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Rochester Intermodal Station 2016 Construction Update

Rochester Intermodal Station Update 2016
Posted by: Mike Governale, president and co-founder of Reconnect Rochester

There hasn’t been much coverage about the progress on Rochester’s new intermodal station lately. So we thought we’d do another construction update and let you know that the project is moving along as scheduled and the new station is expected to be open and ready for passengers next summer, 2017.

Since our last update, the rickety old 1970s Amtrak station has been demo’d, bridge and tunnel work has largely been completed, and the new building is rising above the site. You can find most of these photos and information on the NYSDOT website external link but once again, so that you don’t have to go digging for it, here’s a look at what’s been happening…

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Rochester Intermodal Station 2015 Construction Update

Rochester Intermodal Station Construction Update
Posted by: Mike Governale, president and co-founder of Reconnect Rochester

Since ground broke on Rochester’s new intermodal station last October, people have been asking us, “What’s happening with the new station? …When’s it going to be finished?!”

The grounds surrounding Rochester’s current Amtrak station have been swarming with construction activity since the springtime. But with any project of this size and significance, progress may at times appear agonizingly slow. The bottom line is: work is progressing and rail passengers should be using the new station by September 2017.

You can find all of this information on the NYSDOT website external link but so you don’t have to go digging, here’s an overview of what’s been happening…

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Monroe County Crash Map

Monroe County Crash Map
Posted by: Mike Governale, president and co-founder of Reconnect Rochester

Just about every day on the local news we hear about a crime that took place somewhere in our community. And usually after that news you’ll often hear a traffic report… “An accident at the I-590 split has traffic backed up ALL the way to 104. You better give yourself some extra time for your commute this morning!”

What we don’t often hear about—or think about—are the lives that were impacted as a result of that car crash that has inconvenienced our drive.

Now here’s something that might help put your daily traffic report in perspective: between 2010-2014 there were 22,389 car crashes in Monroe County which resulted in at least one injury or fatality. The volunteers at Reconnect Rochester have been hard at work collecting that data. And a new “Crash Map” external link they’ve created is revealing an enormously high human toll on our local roadways…

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Mount Read Boulevard Corridor Study: Public Meeting This Thursday

A public meeting will be held this Thursday to review an improvement plan for Mount Read Boulevard.
The City of Rochester, in partnership with the NY State Department of Transportation, Monroe County, Town of Greece, and Genesee Transportation Council, is leading an effort to develop a vision for improving Mount Read Boulevard external link from Buffalo Road (NYS Route 33) traffic circle to Stone Road.

If you use this section of Mt Read Blvd, either on foot, bike, car, truck, or public transit, you are invited to attend a public meeting this Thursday…

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Monroe County Had 2,679 Vehicle Collisions Involving Pedestrians & Cyclists Over Last 4 Years Report Shows

Yet, New York State plans to spend fewer dollars on pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure; advocates call on the Governor to allocate more resources.

In Monroe County (January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2012) pedestrians were involved in 1,479 vehicle crashes and 1,200 involved bicyclists.
According to state data, there were 2,679 vehicle collisions with pedestrians or bicyclists in Monroe County over a four-year period from January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2012. Using the New York State Department of Transportation’s Accident Data Files, Tri-State Transportation Campaign, a non-profit transportation policy watchdog organization, found that pedestrians were involved in 1,479 of these collisions and 1,200 involved bicyclists.1 Thirty-three of these collisions were fatal (28 pedestrian collisions and 5 bicyclist collisions). The City of Rochester had the highest number of collisions (1,614) and the town of Greece the second highest (215)…

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Rochester Takes Big Step Toward New Intermodal Station…

Sayonara Amshack... Your days are numbered.

The City of Rochester is requesting proposals for a scoping project external link. The project will inventory and analyze the site and corresponding buildings used by Amtrak, Trailways and Greyhound. The end product will be a Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) compliant scoping document that lays the foundation for final design, build-out, and occupancy of a new Intermodal Transportation Center.

Reconnect Rochester is proud to be a stakeholder of this project. And BOY OH BOY do we have ideas we want to share.

Here’s a summary of what the City is asking from bidders:

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