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Genesee Transportation Council is asking for feedback on their Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region 2040 (LRTP 2040).
Posted by: Daniel Speciale, volunteer with Reconnect Rochester.
The Genesee Transportation Council (GTC) is asking for public input on their Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region 2040 (LRTP 2040). The LRTP identifies the direction for the region’s transportation system and serves as the framework for future investment in highways, bridges, public transportation, bicycle and pedestrian projects over the next 25 years. The LRTP 2040 Public Review Document external link provides an introduction to the LRTP 2040 planning processes, a summary of customer engagement feedback, a financial analysis with revenues and costs, and draft recommendations based on regional needs and customer feedback. Here’s a summary of the document…

The (somewhat) Short Version…

(pg.4) “Three significant regional initiatives…have played a major role in the formulation of the LRTP 2040:

  1. Accelerating our transformation (FLREDC strategic plan)
  2. Finger Lakes Regional Sustainability Plan (NYS Energy R+D Authority)
  3. Poverty and the Concentration of Poverty in the Nine-County Greater Rochester Area

“By wholly incorporating these plans…GTC can ensure that the limited resources available to the region address the economy, environment, and equity to the greatest extent possible.”
(pg.5) “The LRTP must be… fiscally constrained…(to) revenue sources that are reasonably expected to be available.”

“Absent a change in priorities at the Federal State levels, fiscal constraint dictates that we maintain the existing condition and performance of our most crucial assets as best we can, manage the decline of less critical assets and structures without compromising safety, and implement limited expansions whenever feasible. Unfortunately, this means that the transformation of our current transportation system to one that fully addresses our needs and preferences will not occur to the degree or at the pace the community deserves.”

(^The above quote is the general theme of the whole document)

What survey respondents asked for

Genesee Transportation Council is asking for feedback on their Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region 2040 (LRTP 2040).

(pg.8) “…GTC…committed to conducting the most extensive public participation we’ve ever done for a LRTP.”

(pg.9) “…many members of the public requested increased frequency and routing options for transit service throughout the nine counties. Residents in the rural counties specifically requested increased opportunities on the existing transit systems for inter-county travel.”

Top priorities respondents listed:
72% Ensuring existing roads and bridges are in good working condition
64% Maintain and increase public transit (#2! Yay!)
62% Enhance and expand pedestrian options
58% Add new public transit options
57% Reduce energy use
54% Enhance and expand bicycling options
54% Increase safety

“…Millennials ranked ‘maintain and increase public transit’ as their top priority while all other age cohorts ranked ‘ensuring existing roads and bridges…as their top priority”

(pg.10) “Over half (of respondents) cited the transportation system, particularly the transit system, as a limiting factor for upward mobility.”

(from graphic on pg.10) “What do you dislike the most about the area’s transportation system? →Automobile dependency”

(pg.11) “The majority of respondents wanted (population) growth to be concentrated in the City of Rochester…”

(from graph on pg.11) The number of people saying “my car is king! Nothing will replace it!” has decreased slightly in the past 4 years.

“Keeping in mind that a large majority of households do not use transit over half of respondents stated nothing would make them rethink their transportation options. Of those that would consider shifting their travel behaviors, more frequent services was cited by 20 percent, closer services to home 19 percent, not having to transfer 17 percent, and providing real time information 16 percent.”

How much funding will be available?

(pg. 14) “…the annual increase in costs through 2040 is estimated to be…2.36 percent.”

(from chart on pg.15 that I only sort of understand) Total Matched Federal Aid Program dollars (in millions of YOE dollars) through 2040= $2,713.76

(pg.16) Total Reasonably Expected Revenues for Federal-Aid-Eligible Projects and Programs in GTC TIP Area= $4,394.47 (in millions of YOE dollars)

What’s being proposed

(pg.18) “…seek to utilize the limited resources we expect to receive through 2040 in the most cost-effective manner.”

The Region’s basic transportation needs through 2040 will not be able to be met with the
reasonably expected revenues.

(^That one is actually bolded and underlined in the document)

“…requests in the amount of $237 million will go unfunded.”

“Less than half of the projects that were submitted will be able to receive funding through the 2017-2020 TIP.”

“…the need for new highways and bridges for the sole purpose of improving mobility is not warranted….physical expansion of highway and bridge infrastructure via altogether new through lanes is discouraged.”

“Expansion of the system will be limited but additional investments in the public transportation as well as the bicycle and pedestrian networks represent the best opportunities to address the needs of an aging population…”

(pg.32) “Expansion of the bicycle, pedestrian, and public transportation networks is necessary….the objective of these recommendations is to expand travel choices…not to replace current options.”

