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The new RTS 'Where’s My Bus?' mobile app is now available!
A new RTS mobile app is now available for download in the Google Play Store external link and Apple iTunes App Store external link.

The app was first introduced to the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) community in February and is now being rolled out to the full RTS ridership. In a statement sent to Reconnect Rochester, RGRTA said, “We received great feedback from students at RIT which allowed us to incorporate additional features to this version of the RTS Where’s My Bus? mobile app.” The resulting app is a reliable and convenient tool that will make the bus riding experience easier than ever. Here are some of its features…

The GPS-based mobile app allows users to access real-time arrival information and gives you the tools you need to plan your transit trip while you're on the go.
The GPS-based mobile app allows users to access real-time arrival information and gives you the tools you need to plan your transit trip while you’re on the go.

Allowing the app to use your geo-location will enable it to show you the bus stops that are closest to you and see the next three bus arrival times.
Allowing the app to use your geo-location will enable it to show you the bus stops that are closest to you. Select your stop and it gives you the next three bus arrival times.

Track your bus on the map in real-time.
Want to know where your bus is right at this very moment? Now you can track your bus in real-time and know exactly where your bus is.

You can also plan your trip by entering your destination and desired arrival time.
Of course it also gives you the ability to plan your trip. Similar to Google Maps, you just enter your starting destination—or allow the app to pinpoint your location via GPS—and then your ending destination. The app will display the walking and transit directions to get you to your destination at the time you choose. It will also calculate the savings for the trip versus taking a car – fun for transit geeks like us.

If you’re a regular rider, you can also save your favorite routes, stops and planned trips for easy access anytime.

The app has contact information for customer service and lost and found. It will also alert you to service notifications.
Oh, almost forgot… did I leave my hat on the bus again? No problem. The app has contact information for customer service and lost and found (I think this feature was added specifically because of me). Another great feature to note… the app will alert you to service notifications so you’re always tuned into what’s going on with your route.

All for the low low price of FREE. So download it now…

Download the RTS mobile app from the Apple iTunes Store.Download the RTS mobile app from the Google Play Store.
…and don’t wait until ROC Transit Day external link to test it out!

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