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The City of Rochester was looking for someone to adaptively reuse, redevelop, and operate five former bus shelters on Main Street in downtown Rochester (similar to this one in Portland, OR. If no one responds by the end of this week, the shelters will likely be removed. [PHOTO: Hennebery Eddy Architects, Inc.]
Posted by: Mike Governale, president and co-founder of Reconnect Rochester

In case you’ve missed this story, downtown Rochester has 5 large retro-style bus shelters dotting Main Street between the Rochester Riverside Convention Center and East Ave. These shelters are no longer being used by RTS since the opening of the Transit Center. But before the City tears them down, we thought we would try to find someone who might be interested in turning them into something new – such as sidewalk cafes, vendors, newsstands, etc…

The City of Rochester was looking for someone to adaptively reuse, redevelop, and operate five former bus shelters on Main Street in downtown Rochester, NY. If no one responds by the end of this week, the shelters will likely be removed. [PHOTO:]
We brought the idea to City officials last year, and this past May City Hall issued a public Request For Proposals. After polling the community, we knew the possibilities were endless. We thought surely Rochester’s creative business community would submit some fruitful proposals.

Unfortunately, the June 26 deadline came and went, but not a single response was received.

And so, this is our final “Hail Mary” pass. If you know of anyone—a business person, entrepreneur, developer, property manager, or someone looking to make a unique investment in downtown Rochester—share this story with them now and have them contact us at

If no one steps up this week, the shelters will likely be removed.

• • •


  1. These structures would be great for flower shops, or mini farmers’ markets.

    Can also picture coffee and baked goods. Heck, even yard sales might be fun.

    Could the city rent them out on an ‘as needed’ basis? Seems a shame to demolish these attractive and potentially useful structures.

  2. No one!?!?

    Not even one coffee shop? (I’m looking at you Spot, Pour, Joe Bean!!)

    Not even one newsstand? Not even one spot that might pull people out of the convention center and onto Main Street instead of walking through a tunnel to their car?

    I’ll do it! Give me power, an internet connection and a locking door and we’ll make the one in front of the convention center our office. I’ll even make my own desks.

  3. Instead of demolishing them, why not move them to other stop with no bus shelters? They are so attractive, hate to see them wasted! 🙁

  4. Technically it’s probably possible, although certainly a challenge. Right now we’re looking for options that will make use of them where they are.

  5. Maybe move them to the Public Market to replace the temporary shelters? Sad if these are not reused.

  6. I am an interior design professor and program chair at RIT. This is a great design problem for our students– are you still interested in accepting proposals? Please be in touch to discuss. thank you

  7. Thanks Mary (and everyone else who has expressed interest). This project is currently up in the air. We’re now working with the City to see if we can find funding to make some necessary infrastructure upgrades to allow food vendors to move into one or two of the shelters. Lots of question marks still. But as soon as we have any news to share we’ll let you know.

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