by 9 Comments

Join us for National Dump the Pump Day, Thursday June 16 2011.

On Thursday, June 16 Reconnect Rochester and the people of Rochester NY, will join the rest of the country for National Dump the Pump Day. We will leave our cars in the driveway and instead use public transit. Share this on Facebook and let your family, friends, co-workers, and employers know.

Useful Information:

Use Google Transit external link to plan your trip.

Find RTS schedules & route maps external link.

RTS Fares:
Adults : $1.00
All-Day Unlimited Freedom Pass : $3.00
Adult 5–Day Unlimited Freedom Pass : $14.00
Adult 31-Day Unlimited Freedom Pass : $56
Children age 6-11 : $0.50
Children age 5 and under : FREE
Senior/Disabled : $0.50
Senior/Disabled 1-Day Unlimited Pass : $1.50
Senior/Disabled 5–Day Unlimited Pass : $7.00
Senior/Disabled 31-Day Unlimited Pass : $28

For more information: external link

or leave a comment below with any question you might have about riding RTS. We will get you an answer.

Let’s ride!


  1. I don’t think that hostility toward “Giant SUVs” has anything to do with support for mass transit. I own a Chevy Suburban, but I take the bus or the train to work every day, and I support more mass transit. You shouldn’t attack some of your supporters.

  2. Did you know that some experts (Terry Tamminem, former Sec. of the EPA in California, for example) suggest that the real cost of gasoline (taking subsidies, tax breaks, environmental costs, etc. into account) is actually $7 a gallon more than the pump price? So with gasoline here now at about $3.80, this would mean the real cost is $10.80.

  3. @Bill, so as an SUV owner you wouldn’t want anyone taking a stand against the building of more giant SUV’s? Fair enough. What if we change the wording to “Gas Guzzling”? Less offensive? Done.

    Hey, we’re open to suggestions. This is an open source project.

  4. Gas-guzzling is the same. If people are willing to pay for the gas, then why not? Like I said, I take the bus or the train to work every day, and my wife and I only have one vehicle–a Chevy Suburban. So it’s possible to support and use mass transit but also to believe that people should be able to purchase whatever type of vehicle they want. Gas-guzzlers aren’t the enemy.

  5. @Bill, we totally agree that “driving an automobile” and “supporting mass transit” are not mutually exclusive. Most everyone in this group drives. But I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on your point that carbon fuel consumption is not a problem. We can always do better when it comes to doing more with less. But please please please know that no one is putting the blame on you (the end-user/driver). We are to a large extent products of our society and the policies that shape that society. On the other hand, we as citizens can do more to influence policy. Reconnect Rochester does not accept that things are the way they are and that’s just how it is.

  6. You know, you don’t have to ride RTS to Dump The Pump tomorrow. You can bike, walk, skateboard, carpool… even work from home. The weather is looking fine (minus a possible PM thunderstorm).

  7. No one really pays their share for the privilege to drive, nor is payment all that is necessary to obtain the privilege. I am an avid cyclist and my bike is my primary mode of transportation. However, the social stigma surrounding commuter cycling makes this quite difficult. I bare the wrath of intolerant drivers and get overlooked for jobs. Moreover, I would enjoy building and operating an electric-human hybrid bike, but policy is only now legalizing such a device and only in a restricted form. So the reality is, not everyone can chose the mode of transportation they desire. It is not simply a matter of paying for it. Rather, it is a matter of acceptance and support, which may always change.

  8. It certainly should change. I find it hard to believe and very upsetting that there is a stigma surrounding commuter biking. People should be happy that you’re commuting using a non-polluting source.

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