Rochester Bike Week (May 20-27, 2011)
Bicycling Events to Promote: “A Community in Motion”
PRESENTED BY: the Rochester Cycling Alliance (RCA)
DETAILS: The Rochester Cycling Alliance (RCA) will present their second annual Rochester Bike Week from May 20th through May 27th, 2011.
Complete list of events at:
May is Bike Month! As a nationally recognized week, The League of American Bicyclists ( sponsors Bike Week each year to “…promote bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation…” in communities all across the United States. As such, the RCA will host their second annual Bike Week in Rochester, NY. Rochester’s Bike Week will include: races, fun group rides and other bicycling events to promote “A Community in Motion.” Our goal is to communicate that bicycling is a fun and viable mode of transportation that provides many great opportunities to get out and enjoy the City of Rochester by bicycle.
Key events include:
• Friday, May 20th @ 9:00 pm “Light Up the City Ride”
• Saturday, May 21st @ 12:30 pm “The Blessing of the Bicycles”
• Sunday, May 22nd @ 7:45 am “RCA Bike for Breakfast Ride”
• Sunday, May 22nd @ 3:00 pm “The Seersucker Social”
• Monday, May 23rd @ 7:00 pm “Basic Bike Commuting Workshop”
• Tuesday, May 24th @ 5:00 pm “City of Rochester Downtown Ride”
• Wednesday, May 25th @ 5:00 pm “GROC Victor Trail Sampler”
• Thursday, May 26th @ 6:30 pm “Ice Cream Social Ride”
• Friday, May 27th @ 9:00 pm “Search and Rescue Alley Cat”
For a complete event schedule with locations and start times, visit the RCA website at
About the Rochester Cycling Alliance (RCA): The RCA was formed in September, 2009 as an alliance of citizens working to create better cycling infrastructure and a stronger voice for cyclists in Rochester, NY. The RCA draws it members from all areas of the community and welcomes all types of cyclists.
Rochester has great potential for bikes!
• Rochester, NY – One of America’s Top 50 Bike-Friendly Cities,6610,s1-3-583-21901-1,00.html
• Rochester, NY – One of David Byrne’s Favorite Bike Cities:
Rochester Bike Week needs your help!
Rochester Cycling Alliance is promoting another Rochester Bike Week May 20th – May 27th with the theme “A Community in Motion.” This year we are advocating for the Rochester Cycling Community at large to develop and promote their own events during Bike Week.
If you are interested, click on this link (CLICK HERE) and fill out the form. Once the form has been completed and reviewed we will contact you for any further details and then post your event on our website.
PLEASE NOTE: each ride organizer will be solely responsible for his/her event, including the development and logistics of the event to be listed below. Rochester Cycling Alliance (RCA) does not assume any responsibility for the event you decide to organize. RCA will not post any events that are not geared toward making Rochester a bicycle friendly city.
For any questions regarding Bike Week please email:
Thank you for getting involved!
Next Bike Week Meeting
Rochester Bike Week 2011 is coming soon!
If you are interested in participating, our next scheduled Volunteer meeting is at RIT’s Innovation Center (Google Map Directions)on Sunday, February 20th from 4pm – 5pm Please come to this meeting with a list of all the local bike shops, bike clubs, and local Rochester businesses you have connections with or are willing to reach out to. FYI: Your connections/list will be the foundation for our outreach campaign.
We look forward to seeing you at the next volunteer meeting!
RCA Bike Week 2011, Director
2011 Rochester Bike Week Volunteer Meeting
Rochester Cycling Alliance Advocates…
If you missed the volunteer meeting last Sunday you still have an opportunity to find-out more and participate in 2011. The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 7th at 7pm – LOCATION: RIT Center for Student Innovation RM: 1100.
RIT Center for Student Innovation.
Google Map Directions available at:
In line with our objectives for the 2011 Bike Week our volunteer needs will follow three main tracks:
Meeting details below.
Bike Week 2011 planning is upon us once again! As the Rochester Bicycle Master Plan Project (http://www.cityofrochester.
1. Bike Shop / Bike Club Ambassador (4 volunteers needed)
· (Duties) To make contact with all local bike shops and bike clubs to solicit the following: donations/sponsorships, ride and event support for Bike Week, and to secure distribution sites for Bike Week flyers.
