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Bicycle Retailer and Industry News reports that a new indoor velodrome (a banked track for bicycle racing) will be built in Cleveland. Not exactly our backyard, but still close enough for a weekend trip. Some details from BRAIN:

CLEVELAND, OH (BRAIN)—Fast Track Cycling, Inc., a Cleveland-based, non-profit 501(c) (3) organization, has entered into a real estate purchase option agreement with the city of Cleveland to acquire a nine-acre vacant site formerly occupied by St. Michaels Hospital in Slavic Village.

Fast Track plans to develop and operate an indoor recreational facility which will include a velodrome—a custom-built, banked bicycle track—as part of its mission to support track cycling and other recreational opportunities and promote health and wellness as well as youth programming.

Cleveland’s velodrome will be only the third indoor velodrome of the 25 in the United States, along with those in California and Colorado.

While looking at the Rochester-to-Cleveland route on Google Maps, I noticed that it passes right through Ashtabula, Ohio, where one-piece BMX-style cranks used to be produced in great numbers (in fact, such cranks are still often referred to as Ashtabula cranks).

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