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APBP Webinar: Funding Pedestrian and Bicycle Projects

Posted by: “Stephen Miller”   stephenmrtc

Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:10 am (PST)

Many of you may be interested in this. It uses the example of a trail
project in Greenville, SC:

Webinar: Funding Pedestrian and Bicycle Projects



Wednesday, January 20
3:00 to 4:00 p.m. EST


Debra Goeks (> )

Registration Information

Online registration is available until: 1/20/2010

* Register for this event >

Funding Pedestrian and Bicycle Projects

January’s webinar takes a comprehensive look at funding sources, both
familiar and nontraditional. First, we examine how Greenville County,
S.C., leveraged the power of one grant to obtain trail funding from many
different nontraditional sources. Learn how the powerful ripple effect
of a partnership between the county and the Greenville Hospital System
led to building widespread community, business, and political support
for the Swamp Rabbit Trail project, which is the flagship greenway of a
county-wide Greenways Master Plan that is currently being developed.

This outstanding example will demonstrate
* techniques to identify and approach funding sources.
* how to parlay one grant into multiple partnerships.
* the impact of creating a business plan and following through.

The Federal Highway Administration’s Transportation Enhancement (TE)
Activities and Recreational Trails Program (RTP) provide funds to
develop transportation and recreation infrastructure. Gabe Rousseau and
Christopher Douwes of the FHWA will explain these and other federal
programs and offer suggestions on how to apply for funds. The
presentation will also provide information about the authorization of
the Federal Surface Transportation Program expected in 2010.TE
activities increase transportation choices and access for pedestrians
and bicyclists and enhance the built and natural environment through
scenic and historic highway programs, landscaping, historic
preservation, and environmental mitigation. The RTP provides funds to
states to develop and maintain recreational trails and trail-related

Webinar presenters are Ty Houck, Director of Greenways, Natural and
Historic Resources, Greenville County Recreation District; Dr. Gabe
Rousseau, U.S. Department of Transportation and FHWA Bicycle and
Pedestrian Program Manager; and Christopher Douwes, FHWA Trails and
Enhancements Program Manager. APBP board member Tom Dodds, South
Carolina’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Engineer, will moderate the webinar
and add his insights on how state coordinators can assist local
jurisdictions in identifying and applying for funding.

APBP has applied for one CM credit from the AICP for this webinar. A
certificate of attendance for those wanting to claim Professional
Development Hours will be available.

Invite colleagues and clients to attend at your location for one very
reasonable price. Cost is $50 per site for APBP members, $75 per site
for non-APBP members. Each site license includes one phone connection
(toll charges apply, or use VoIP), one internet connection, one set of
handouts for unlimited attendees in the same location, and access to the
recording. APBP accepts Visa, MasterCard or AMEX; payment should be made
by noon on January 19. For more information, contact Debra Goeks
(262-228-7025 or> ).

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