If you weren’t in the audience this past Thursday evening at the first-ever Rochester Street Films, well, you missed one heck of a good time. Maybe you got stuck in traffic and had to turn back. We get it, life happens. While we can’t recreate the energetic live panel discussions, we can at least share a portion of the event with you here…
Here is the introduction delivered from the podium by Mike Governale, president of Reconnect Rochester, followed by all of the films (including three great locally produced ones) that were shown…
Rochester: A City of Quality, Part I
(making peace with the automobile)
The Economics of Suburban Growth
Rochester: A City of Quality, Part II
(a place to park)
Local Film: Erik Frisch on transportation choice
(by Alex and Ander)
The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces, Part I
(Poor street design)
Technology in Cities Today and in the Future
The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces, Part II
Snowy Neckdowns
Local Film: Getting Around Rochester
(by Alex Freeman, Studio 73 Productions)
Walking Contest
Complete Streets: More than just bike lanes
Edmonton Transit Service Ad
Salt Lake City: A Red State Capital Builds Ambitious Transit
BoulevArt in Highland Neighborhood
(by DocFilms)
Local Film: Heidi Zimmer-Meyer on transportation and development
(by Alex and Ander)
Thank You!
Our Panelists:
Thanks to Erik Frisch (City of Rochester), Miguel Velázquez (RTS), Heidi Zimmer-Meyer (Rochester Downtown Development Corp.), Karen Elam (United Way Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative), Kerry Ivers (Town of Irondequoit), Elizabeth Murphy (Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency), Adam McFadden (Rochester City Council), William McDonald (Medical Motor Service), Michael Tomb (Highland Placemaking Team), Scott Wagner (Rochester Cycling Alliance), and Lynn Blackmer (RTS customer).
Our Volunteers:
Thanks to Nicholas Russo (for bringing the idea to us and for all of his hustle), Danielle Raymo, Rachel Barnhart, John Lam, Mike Bouwmeesteer, and our many helping hands: Carlos Mercado, Renee Stetzer, Daniel Speciale, John Thomas, Steve Carter, Matt Robinson, Sarah Reedy, Maxwell Motorbikes, and all the folks from The Little Theatre.
Thanks also to John Derycke of Motorsports Photography for capturing these great photos from the event!
Our Brilliant Local Filmmakers:
Thanks to Rochester’s own Alex Weiser and Ander Kazmerski of Alex and Ander , and Alex Freeman of Studio 73 Productions
And of course, the founder of Streetfilms.org , Clarence Eckerson who was disappointed he couldn’t join us, but did help select a few of the films.