Dear Bicycling Enthusiasts:
The City of Rochester announced a few days ago to apply for Federal funds to fast track the two-way conversion of St. Paul St. & Clinton Ave. north of Main St. to the inner loop at the RR station.
At the first Public meeting there were no bicycle accommodations in the plan. The north/south and east/west roadways through downtown are critical to bicycle transportation. Currently most cyclists ride on the sidewalk avoiding the roadway throughout much of downtown within the inner loop.
The timeline is to implement conversion in 2013/2014 to coincide with the development of the downtown bus depot. The bus routing plan, in/out of the depot, is based on a two-way road system.
It is critical that all cyclists each make comments on the design plan at the next Public meeting if bicycle accommodations are left out or inadequate.
If you do have opportunity to talk to any City employees I hope you will let them know the critical need for bicycle accommodations on all the roadways within the inner loop.
There are about 45K people working downtown and over 4K living downtown. With this large concentration of people working and living downtown alternate means of transportation makes sense. No other area within Monroe County has this density of workers and residents.
Follow the Project on City of Rochester web site –
Thanks for your continued support.
Think Bicycling as Transportation.
Richard, President and Co-Founder of the RCA