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Help Keep Us Moving

Help keep Reconnect Rochester moving in 2014 with a year end, tax-deductible contribution.
As you know, we are an all-volunteer, non-profit organization working to build a more sustainable transportation network for our community. This isn’t easy. To be effective, we need to bring together smart, dedicated people to think up new and creative ways to put these issues in the public spotlight. And we also need money to be able to operate and execute these ideas. I hope you will consider making a year-end contribution to Reconnect Rochester so that we can continue this important work together.

You can make a tax-deductible donation in any amount via PayPal or check. And we’ve also set up all new sponsorship levels with lots of awesome perks for your as our way of saying thanks. Perks include posters, t-shirts, books, and even a free dinner with us at the Owl House!

So as we close out 2013, we’d like to take a look back at the year, and invite you to help us keep moving in 2014…

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