2. Community Relations Ambassador (4 volunteers needed)
· (Duties) To identify and contact potential community and business partners that can benefit from helping Bike Week grow in their area. For example, Neighborhood Associations (NA) may be a good partner, due to their political influence and ability to disseminate information to their NA members. Once relationships are established we need to solicit the following: donations/sponsorships, ride and event support for Bike Week, and to secure distribution sites for Bike Week flyers.
3. Ride Leaders / Support (6 volunteers needed)
· (Duties) To lead and or support bicycle rides at their planned times. Make sure all participants are safe and accounted for. Leaders and support will also be responsible for maintaining an accurate sign-in sheet used for tracking and recording the number of participants on each ride, while also documenting the ride through photographs.
Build Relationships
The Rochester Cycling Alliance is just that…an alliance of cyclists in Rochester. However, we cannot have a very strong alliance if we are not actively seeking and building support from the community of cyclists that live and work in Rochester. As volunteers connect with shops, clubs, businesses, and communities we want to inform our target communities about the RCA, Bike Week, and the Rochester Bicycle Master Plan Project, while providing multiple levels of involvement. The three volunteer positions listed above are very public positions and require volunteers that can leverage established relationships with our targeted communities or have the ability to develop the necessary relationships.
Secure Involvement, Donations and Sponsorships
Ambassadors will be supplied with our 2011 Bike Week Donation/Sponsorship letter to deliver to each potential bike week partner. The letter will detail how shops, clubs, businesses, and communities can participate at various levels and even financially or through in-kind donations (time or product). The letter should be delivered in person, rather than mailed, in order to help establish a face-to-face relationship with the potential partner. Our goal is not to make money with this effort, but to solicit involvement and funds to help cover the 2011 Bike Week event expenses. As the RCA develops into a 501c3 (non-profit entity) this year, we will be able to receive and appropriate tax deductible donations from contributing partners.
We look forward to seeing you at the Volunteers meeting! Please feel free to email me with any questions.
Jason Hammel
RCA Bike Week 2011, Director
Bike 4 Breakfast
Bike 4 Breakfast (a Bike Week event) took place on Sunday, May 23rd from 8:00am – 11:00am. The ride started at Eastern Mountain Sports in Pittsford Plaza and followed the Canal Path to the Genesee River Path in route to the South Wedge Diner (located in Rochester’s South Wedge neighborhood). The people, weather and ride were all great! The total number of riders that participated was 14. Great event – look forward to offering it again sometime this summer.
Thanks to Chintana for helping out.
Bike 4 Breakfast
Bike 4 Breakfast (a Bike Week event) took place on Sunday, May 23rd from 8:00am – 11:00am. The ride started at Eastern Mountain Sports in Pittsford Plaza and followed the Canal Path to the Genesee River Path in route to the South Wedge Diner (located in Rochester’s South Wedge neighborhood). The people, weather and ride were all great! The total number of riders that participated was 14. Great event – look forward to offering it again sometime this summer.
Thanks to Chintana for helping out.
Rochester Cycling Alliance / Bike Week Commuter Race just finished – cyclist won after a close race. Times will be updated later and possibly a video too! Thanks to everyone who helped out with the race. Great way to start out Bike Week. Don’t miss the Light-up the River Ride tonight at 9:00PM. Visit: for details.
Rochester Cycling Alliance / Bike Week Commuter Race just finished – cyclist won after a close race. Times will be updated later and possibly a video too! Thanks to everyone who helped out with the race. Great way to start out Bike Week. Don’t miss the Light-up the River Ride tonight at 9:00PM. Visit: for details.
Friday, May 21st – Commuter Race (First Bike Week Event)
Rochester’s Bike Week starts tomorrow! Tomorrow is also National Bike to Work Day – BIKE TO WORK! Come support the Bike Week Commuter Race at 7:00am (Bicyclists vs. car vs. bus). Race will begin at Starbucks (Corner of Winton and Monroe) at 7:00am and terminates in front of the museum on Monroe Ave (just before Manhattan Sq Pk).
