
Monroe County Crash Map

Reconnect Rochester is pleased to host this Monroe County Crash Map to raise awareness and support local advocacy efforts around safe streets in our community.

In the U.S., pedestrian fatalities have skyrocketed, increasing by 75% since 2010. This map shows that in Monroe County, 5,132 crashes from 2014-2023 involved bicyclists and pedestrians (2,279 resulted in injury or fatality). On average, thirteen people die on our local streets every year as a result of these crashes. In 2023, this number rose to 20 fatalities. Compared to the 10 year period of 2013-2022, there were 130 fewer crashes involving bicyclists and pedestrians, but an 8% increase in injuries and fatalities. We must do better.

NOTE: Source data is from the NYS CLEAR Crash Data, obtained through a freedom of information law request. All crash locations and crash details reflect information provided in the source database. Larger icons indicate a collision resulting in at least one fatality.

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Monroe County Crash Map

Monroe County Crash Map
Posted by: Mike Governale, president and co-founder of Reconnect Rochester

Just about every day on the local news we hear about a crime that took place somewhere in our community. And usually after that news you’ll often hear a traffic report… “An accident at the I-590 split has traffic backed up ALL the way to 104. You better give yourself some extra time for your commute this morning!”

What we don’t often hear about—or think about—are the lives that were impacted as a result of that car crash that has inconvenienced our drive.

Now here’s something that might help put your daily traffic report in perspective: between 2010-2014 there were 22,389 car crashes in Monroe County which resulted in at least one injury or fatality. The volunteers at Reconnect Rochester have been hard at work collecting that data. And a new “Crash Map” external link they’ve created is revealing an enormously high human toll on our local roadways…

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