As we look back on 2019, we’re amazed at what we’ve been able to accomplish together this year. The highlights below are just a snapshot of all the good work we’ve been able to do, thanks to the financial support of Reconnect members, the passionate volunteers that make our programs and initiatives run, and so many others that engaged in our work in countless ways. Thanks to each and every one of you.

Sponsored a Cornell University Design Connect project to help the Brighton community create a vision for Monroe Ave., with an improved street design and streetscape that is more vibrant and safer for pedestrians and cyclists.

For the third year in a row, we crowdsourced funds to sponsor two bike share stations on Hudson Avenue & Adams Street. Plus, this fall we broadcast a live presentation and Q&A with Pace to recap Rochester’s 2019 bike share season.

Hosted a packed Rochester Street Films screening of The Trolley that sparked community conversation about modern streetcars making a comeback in American life, and the history and future of streetcars in Rochester.

Helped shape two transformational local planning initiatives by giving direct input and promoting public engagement: the Reimagine RTS system re-design (coming to fruition in June 2020), and the transportation and mobility aspects of the City of Rochester’s 2034 Comprehensive Plan.

In collaboration with many neighborhood and community partners, we brought our Complete Streets Makeover to N. Clinton Ave., implementing temporary street design changes to make it safer, and building community in the process.

Weighed in on the prospect of e-scooters coming to Rochester by offering common sense, research-based input about how our community might integrate this new micro-mobility option it in a safe, smart way.

Fought for the transit dependent in our community by traveling to Albany with Our Streets Transit Coalition partners, spreading awareness of the New Yorkers for Better Public Transit campaign, and stepping into a leadership role on the Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative transportation work group.

Continued working with a powerful coalition of partners on the Drive 2B Better public awareness campaign to make our streets safer to walk and bike. We collaborated with many of the same partners in the planning and implementation of this year’s Active Transportation Summit.

Gave transit riders a respectable place to sit at our 30+ seasonal bus stop cubes placed around the city. We also worked with a local fiberglass manufacturer to create a permanent cube design as a year-round solution, and have plans to get the first 15 cubes on the ground in spring 2020!

Joined forces with Rochester Cycling Alliance to work side-by-side as transportation alternative superheroes! We added power to our growing organization when we welcomed Jesse Peers as Cycling Coordinator.

Engaged with the public every day via live events, community outreach tabling, speaking engagements, media interviews, social media sharing, and blog posts about things like “sneckdowns”, living car-free in ROC, and driving’s dehumanizing effect.
…And this doesn’t count the untold number of advocacy actions we take day in and day out to advocate for the things we all care about, like a robust public transportation system, streets that are safe for everyone, and a community that’s built to be multi-modal.
But now we’re just bragging.