Friday, May 21st – Commuter Race (First Bike Week Event)
Rochester’s Bike Week starts tomorrow! Tomorrow is also National Bike to Work Day – BIKE TO WORK! Come support the Bike Week Commuter Race at 7:00am (Bicyclists vs. car vs. bus). Race will begin at Starbucks (Corner of Winton and Monroe) at 7:00am and terminates in front of the museum on Monroe Ave (just before Manhattan Sq Pk).
RCA T-shirt Orders
Anyone interested in a limited edition RCA T-shirt please email us
with your name, T-shirt size, phone number, and email. T-shirt cost
will be $20 per shirt. This cost is based on buying 12 T-shirts to start. The more people who buy them the cheaper they will be. We need orders by 10AM tomorrow (5/11) in order to get the shirts by this Friday. Please pass this message along and let all RCA’ers know about the shirts.
Shirts will be Red 50/50 cotton shirts with a white RCA Chain ring /Cityscape logo on the front and white “ROCHESTER CYCLING ALLIANCE” lettering on the back across the shoulders. To place an order for your shirt click here.
RCA T-shirt Orders
Anyone interested in a limited edition RCA T-shirt please email us
with your name, T-shirt size, phone number, and email. T-shirt cost
will be $20 per shirt. This cost is based on buying 12 T-shirts to start. The more people who buy them the cheaper they will be. We need orders by 10AM tomorrow (5/11) in order to get the shirts by this Friday. Please pass this message along and let all RCA’ers know about the shirts.
Shirts will be Red 50/50 cotton shirts with a white RCA Chain ring /Cityscape logo on the front and white “ROCHESTER CYCLING ALLIANCE” lettering on the back across the shoulders. To place an order for your shirt click here.
ATTENTION all RCA members with a Facebook page! If you have been looking for a way to help and support the RCA and Bike Week, but have been too busy to make it to meetings, etc. you can help-out by letting your friends know about the event through Facebook or email.
If you have a Facebook page please cut and paste the following message into your status:
Rochester Bike Week is May 21st thru 28th. For a list of events visit:
If you do not have facebook, but have an email account.. then simply send the above message to your friends via email.
Your help with messaging and getting the word out is crucial to the success of this event! What good is this event if no one knows about it! Also, frequent posts to your Facebook page over the next two weeks leading up to Bike Week will increase our messaging success!
SPREAD THE WORD! Thanks for your support…
Bike Week Committee
ATTENTION all RCA members with a Facebook page! If you have been looking for a way to help and support the RCA and Bike Week, but have been too busy to make it to meetings, etc. you can help-out by letting your friends know about the event through Facebook or email.
If you have a Facebook page please cut and paste the following message into your status:
Rochester Bike Week is May 21st thru 28th. For a list of events visit:
If you do not have facebook, but have an email account.. then simply send the above message to your friends via email.
Your help with messaging and getting the word out is crucial to the success of this event! What good is this event if no one knows about it! Also, frequent posts to your Facebook page over the next two weeks leading up to Bike Week will increase our messaging success!
SPREAD THE WORD! Thanks for your support…
Bike Week Committee
LAST Rochester Bike Week Volunteer Meeting
ATTN: All RCA Members and Volunteers…
We will be having the last volunteer meeting at Spot Coffee on Tuesday, May 11th from 7-8PM. At this meeting we will cover: upcoming confirmed events, distribute fliers to volunteer (for later distribution), discuss where fliers have been distributed thus far (bike shops, etc.), schedule volunteers for flier distribution at the Lilac Fest, determine the number of Bike Week shirts to purchase, and implement Social Media strategies and get our network of volunteers involved with spreading the word via FB, Twitter, Blogs, etc.
Please come to see how you can help support the event.
RCA Bike Week Committee
For more info. please email:
LAST Rochester Bike Week Volunteer Meeting
ATTN: All RCA Members and Volunteers…
We will be having the last volunteer meeting at Spot Coffee on Tuesday, May 11th from 7-8PM. At this meeting we will cover: upcoming confirmed events, distribute fliers to volunteer (for later distribution), discuss where fliers have been distributed thus far (bike shops, etc.), schedule volunteers for flier distribution at the Lilac Fest, determine the number of Bike Week shirts to purchase, and implement Social Media strategies and get our network of volunteers involved with spreading the word via FB, Twitter, Blogs, etc.
Please come to see how you can help support the event.
RCA Bike Week Committee
For more info. please email: