Please join us in warmly welcoming Chaz Goodman to the Reconnect Rochester team! As a super-fan, follower and contributor to our work for many years, there’s no better person than Chaz to inspire and engage others to join our cause. As the Marketing & Outreach Manager, he’ll take the reins of our external communications on social media, our website and blog, as well as support the rest of the team with communications needs for our programs, events and advocacy work. You’ll also see Chaz out and about tabling at events, giving presentations to neighborhood and community groups, and otherwise reaching out and connecting people to our work. It’s a big job, but we know Chaz has the professional experience and personal passion to tackle it!
Read below to find out more about what inspired Chaz to join Reconnect Rochester. You can also see his passion on display in the two blog posts he wrote for Reconnect Rochester before joining the team, one about living car-lite in Rochester and another about biking with his kids to get around. Feel free to shoot Chaz a note to say hello and congrats!

Chaz Goodman (he/him/his)
I am beyond excited to join the Reconnect Rochester team as the Marketing & Outreach Manager. I have been a bike commuter for 14 years. My passion for multimodal communities goes way back to being a kid when my brothers and I would walk to the community pool and I wished we had the freedom to walk to school or the Abbotts from our suburban home in Webster. I once spent an entire day riding the bus, interviewing passengers for a human interest story for my journalism class in college. When I discovered that cities like Rochester once had light rail and robust public transit systems, I became deeply interested in reviving alternative transportation options.
I am an enthusiastic supporter of Reconnect Rochester and their work to correct the imbalance of urban planning that prioritizes car speed above all else. The environmental impact alone of reducing car usage is compelling but as I delved deeper into the issues— the costs, safety concerns, racial injustices tied to urban renewal, and the extensive space required for car culture—this cause became somewhat of an obsession for me. By providing our community with transportation choices, everyone, including drivers, stands to gain. I greatly admire Reconnect Rochester’s pragmatic approach to improving our transit options while centering joy in the movement!