Posted by: board member Renee Stetzer, pedestrian safety advocate and blogger at
Congress introduced a bill this week that will help streets across the country become safer for all people, regardless of their mode of transportation. With bipartisan support, The Safe Streets Act of 2015, was introduced by Representatives Doris Matsui (D-CA) and David Joyce (R-OH):
To ensure the safety of all users of the transportation system, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, children, older individuals, and individuals with disabilities, as they travel on and across federally funded streets and highways.
The bill will encourage all new federally-funded projects to implement Complete Streets guidelines when designing, planning and building roads.
Congressman Joyce: “This is a common sense effort that will make our roadways safer for everyone. It shouldn’t matter whether you are sitting in your car, riding your bike or walking to your destination—you should be able to get there safely.”
Many cities, towns and villages
across the country have adopted Complete Streets policies and other initiatives to assure that new projects and road improvements make streets safer for all who use them. Similarly, The Safe Streets Act would assure that all users are considered in any new federally funded projects.
Smart Growth America is encouraging constituents who support the bill to contact their Members of Congress by May 31.