Riders from the Rush-Henrietta Care program at Seneca Park.

Riders from the Rush-Henrietta Care program at Seneca Park.

On July 25, 18 3rd-6th graders along with nine adults from the Rush-Henrietta Care Program enjoyed a 12-mile “Bike Your Parks” ride from Conkey Corner Park to Ontario Beach Park. The trip took the group down El Camino Trail where the participants admired Wall Therapy art along the way, through Seneca Park (bathroom break!!), across the Genesee on the pedestrian bridge, along Lake Avenue on the Riverway Trail where they saw the Kodak Campus and King’s Landing Cemetery, and finally through Turning Point Park over the boardwalk and on down to Lake Ontario. There were no flat tires, no breakdowns, no injuries and no laggards. The kids were amazed at their own endurance and strength and the adults were impressed with the kids’ discipline.
The kids were all super-proud of their accomplishments and are already thinking about what they can discover on the next bike trip. This was a wonderful way for them to learn about Rochester.
Riders from the Rush-Henrietta Care program at Lake Ontario.

Riders from the Rush-Henrietta Care program at Lake Ontario.