(pg.34) “To effectively serve the needs of the Region through 2040, a fundamental shift in what is considered Public Transportation will need to occur. The fixed-route and dial-a-ride services of RGRTA will need to be supplemented to a greater degree by specialized transportation services supplied by not-for-profit agencies and private providers.”

Immediate (2017-2020)

(pg.22) Improve interchanges on major roadways

(pg.23) Regional Complete Streets Commitment

(pg.23) ADA retrofit/new installs

(pg.24) Support transit-supportive/clustered development

(pg.27)AVL and weather instr. on fleets

(pg.28) Regional Concepts of Transportation Operations (interagency agreements)

(pg.30) Ensure trans. Facilities are accessible to all users (MENTIONS SNOW/ICE ON SIDEWALKS!)

(pg.34) Ensure all busses accomm. Bikes

(pg.34) Assist with regional bike share

(pg.35) Explore direct service to Mt. Hope station

(pg.36) Demonstration vanpools

(pg.37) Assess feas. of car share

Near-Term (2017-2021)

(pg.23) Follow UPWP study recommendations

(pg.24) Efficiency, access, safety along regional freight corridors

(pg.27) Expand parking payment options (toll tag, etc.)

(pg.28) Transit Signal Priority on heavily travelled RTS Routes

(pg.31) Wayfinding signs in biz/cult. Districts

(pg.32) Study feasibility of (freight) rail-enabled businesses

(pg.34) Increase Bike parking

(pg.34) Increase frequency of pub. Trans (MENTIONS “INTERCEPTOR ROUTES!”)

(pg.34) Satellite transit facilities in CoR, assess feas. in ‘burbs

(pg.35) Explore increased pub. Trans. Across county lines

Medium-Term (2022-2028)

(pg.26) ITS instrumentation

(pg.26) Monitor automated vehicles/use as appropriate

(pg.32) Electronic parking guidance syst.

(pg.35) Explore shelters with enhanced ammen.

Long-Term (2029-2040)

(pg.36) Explore BRT, streetcar, lightrail

Ongoing (2017-2040)

(pg.19) Reconstruct highways/bridges to accommodate all modes

(pg.20) Increase use of recycled/green materials/tech.

(pg.20) Explore adjusting RTS fleet mix

(pg.20) Maint./improve condition of transit facilities

(pg.20) Preserve/maint. Dedicated bike/ped. Trails/sidewalks

(pg.21) Evaluate need to replace low-traffic bridges

(pg.21) Reconstruct/rehab rail to allow efficient freight movement

(pg.22) Improve intersections (safety/mobility) for all users

(pg.23) Context/user-sensitive design

(pg.27) Pedestrian ITS at crossings

(pg.29) Support inf. prog. to reduce distracted driving

(pg.31) Promote with 511NY

(pg.32) Improve connectivity within/between modes/networks

(pg.33) Expand/inc. connec. of multi-use trails per RTI

(pg.33) Incr. avail. of sidewalks along eligible highways

(pg.33) Promote SRTS- safe routes to school

Illustrative Projects

Four “Illustrative” (hypothetical/contingent on unexpected funding magically appearing) proposals are detailed on pg.38-39. These are:

  1. 390/490/Lyell Interchange
  2. STAMP Infrastructure and Transportation Improvements
  3. Center City Circulator
  4. High Speed Passenger Rail along Empire Corridor

The (super) Short Short Version (in Dan’s words)…

We know that the region desperately needs a dramatic overhaul of the existing public transit system and expansion of pedestrian and bicycle opportunities to promote economic development, connect people to jobs, and encourage regional vitality… but federal and state funding falls far short of what we need, sooo… We’re going to tweak highway on-ramps and off-ramps so car commuters can get to their offices a few minutes faster. Light rail? Bus Rapid Transit? Streetcars? A Downtown Circulator? Yeah, we’ll think about it… in 2040.

Submit Your Input

Oral and written comments will be accepted at two public meetings scheduled this week:
Tuesday, March 1
2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Rochester City Council Chambers


Thursday, March 3
2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Ontario County Safety Training Facility
(if you are planning on using transit please call RTS Ontario (585) 394-2250 to request their Route Deviation services).

For those needing special accommodation at the public meetings, please contact GTC at (585) 232-6240 at least 48 hours before the meeting. Persons who are hearing impaired should use the NYS Relay Service at (800) 662-1220 or 711.

You can also send your comments through Friday, March 18, 2016 to:

or by mail

Genesee Transportation Council
50 W. Main Street, Suite 8112
Rochester, NY 14614-1227

or via fax to (585) 262-3106

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