We are thrilled to welcome three incredible new members to the Reconnect Rochester board! Each brings a wealth of expertise and dedication to advancing multimodal transportation choices in Rochester. Their diverse backgrounds and shared commitment to making a meaningful impact in our community will strengthen our efforts and broaden our reach. Join us in celebrating and getting to know Katie, Josie, and Steve!
Katie Austin
I have long admired Reconnect Rochester’s work to make our community stronger and more equitable, and am so excited for the opportunity to support Reconnect as a board member.
I grew up riding the New York City subway and walking around Brooklyn in all weather. One of my first experiences of the power of local government to change things for the better was when the city installed traffic lights at a dicey intersection on my route to school. One of my early jobs was also transit-related: the summer before college, I interned with Transportation Alternatives, helping survey parents and other caregivers about street and sidewalk conditions for a “Stroller Report Card.”

When I first moved to Rochester, I enjoyed a daily bus commute. With two kids and a tighter schedule, I am now much more reliant on driving. We have one car, but luckily for me my husband is a runner and is generally content to motor around the city by foot.
In my professional life, I am a criminal defense attorney. Since law school, I have also worked as an immigration attorney, as a civil litigator at a big law firm, and as a law clerk for two federal appeals court judges.
Josie McClary
My name is Josie McClary. I was born in Brooklyn, New York and moved to Rochester in 1989. Along with my four children and 3 grandchildren we call Rochester home. Growing up in NYC with both my parents we walked and took public transportation everywhere as my parent did not drive. As you can imagine that took a lot of planning ahead to ensure you made it to appointments, events and functions on time.
I have been employed by Monroe County for 29 years and currently work for Monroe County Executive Adam Bello as his Chief Community Engagement Officer. Prior to that I was Adam’s Executive Administrative Assistant.
My passion for community engagement and organizing goes back to my childhood days in Brooklyn where I watched my parents get involved in our community affairs and well-being. Both of my parents were civil servants working for the school system in NYC. They would organize block parties, neighborhood meetings and church events. They understood knowledge and education of the systems, laws, practices and procedures that would mold our lives was very important.

When I was President of the 19th Ward Community Association I was introduced to Reconnect Rochester and their work. I respectfully love the advocacy and community engagement work that they do. Whether it’s a street makeover, showing a film, or hosting a bike event, Reconnect Rochester is a champion in creating better mobility for the City of Rochester and Monroe County.
When my grandson best friend Ryan Gratham Jr. was hit and killed on Thurston Road, June of 2023 once again I was able to see the support Reconnect Rochester gave a grieving community. Farasa Brown and I along with community petitioned to get some traffic safety measures in place at the accident site. Today we have a crosswalk and Rapid Beacon Lights. Still there is much work to do in the area of pedestrian traffic safety.
Steve Roll
For most of my adult life, I only got around by car. I didn’t own a bike and never rode the bus. I grew up with epilepsy, and in 2019, I had a seizure again. This meant I wasn’t allowed to drive for about a year. During that time, I realized firsthand the challenges of living in Rochester without a car. This experience is why I became an active advocate for multimodal transportation with Reconnect Rochester.

Living in Rochester, I rely on bicycling, public transit, and walking to get around and that has given me valuable insights into both the possibilities and current limitations of Rochester’s transportation infrastructure. As a non-driver, I think I bring a unique perspective to discussions about how safe, reliable, and accessible transportation options are important for the 1/4 of Rochester households who don’t have access to a car.
Beyond my transportation advocacy, I’m an actuary and co-owner of Rising Fellow, an actuarial exam prep business, and an active member of Roc City Rotary. I grew up in the Rochester area and moved back here after living eight years in New Hampshire and Colorado because Rochester is a great place to live, and I want to be part of it.
I’m excited about joining the Reconnect Rochester board. I believe my combination of lived experience and professional skills will help advance Reconnect’s mission of making Rochester a more walkable, bikeable, and transit-friendly city for ALL its residents.