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It’s great that the C of R is now sending us e-mails regarding public meeting for street improvement projects:
It was brought to my attention that the Rochester Cycling Alliance would like to be alerted when public meetings for street improvement projects are announced. I will be emailing you the notifications going forward. Please let me know if you need anything else.

Oakwood Rd

Mt Hope Ave

Kara A. Noto

City of Rochester | Dept. of Environmental Services- Commissioner’s Office

City Hall | 30 Church Street | Room 300B

Rochester, New York 14614


I looked at the Oakwood project, and it seemed to be a residential street, with no important connections to other streets, not really a priority for bike lanes.

The Mt. Hope project seems like it should be a priority for bike lanes, but the notice said that the meeting was for a final design presentation. I think we would have to make A LOT of noise before the city would amend a final design.

-Bill Collins

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