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"Bike" rack on Merchants! [IMAGE: NeighborWorks]

This past spring NeighborWorks Rochester invited local artists to submit designs for new bike racks in The Triangle area of North Winton Village. The winning artists were announced earlier this summer, and the finished racks are now open and waiting for you to secure your bike…

Reductionist Wheel Rack. [IMAGE: NeighborWorks]

The goals of this project were to create bike parking where there currently is none, to improve access to the businesses located at the apex of the Triangle neighborhood, and to enhance the neighborhood’s unique image.

Jesse with his dinnerware bike rack. Located right outside James Brown's Place. Keep up with his other work on Instagram @skillhoarder and @cyrcraftcustoms.[IMAGE: NeighborWorks]

The chosen artists were awarded $2,000 via the Healthy Blocks Neighborhood Initiative Program to cover the costs to construct each bike rack.

Matty and Clay (the artists) goofing off! Check out their work at [IMAGE: NeighborWorks]

Two of the racks were fabricated by MetalSomeArt, a collaboration of Clay Lieberman and Matty Soanes, and two were created by Jesse Hughson, Skillhoarder and creator of CyrCraft Customs.

Industrial Pipe Design Installation. [IMAGE: NeighborWorks]

The racks were recently installed by the City of Rochester in four strategic locations in the business district area of Culver-Merchants.

Win a $30 gift card to Tryon Bike. Simply take a picture of yourself and your bike at one of these racks, and upload to Facebook or Instagram.

To celebrate the opening of these useful works of art, this month NeighborWorks will randomly select one lucky cyclist to win a $30 gift card for Tryon Bike. To enter, just bike yourself over to one of the new racks, take a pic of yourself with your bike and the rack, and upload it to Facebook. Be sure to tag @TriangleofNWV in your post. You can also upload your photo to Instagram and tag it with #trianglebikerack. The contest will go until Friday, 9/16. The winner will also receive a t-shirt from NeighborWorks Rochester with a Triangle logo cling and button.

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