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Complete Streets is a national movement which seeks to ensure that road construction projects take into account the needs of everyone who uses the roadways – pedestrians, motorists, the handicapped, children… and, naturally, cyclists.

In New York State, a bill currently making it’s way through the legislature would require that planning agencies do just that. It’s a major step in the effort to make sure that transportation planning works for everyone, and a major asset in pressing for better bike facilities.

The bill is sponsored by Rochester’s own Assemblyman David F. Gantt, representative from the 133th district which includes the City of Rochester and Gates. Gantt is also the chairman of the Assembly Transportation Committee.

Please take a moment to reach out to your Assemblyperson and Senator, as well as the leaders of the Assembly and Senate Transportation Committees and urge them to support Assembly bill A08587 and Senate bill S5711. Representatives of other local districts are listed below, with contact information.

Also, see the call to action from the New York Bicycle Coalition to support the bill.


Joseph A. Errigo, 130th district: Henrietta, Pittsford, Mendon, Victor, East & West Bloomfield (and beyond).

Susan John, 131st district: parts of Rochester, Chili, Wheatland, Riga, Rush.

Joseph D. Morelle, 132nd district: Irondequoit, Brighton.

Bill Reilich, 134th district: Greece, Ogden, Sweden.

David Koon, 135th Assembly district: Webster, Penfield, Perinton.


James Alesi, 55th Senate District: Irondequoit, Perinton, Pittsford, Penfield, Mendon, Henrietta, Rush, Wheatland, Chili, Riga.

Joseph Robach, 56th Senate District: parts of Rochester, Greece, Parma, Brighton.

George Maziarz, 62nd district: Gates, Ogden, and west to Buffalo.

Martin Dilan, 17th district. Chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee.

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