Bike Boulevard in Berkeley, CA [PHOTO: Artbandito]
Rochester is planning a network of bicycle boulevards external link to connect destinations throughout the city and give residents a safer bike commute. The plan is being developed by the City of Rochester, in partnership with the New York State Department of Transportation, Monroe County, Rochester Cycling Alliance, and Genesee Transportation Council.

If you’d like to hear more about this project and provide input, please attend the first public meeting tomorrow:

Tuesday, Feb. 11 @ 6pm
Central Library of Rochester & Monroe County NY
Kate Gleason Auditorium
115 South Avenue external link

The purpose of this meeting is to provide an overview of the project, share findings regarding existing conditions, and solicite suggestions from the public regarding desired routes, destinations, and other priorities. Following a brief presentation by the project consultants, attendees will organize into work groups that will identify and prioritize potential bicycle boulevard routes. A discussion of work group findings and simulation of a potential bicycle boulevard route will follow the breakout session.

The meeting is open to the public. Members of the public who are unable to attend the meeting but would like to submit comments may send them to the Project Manager, Erik Frisch (erik.frisch@cityofrochester.gov), by Friday, February 21, 2014.


  1. Tonight, around 75 individuals (four from Reconnect Rochester!) showed their curiosity in the City’s Bicycle Boulevards Plan by attending this meeting. Those in charge were happily surprised by the excellent turnout.

    First, Alta Planning + Design gave an overview of what bicycle boulevards are and how they can positively impact neighborhoods. We looked briefly at Portland’s work, which exemplifies how budget friendly tools can make streets safer for all. Improved signage, reduced speed limits, pavement markings, and small infrastructure projects like curb extensions can go a long way in encouraging active transportation. Bicycle boulevards will increase access and connectivity between existing bike friendly infrastructure. The real aim is to create a network that all demographics (not just the spandex-clad cyclists) will feel safe and comfortable using.

    As planned, the second part of the meeting was a breakout session where participants drew on maps highlighting potential bike boulevards and safety concerns. There were lots of thoughtful conversations and the energy in the room felt positive. Because so many came to the meeting, the breakout session seemed a little less focused than originally desired. Regardless, it was a good way to field public comments. After, we took a virtual tour of Linden Avenue while Alta consultants brainstormed small scale changes that would transform the avenue into a bicycle boulevard. The City and Alta Planning + Design will compile the suggestions and concerns over the coming month. A second hearing will be held in May or June. We will stay tuned…

  2. Some were concerned about how effective bike boulevards would be in actually protecting cyclists. If motorists do not understand or notice new street signs, pavement markings, or reduced speed limits, cyclists may continue to be sped by and honked at. These folks recommended that resources be directed at motorist education and awareness. Both the City and Alta consultants agreed.

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