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13th Annual Environmental Forum, Sustainable Production: Rochester’s Cutting EdgeThis Thursday evening Reconnect Rochester will be at the Sierra Club’s 13th Annual Environmental Forum, “Sustainable Production: Rochester’s Cutting Edge”. Come out and see us at our table and hear two nationally recognized leaders on sustainable production and manufacturing. Happy Earth Day!

Come Out and Visit Us

Time: April 21, 2011 from 6pm to 9pm

Location: First Unitarian Church of Rochester
220 Winton Road South

Event Description:

Please join us for a conversation with two nationally recognized leaders who are driving innovative, sustainable production methods globally from right here at home in Rochester. We don’t typically think of production and manufacturing as being environmentally friendly, but the fact is that cutting-edge innovation is changing industry in dramatic ways. Production processes that drastically reduce waste, cut down on resources, and increase life-cycle and recycle-ability of the end product are essential to sustainability because consumption will always be part of life. Our two headline speakers—Dr. Nabil Nasr from RIT and Catherine Reeves from Xerox—will give us a glimpse into such innovations (see Speaker Profiles below).

After our headline speakers, we’ll hear briefly from everyone’s favorite recycling maven, Rochester’s Environmental Enthusiast at large, Kimie Romeo. She’ll inspire us with her knowledge and fun down-to-earth manner, while connecting the dots between sustainability, our role as consumers, and the business and production world.

As you know, this is Rochester’s premier Earth Day event, attracting about 300 people annually, including over 30 environmental and related organizations. Prior to the formal program, attendees will have the opportunity to learn from the participating organizations and each other about how we can each adopt more earth-friendly practices. Come learn, share, enjoy, and become better prepared to move our community and our world toward sustainability. Don’t miss it!

Visit for more info.

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