Reconnect Rochester presents Voices of Transit, an ethnography profile blog series that dives into the deeper stories of five transit-dependent RTS riders who vulnerably and authentically detail how our bus system helps (and sometimes hurts) them in their daily lives.
These profiles were gathered during our Transit Ambassador pilot program which launched in July 2023 and wrapped up at the end of September. Over 10 weeks, two Reconnect Rochester Transit Ambassadors conducted 2-3 minute surveys, capturing the experiences of over 200 RTS riders at 40 different locations. We learned alot about what’s on the minds of RTS riders and their ideas for system improvements. View the survey results and recommendations that we shared directly with RTS leadership.
During these interactions, our Ambassadors asked if riders would be interested in sharing their transit story more in depth for our Voices of Transit series.*
Jenelle, Antonio, Anthony Thomas, Leticia and William were the inspiring bunch who, with their stories, proved why we are committed to this work. We hope that after reading their stories, you will join in our efforts to both celebrate what’s good about public transit, and advocate for an improved system that will better serve the people of Monroe County.
*As a thank you for their time and lived experiences, survey respondents were offered an All Day Pass, and ethnographies interviewees were offered a Weekly pass.
Disclaimer: All stories in this blog series are reflective of the rider’s experience and may not convey the most up to date and accurate information on the current RTS system. We will add relevant links directly to the RTS website where readers can find more information and inquire with the RTS team for further clarification on routes, bus passes, amenities, schedules and other details that might be pertinent to rider experiences.
Jenelle Harriff (she/her/hers)
Tell us a little bit about who Jenelle is and an introduction to your transit story.
I grew up in Webster, right off of Bay Road, and I started riding the bus when I was 16. My first job was as an intern at the Board of Elections in the Sibley Building, so I always took the bus downtown.
I went to college in NYC and after a year I came back home and ended up working 3 jobs and going to night school at MCC all while taking the bus, so I was a ‘super rider’. All of my drivers that I grew up with back then are still on the road today. So it’s always fun to keep up with each other after all these years…25 years actually!
You’ve been riding with RTS since before the system change (Reimagine RTS). What difference has it made to your trips?
I live in North Winton Village, by Winton and Browncroft. So I’m on routes 8, 9 and 10. I was very disappointed that they eliminated the Winton road service because the abbreviated 9 route from Blossom Route to downtown flies!
I don’t think they [RTS] realized how many people they isolated in our neighborhood when they eliminated the 48 bus route. There used to be 12 people a day on a morning bus, now it’s 2 or 3. Now people get rides from spouses or neighbors. I think that RTS is doing great on improving the system, but I think they need to think about people’s first and last mile trips and how far they have to hike, especially when carrying groceries or children. My walk went from 3/10ths of a mile to over 7/10ths of a mile up to Winton and Blossom, it’s not bad in nice weather. But when there’s ice and unshoveled snow, it’s treacherous. It’s more than double the walk and there’s no easier way to do that trip.
So unfortunately the system change made my life a lot tougher and I wasn’t a huge fan [of Reimagine RTS], but most of the time I get the service when I need it.
What do you like about RTS?
I try to advocate for our public transit system whenever I can. I always tell people they can take the bus to the public market and not have to worry about the headache of finding parking, or to get to one of our many festivals and concerts (like the PGA!).
I also love the Customer Open House. There are a lot of people who are deterred because they don’t want to ask questions. But the open house makes using the bus system more approachable for people.
In our harsh winters, even on the snowiest days, I’ve always gotten home safe. I’m always thankful for my drivers because it’s been ugly out there sometimes. But I’ve always made it home and you can always depend on the good heat on the bus. It’s been my lifeline.
What do you dislike about the current system? What makes it difficult as a transit-dependent rider?
I’ve been job hunting for months now and I’ve had to eliminate several employers who are out on Bailey Road or W. Henrietta Road.
OnDemand doesn’t extend past East Avenue and there’s no service to Linden Avenue. So all of those healthcare agencies and offices really cut out my prospective employers. Paychex, Remade Institute, all of the big companies out there don’t have bus service to get to work, unless you’re willing to pay for a $20 uber. So it really compressed my job hunt and it was discouraging. I have several college degrees and a great job history, and it really puts a linchpin in everything.
Thankfully I was able to find a position in Canandaigua on Main Street, so I trialed it and I was able to get there by bus! It took a while but all the connections worked to RTS Ontario: I went from Blossom Loop and got to Eastview and connected my next bus to Finger Lakes Gaming and took the third shuttle down to the West Avenue Hub, and my new job is one block away.
The lack of transit to a lot of the best paying jobs in our region really made it so I was pushed to relocate and it’s discouraging. I love my neighborhood here in the city and I’m very involved in my community as the Block Captain. I’ve been a vendor at the public market since I was 17 and I’m involved in my local Community Gardens. But I need to independently get around and I don’t like to depend on family or friends to do so.
To add onto that, when I lived in Philadelphia and NYC, I was independent and that really empowered me as a disabled person. I have one good eye but I have bad depth-perception, so the world’s a safer place without me driving. I came back home in 2010 and trying to get around after all of those years of independence and frequent service was an adjustment.
What are your thoughts on bus stop amenities? What would make you more comfortable while you wait?
My local stop doesn’t have any seating or shelter. But, I love the bus stop cubes because even just to put your bags down after shopping because the ground gets muddy in bad weather, just those little touches makes people’s lives easier, or just a place to lean or I’ve seen people who are disabled with walkers using the cubes which is really helpful. It’s nice to see those enhancements.
I would love to just see a simple plexiglass panel that can protect you from the elements, even if it’s not a full shelter. And if there is a shelter, having regular maintenance and cleaning would be nice. Sometimes the shelters are just gross, the seats are gross, there’s litter and cigarettes and the trash gets piled up. I would rather not have a shelter where it gets dirty and you don’t want to sit and be comfortable.
What’s your hope for the future of public transportation in Rochester?
The existing system with set service is great. I would love to see enhanced service to suburban areas through OnDemand more. We’re on the right path for more frequent service in the city. But better and additional service for surrounding towns because there’s real travel gaps for people that used to ride old service frequently.
I would also like to see more park and rides. We’re a very car centric city but get people to realize how convenient and easy it is to take the bus.
Anything else you’d like to add?
I love talking to people on the bus, you meet wonderful people and it builds camaraderie in your community.
It’s also not as expensive as owning a car. Driving could be an option but the expense of a vehicle is insane. So I always ask myself, “Do I really need a car to go 2 miles to work?”
Generally, I have been so happy to see improvements and I know it’s only going to get better.