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Rochester’s Bicycle Master Plan Project
The City of Rochester wants to make it easier for you to get around on your bicycle. The Bicycle Master Plan project was completed in January 2011. The plan’s recommendations will serve as a framework for the city’s future investment in bicycle infrastructure. Thank you to everyone who provided comments, attended public meetings, and got excited about bicycling in Rochester!
About the Project
The City developed a long-term master plan for bicycling infrastructure and services.
Sprinkle Consulting (with SRF & Associates and EDR as sub-consultants) was selected through a request for proposal process and produced a plan that:

  • identified best practices for bicycling infrastructure and services,
  • assessed their feasibility for local application,
  • identified appropriate locations for bicycle facilities,
  • and recommended bicycle-supportive policies.

While the City of Rochester and Monroe County received an “honorable mention” from the League of American Bicyclists’ “Bicycle Friendly Communities” program in 2009, the goal is to achieve full “Bicycle Friendly Community” status from the group.

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