The City of Rochester, in partnership with the NY State Department of Transportation, Monroe County, Town of Greece, and Genesee Transportation Council, is leading an effort to develop a vision for improving Mount Read Boulevard from Buffalo Road (NYS Route 33) traffic circle to Stone Road.
If you use this section of Mt Read Blvd, either on foot, bike, car, truck, or public transit, you are invited to attend a public meeting this Thursday…
The purpose of this meeting is to present conceptual designs for the project area, and solicit feedback from the public on the designs.
Representatives from the City and study team will be present and the public will have an opportunity to review graphics, ask questions, and provide comments on the concepts.
The study team will refine the design concepts following the meeting and a Final Report will be produced in spring 2014.
Meeting Info:
Thursday, March 20, 2014 at 6:00pm
1850 Mt. Read Blvd, Rochester, NY 14615
UA Local 13 Plumbers & Pipefitters Offices
[ map it ]
The meeting is open to the public. Light refreshments will be provided. If you have questions or require special arrangements for the meeting (interpreters, facility accessibility, etc.) you can contact Erik Frisch, Project Manager, at or 428-6709.
Members of the public who are unable to attend the meeting but would like to submit comments may send them to Mr. Frisch prior to March 30, 2013.