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This blog’s many readers will note that a number of deadlines approach.

The recent posts highlight highly-relevant competitions

Urban Green Expo Garage Inventors competition deadline July 27th, 2009

WPA 2.0: Whoever rules the sewers rules the city deadline August 7, 2009

The Kodak American Greenways Program | The Conservation Fund deadline July 15, 2009

Alliance for Biking and Walking Advocacy and Startup grants, deadline August 26, 2009

BikesBelong Facilities and Advocacy
grants, deadline August 24, 2009

Even more pressing and perhaps more promsing, Ram Shrivastava of Larsen Engineering points out that the County and the City will be submitting applications for NYSERDA / DOE Formula based block grants to the County and the City on June 25, 2009. He suggests that we

    “call and write a letter to the Municipal Leaders requesting that they allocate a small fraction 5%-10% for a fund for conducting strategic planning studies. This could allow a source of funding for your project to conduct the first stage feasibility assessment to develop the design concepts and cost estimates. Since this is 100% grant and meant for projects with same goals as your project, it is worth reaching out to these communities and request them to set aside some funds for Planning work and remaining funds could be use for project implementation. The planning amount is not just for RIT – greenway but many other activities in the community.

    Obviously there are other sources that can be contacted later, but this opportunity needs immediate action. Please do point out that this fits into Rochester Green program and would help create jobs and economic development in Rochester.”

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