Beer Garden and grub from the array of Food Trucks! Details:

**Saturday, May 28** (postponed from 22nd)

10:00am-1:00pm Keeping It Classy Cycling Club’s Flower Pedal Populaire (Roundhouse Shelter, Genesee Valley Park)

Don your favorite outfit, decorate your bike, and pack up your picnic baskets! Meetup at the Genesee Valley Roundhouse shelter at 10am for coffee and a gracious welcome. Kickstands up at 11am for a short, leisurely group ride. Bring your mom and dad. Bring your Grammy and Grandpa. Bring the kids and dog! Just remember to keep it classy! Contact: Dan Slakes,